trust-dns-recursor 0.22.0

*WARNING* This library is experimental Trust-DNS Recursor is a safe and secure DNS recursive resolver with DNSSec support. Trust-DNS is based on the Tokio and Futures libraries, which means it should be easily integrated into other software that also use those libraries. This library can be used as in the server and binary for performing recursive lookups.
// Copyright 2015-2022 Benjamin Fry <>
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or
//>, at your option. This file may not be
// copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.

use std::{net::SocketAddr, time::Instant};

use async_recursion::async_recursion;
use futures_util::{future::select_all, FutureExt};
use lru_cache::LruCache;
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use tracing::{debug, info, warn};

use trust_dns_proto::{
    rr::{RData, RecordType},
use trust_dns_resolver::{
    config::{NameServerConfig, NameServerConfigGroup, Protocol, ResolverOpts},
    dns_lru::{DnsLru, TtlConfig},
    Name, TokioConnection, TokioConnectionProvider, TokioHandle,

use crate::{recursor_pool::RecursorPool, Error, ErrorKind};

/// Set of nameservers by the zone name
type NameServerCache<C, P> = LruCache<Name, RecursorPool<C, P>>;

/// A top down recursive resolver which operates off a list of roots for initial recursive requests.
/// This is the well known root nodes, refered to as hints in RFCs. See the IANA [Root Servers]( list.
pub struct Recursor {
    roots: RecursorPool<TokioConnection, TokioConnectionProvider>,
    name_server_cache: Mutex<NameServerCache<TokioConnection, TokioConnectionProvider>>,
    record_cache: DnsLru,

impl Recursor {
    /// Construct a new recursor using the list of NameServerConfigs for the root node list
    /// # Panics
    /// This will panic if the roots are empty.
    pub fn new(roots: impl Into<NameServerConfigGroup>) -> Result<Self, ResolveError> {
        // configure the trust-dns-resolver
        let roots: NameServerConfigGroup = roots.into();

        assert!(!roots.is_empty(), "roots must not be empty");

        let opts = recursor_opts();
        let roots =
            NameServerPool::from_config(roots, &opts, TokioConnectionProvider::new(TokioHandle));
        let roots = RecursorPool::from(Name::root(), roots);
        let name_server_cache = Mutex::new(NameServerCache::new(100)); // TODO: make this configurable
        let record_cache = DnsLru::new(100, TtlConfig::default());

