Crate truelayer_signing[][src]

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Produce & verify TrueLayer API Tl-Signature request headers.


// `Tl-Signature` value to send with the request.
let tl_signature = truelayer_signing::sign_with_pem(kid, private_key)
    .header("Idempotency-Key", idempotency_key)


Tl-Signature header.

Builder to generate a Tl-Signature header value using a private key.

Builder to verify a request against a Tl-Signature header.


Sign/verification error.


Extract JwsHeader info from a Tl-Signature header value.

Start building a request Tl-Signature header value using private key pem data & the key’s kid.

Start building a Tl-Signature header verifier using public key JWKs JSON response data.

Start building a Tl-Signature header verifier using public key pem data.