truetype 0.41.0

The package provides a parser for TrueType fonts.
//! The [PostScript information][1].
//! [1]:

use crate::number::q32;
use crate::{Result, Tape, Value};

/// PostScript information.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum PostScript {
    /// Version 1.
    /// Version 2.
    /// Version 3.

table! {
    #[doc = "PostScript information of version 1."]
    pub PostScript1 {
        version             (q32), // version
        italic_angle        (q32), // italicAngle
        underline_position  (i16), // underlinePosition
        underline_thickness (i16), // underlineThickness
        is_fixed_pitch      (u32), // isFixedPitch
        min_memory_type42   (u32), // minMemType42
        max_memory_type42   (u32), // maxMemType42
        min_memory_type1    (u32), // minMemType1
        max_memory_type1    (u32), // maxMemType1

table! {
    #[doc = "PostScript information of version 2."]
    pub PostScript2 {
        version             (q32), // version
        italic_angle        (q32), // italicAngle
        underline_position  (i16), // underlinePosition
        underline_thickness (i16), // underlineThickness
        is_fixed_pitch      (u32), // isFixedPitch
        min_memory_type42   (u32), // minMemType42
        max_memory_type42   (u32), // maxMemType42
        min_memory_type1    (u32), // minMemType1
        max_memory_type1    (u32), // maxMemType1
        glyph_count         (u16), // numberOfGlyphs

        glyph_name_indices (Vec<u16>) |this, tape| { // glyphNameIndex
            tape.take_given(this.glyph_count as usize)

        glyph_names (Vec<String>) |this, tape| { // names
            read_pascal_strings(tape, &this.glyph_name_indices)

/// PostScript information of version 3.
pub type PostScript3 = PostScript1;

impl Value for PostScript {
    fn read<T: Tape>(tape: &mut T) -> Result<Self> {
        Ok(match tape.peek::<q32>()? {
            q32(0x00010000) => PostScript::Version1(tape.take()?),
            q32(0x00020000) => PostScript::Version2(tape.take()?),
            q32(0x00030000) => PostScript::Version3(tape.take()?),
            _ => raise!("found an unknown format of the PostScript information"),

fn read_pascal_strings<T: Tape>(tape: &mut T, indices: &[u16]) -> Result<Vec<String>> {
    let count = indices
        .fold(0, |n, &i| if 258 <= i && i <= 32767 { n + 1 } else { n });
    let mut names = Vec::with_capacity(count);
    for _ in 0..count {
        let length = tape.take::<u8>()? as usize;
        match String::from_utf8(tape.take_bytes(length)?) {
            Ok(name) => names.push(name),
            _ => names.push("<malformed>".into()),