        Ok(Self {

    /// Permform a recursive resolution
    /// [RFC 1034](, Domain Concepts and Facilities, November 1987
    /// ```text
    /// 5.3.3. Algorithm
    /// The top level algorithm has four steps:
    ///    1. See if the answer is in local information, and if so return
    ///       it to the client.
    ///    2. Find the best servers to ask.
    ///    3. Send them queries until one returns a response.
    ///    4. Analyze the response, either:
    ///          a. if the response answers the question or contains a name
    ///             error, cache the data as well as returning it back to
    ///             the client.
    ///          b. if the response contains a better delegation to other
    ///             servers, cache the delegation information, and go to
    ///             step 2.
    ///          c. if the response shows a CNAME and that is not the
    ///             answer itself, cache the CNAME, change the SNAME to the
    ///             canonical name in the CNAME RR and go to step 1.
    ///          d. if the response shows a servers failure or other
    ///             bizarre contents, delete the server from the SLIST and
    ///             go back to step 3.
    /// Step 1 searches the cache for the desired data. If the data is in the
    /// cache, it is assumed to be good enough for normal use.  Some resolvers
    /// have an option at the user interface which will force the resolver to
    /// ignore the cached data and consult with an authoritative server.  This
    /// is not recommended as the default.  If the resolver has direct access to
    /// a name server's zones, it should check to see if the desired data is
    /// present in authoritative form, and if so, use the authoritative data in
    /// preference to cached data.
    /// Step 2 looks for a name server to ask for the required data.  The
    /// general strategy is to look for locally-available name server RRs,
    /// starting at SNAME, then the parent domain name of SNAME, the
    /// grandparent, and so on toward the root.  Thus if SNAME were
    /// Mockapetris.ISI.EDU, this step would look for NS RRs for
    /// Mockapetris.ISI.EDU, then ISI.EDU, then EDU, and then . (the root).
    /// These NS RRs list the names of hosts for a zone at or above SNAME.  Copy
    /// the names into SLIST.  Set up their addresses using local data.  It may
    /// be the case that the addresses are not available.  The resolver has many
    /// choices here; the best is to start parallel resolver processes looking
    /// for the addresses while continuing onward with the addresses which are
    /// available.  Obviously, the design choices and options are complicated
    /// and a function of the local host's capabilities.  The recommended
    /// priorities for the resolver designer are:
    ///    1. Bound the amount of work (packets sent, parallel processes
    ///       started) so that a request can't get into an infinite loop or
    ///       start off a chain reaction of requests or queries with other
    ///       SOME DATA.
    ///    2. Get back an answer if at all possible.
    ///    3. Avoid unnecessary transmissions.
    ///    4. Get the answer as quickly as possible.
    /// If the search for NS RRs fails, then the resolver initializes SLIST from
    /// the safety belt SBELT.  The basic idea is that when the resolver has no
    /// idea what servers to ask, it should use information from a configuration
    /// file that lists several servers which are expected to be helpful.
    /// Although there are special situations, the usual choice is two of the
    /// root servers and two of the servers for the host's domain.  The reason
    /// for two of each is for redundancy.  The root servers will provide
    /// eventual access to all of the domain space.  The two local servers will
    /// allow the resolver to continue to resolve local names if the local
    /// network becomes isolated from the internet due to gateway or link
    /// failure.
    /// In addition to the names and addresses of the servers, the SLIST data
    /// structure can be sorted to use the best servers first, and to insure
    /// that all addresses of all servers are used in a round-robin manner.  The
    /// sorting can be a simple function of preferring addresses on the local
    /// network over others, or may involve statistics from past events, such as
    /// previous response times and batting averages.
    /// Step 3 sends out queries until a response is received.  The strategy is
    /// to cycle around all of the addresses for all of the servers with a
    /// timeout between each transmission.  In practice it is important to use
    /// all addresses of a multihomed host, and too aggressive a retransmission
    /// policy actually slows response when used by multiple resolvers
    /// contending for the same name server and even occasionally for a single
    /// resolver.  SLIST typically contains data values to control the timeouts
    /// and keep track of previous transmissions.
    /// Step 4 involves analyzing responses.  The resolver should be highly
    /// paranoid in its parsing of responses.  It should also check that the
    /// response matches the query it sent using the ID field in the response.
    /// The ideal answer is one from a server authoritative for the query which
    /// either gives the required data or a name error.  The data is passed back
    /// to the user and entered in the cache for future use if its TTL is
    /// greater than zero.
    /// If the response shows a delegation, the resolver should check to see
    /// that the delegation is "closer" to the answer than the servers in SLIST
    /// are.  This can be done by comparing the match count in SLIST with that
    /// computed from SNAME and the NS RRs in the delegation.  If not, the reply
    /// is bogus and should be ignored.  If the delegation is valid the NS
    /// delegation RRs and any address RRs for the servers should be cached.
    /// The name servers are entered in the SLIST, and the search is restarted.
    /// If the response contains a CNAME, the search is restarted at the CNAME
    /// unless the response has the data for the canonical name or if the CNAME
    /// is the answer itself.
    /// Details and implementation hints can be found in [RFC-1035].
    /// 6. A SCENARIO
    /// In our sample domain space, suppose we wanted separate administrative
    /// control for the root, MIL, EDU, MIT.EDU and ISI.EDU zones.  We might
    /// allocate name servers as follows:
    ///                                    |(C.ISI.EDU,SRI-NIC.ARPA
    ///                                    | A.ISI.EDU)
    ///              +---------------------+------------------+
    ///              |                     |                  |
    ///             MIL                   EDU                ARPA
    ///              |(SRI-NIC.ARPA,       |(SRI-NIC.ARPA,    |
    ///              | A.ISI.EDU           | C.ISI.EDU)       |
    ///        +-----+-----+               |     +------+-----+-----+
    ///        |     |     |               |     |      |           |
    ///       BRL  NOSC  DARPA             |  IN-ADDR  SRI-NIC     ACC
    ///                                    |
    ///        +--------+------------------+---------------+--------+
    ///        |        |                  |               |        |
    ///       UCI      MIT                 |              UDEL     YALE
    ///                 |(XX.LCS.MIT.EDU, ISI
    ///                 |ACHILLES.MIT.EDU) |(VAXA.ISI.EDU,VENERA.ISI.EDU,
    ///             +---+---+              | A.ISI.EDU)
    ///             |       |              |
    ///            LCS   ACHILLES +--+-----+-----+--------+
    ///             |             |  |     |     |        |
    ///             XX            A  C   VAXA  VENERA Mockapetris
    /// In this example, the authoritative name server is shown in parentheses
    /// at the point in the domain tree at which is assumes control.
    /// Thus the root name servers are on C.ISI.EDU, SRI-NIC.ARPA, and
    /// A.ISI.EDU.  The MIL domain is served by SRI-NIC.ARPA and A.ISI.EDU.  The
    /// EDU domain is served by SRI-NIC.ARPA. and C.ISI.EDU.  Note that servers
    /// may have zones which are contiguous or disjoint.  In this scenario,
    /// C.ISI.EDU has contiguous zones at the root and EDU domains.  A.ISI.EDU
    /// has contiguous zones at the root and MIL domains, but also has a non-
    /// contiguous zone at ISI.EDU.
    /// ```
    pub async fn resolve(&self, query: Query, request_time: Instant) -> Result<Lookup, Error> {
        if let Some(lookup) = self.record_cache.get(&query, request_time) {
            return lookup.map_err(Into::into);

        // not in cache, let's look for an ns record for lookup
        let zone = match query.query_type() {
            RecordType::NS =>,
            // look for the NS records "inside" the zone
            _ =>,

        let mut zone = zone;
        let mut ns = None;

        // max number of forwarding processes
        'max_forward: for _ in 0..20 {
            match self.ns_pool_for_zone(zone.clone(), request_time).await {
                Ok(found) => {
                    // found the nameserver
                    ns = Some(found);
                    break 'max_forward;
                Err(e) => match e.kind() {
                    ErrorKind::Forward(name) => {
                        // if we already had this name, don't try again
                        if &zone == name {
                            debug!("zone previously searched for {}", name);
                            break 'max_forward;

                        debug!("ns forwarded to {}", name);
                        zone = name.clone();
                    _ => return Err(e),

        let ns = ns.ok_or_else(|| Error::from(format!("no nameserver found for {}", zone)))?;
        debug!("found zone {} for {}",, query);

        let response = self.lookup(query, ns, request_time).await?;

    async fn lookup(
        query: Query,
        ns: RecursorPool<TokioConnection, TokioConnectionProvider>,
        now: Instant,
    ) -> Result<Lookup, Error> {
        if let Some(lookup) = self.record_cache.get(&query, now) {
            debug!("cached data {:?}", lookup);
            return lookup.map_err(Into::into);

        let response = ns.lookup(query.clone());

        // TODO: we are only expecting one response
        // TODO: should we change DnsHandle to always be a single response? And build a totally custom handler for other situations?
        // TODO: check if data is "authentic"
        match response.await {
            Ok(mut r) => {
                info!("response: {}", r.header());
                let records = r

                let lookup = self.record_cache.insert_records(query, records, now);

                lookup.ok_or_else(|| Error::from("no records found"))
            Err(e) => {
                warn!("lookup error: {}", e);

    async fn ns_pool_for_zone(
        zone: Name,
        request_time: Instant,
    ) -> Result<RecursorPool<TokioConnection, TokioConnectionProvider>, Error> {
        // TODO: need to check TTLs here.
        if let Some(ns) = self.name_server_cache.lock().get_mut(&zone) {
            return Ok(ns.clone());

        let parent_zone = zone.base_name();

        let nameserver_pool = if parent_zone.is_root() {
            debug!("using roots for {} nameservers", zone);
        } else {
            self.ns_pool_for_zone(parent_zone, request_time).await?

        // TODO: check for cached ns pool for this zone

        let lookup = Query::query(zone.clone(), RecordType::NS);
        let response = self
            .lookup(lookup.clone(), nameserver_pool.clone(), request_time)

        // let zone_nameservers = response.name_servers();
        // let glue = response.additionals();

        // TODO: grab TTL and use for cache
        // get all the NS records and glue
        let mut config_group = NameServerConfigGroup::new();
        let mut need_ips_for_names = Vec::new();

        // unpack all glued records
        for zns in response.record_iter() {
            if let Some(ns_data) = {
                // let glue_ips = glue
                //     .iter()
                //     .filter(|g| == ns_data)
                //     .filter_map(Record::data)
                //     .filter_map(RData::to_ip_addr);

                let cached_a = self
                    .get(&Query::query(ns_data.clone(), RecordType::A), request_time);
                let cached_aaaa = self.record_cache.get(
                    &Query::query(ns_data.clone(), RecordType::AAAA),

                let cached_a = cached_a.and_then(Result::ok).map(Lookup::into_iter);
                let cached_aaaa = cached_aaaa.and_then(Result::ok).map(Lookup::into_iter);

                let glue_ips = cached_a
                    .filter_map(|r| RData::to_ip_addr(&r));

                let mut had_glue = false;
                for ip in glue_ips {
                    let mut udp = NameServerConfig::new(SocketAddr::from((ip, 53)), Protocol::Udp);
                    let mut tcp = NameServerConfig::new(SocketAddr::from((ip, 53)), Protocol::Tcp);

                    udp.trust_nx_responses = true;
                    tcp.trust_nx_responses = true;

                    had_glue = true;

                if !had_glue {
                    debug!("glue not found for {}", ns_data);

        // collect missing IP addresses, select over them all, get the addresses
        // make it configurable to query for all records?
        if config_group.is_empty() && !need_ips_for_names.is_empty() {
            debug!("need glue for {}", zone);
            let a_resolves = need_ips_for_names.iter().take(1).map(|name| {
                let a_query = Query::query((*name).clone(), RecordType::A);
                self.resolve(a_query, request_time).boxed()

            let aaaa_resolves = need_ips_for_names.iter().take(1).map(|name| {
                let aaaa_query = Query::query((*name).clone(), RecordType::AAAA);
                self.resolve(aaaa_query, request_time).boxed()

            let mut a_resolves: Vec<_> = a_resolves.chain(aaaa_resolves).collect();
            while !a_resolves.is_empty() {
                let (next, _, rest) = select_all(a_resolves).await;
                a_resolves = rest;

                match next {
                    Ok(response) => {
                        debug!("A or AAAA response: {:?}", response);
                        let ips = response.iter().filter_map(RData::to_ip_addr);

                        for ip in ips {
                            let udp =
                                NameServerConfig::new(SocketAddr::from((ip, 53)), Protocol::Udp);
                            let tcp =
                                NameServerConfig::new(SocketAddr::from((ip, 53)), Protocol::Tcp);

                    Err(e) => {
                        warn!("resolve failed {}", e);

        // now construct a namesever pool based off the NS and glue records
        let ns = NameServerPool::from_config(
        let ns = RecursorPool::from(zone.clone(), ns);

        // store in cache for future usage
        debug!("found nameservers for {}", zone);
        self.name_server_cache.lock().insert(zone, ns.clone());

fn recursor_opts() -> ResolverOpts {
    let mut options = ResolverOpts::default();
    options.ndots = 0;
    options.edns0 = true;
    options.validate = false; // we'll need to do any dnssec validation differently in a recursor (top-down rather than bottom-up)
    options.preserve_intermediates = true;
    options.recursion_desired = false;
    options.num_concurrent_reqs = 1;
