truck-platform 0.2.1

graphic utility library based on wgpu
use crate::*;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use std::sync::{LockResult, MutexGuard};

static MAXID: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);

impl RenderID {
    /// Generate the unique `RenderID`.
    pub fn gen() -> Self { RenderID(MAXID.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst)) }

impl DeviceHandler {
    /// constructor
    pub fn new(
        device: Arc<Device>,
        queue: Arc<Queue>,
        sc_desc: Arc<Mutex<SwapChainDescriptor>>,
    ) -> DeviceHandler {
        DeviceHandler {
    /// Returns the reference of the device.
    pub fn device(&self) -> &Arc<Device> { &self.device }
    /// Returns the reference of the queue.
    pub fn queue(&self) -> &Arc<Queue> { &self.queue }
    /// Returns the copy of swap chain descriptor.
    pub fn sc_desc(&self) -> SwapChainDescriptor { self.sc_desc.lock().unwrap().clone() }
    /// Locks the swap chain descriptor.
    pub fn lock_sc_desc(&self) -> LockResult<MutexGuard<SwapChainDescriptor>> {

impl Default for SceneDescriptor {
    fn default() -> SceneDescriptor {
        SceneDescriptor {
            background: Color::BLACK,
            camera: Camera::default(),
            lights: vec![Light::default()],
            sample_count: 1,

impl SceneDescriptor {
    /// Creates a `UNIFORM` buffer of camera.
    /// The bind group provides [`Scene`] holds this uniform buffer.
    /// # Shader Example
    /// ```glsl
    /// layout(set = 0, binding = 0) uniform Camera {
    ///     mat4 camera_matrix;     // the camera matrix
    ///     mat4 camera_projection; // the projection into the normalized view volume
    /// };
    /// ```
    pub fn camera_buffer(&self, handler: &DeviceHandler) -> BufferHandler {
        let sc_desc = handler.sc_desc();
        let as_rat = sc_desc.width as f64 / sc_desc.height as f64;, handler.device())

    /// Creates a `STORAGE` buffer of all lights.
    /// The bind group provides [`Scene`] holds this uniform buffer.
    /// # Shader Example
    /// ```glsl
    /// struct Light {
    ///     vec4 position;      // the position of light, position.w == 1.0
    ///     vec4 color;         // the color of light, color.w == 1.0
    ///     uvec4 light_type;   // Point => uvec4(0, 0, 0, 0), Uniform => uvec4(1, 0, 0, 0)
    /// };
    /// layout(set = 0, binding = 1) buffer Lights {
    ///     Light lights[];
    /// };
    /// ```
    pub fn lights_buffer(&self, device: &Device) -> BufferHandler {
        let light_vec: Vec<_> = self.lights.iter().map(Light::light_info).collect();
        BufferHandler::from_slice(&light_vec, device, BufferUsage::STORAGE)

impl Scene {
    fn camera_bgl_entry() -> PreBindGroupLayoutEntry {
        PreBindGroupLayoutEntry {
            visibility: ShaderStage::VERTEX | ShaderStage::FRAGMENT,
            ty: BindingType::UniformBuffer {
                dynamic: false,
                min_binding_size: None,
            count: None,

    fn lights_bgl_entry() -> PreBindGroupLayoutEntry {
        PreBindGroupLayoutEntry {
            visibility: ShaderStage::VERTEX | ShaderStage::FRAGMENT,
            ty: BindingType::StorageBuffer {
                dynamic: false,
                min_binding_size: None,
                readonly: true,
            count: None,

    fn scene_bgl_entry() -> PreBindGroupLayoutEntry {
        PreBindGroupLayoutEntry {
            visibility: ShaderStage::VERTEX | ShaderStage::FRAGMENT,
            ty: BindingType::UniformBuffer {
                dynamic: false,
                min_binding_size: None,
            count: None,

    fn init_scene_bind_group_layout(device: &Device) -> BindGroupLayout {

    fn sampling_buffer(
        device: &Device,
        sc_desc: &SwapChainDescriptor,
        sample_count: u32,
    ) -> Texture {
        device.create_texture(&TextureDescriptor {
            size: Extent3d {
                width: sc_desc.width,
                height: sc_desc.height,
                depth: 1,
            mip_level_count: 1,
            dimension: TextureDimension::D2,
            format: sc_desc.format,
            usage: TextureUsage::OUTPUT_ATTACHMENT,
            label: None,

    fn depth_texture(device: &Device, sc_desc: &SwapChainDescriptor, sample_count: u32) -> Texture {
        device.create_texture(&TextureDescriptor {
            size: Extent3d {
                width: sc_desc.width,
                height: sc_desc.height,
                depth: 1,
            mip_level_count: 1,
            dimension: TextureDimension::D2,
            format: TextureFormat::Depth32Float,
            usage: TextureUsage::OUTPUT_ATTACHMENT,
            label: None,

    fn update_textures(&mut self) {
        let sc_desc = self.sc_desc();
        let sample_count = self.scene_desc.sample_count;
        if self.depth_texture_size != (sc_desc.width, sc_desc.height)
            || sample_count != self.previous_sample_count
            self.depth_texture_size = (sc_desc.width, sc_desc.height);
            self.previous_sample_count = sample_count;
            self.foward_depth = Self::depth_texture(self.device(), &sc_desc, sample_count);
            self.sampling_buffer = Self::sampling_buffer(self.device(), &sc_desc, sample_count);

    /// constructor
    // About `scene_desc`, entity is better than reference for the performance.
    // This is referece because only for as wgpu is.
    pub fn new(device_handler: DeviceHandler, scene_desc: &SceneDescriptor) -> Scene {
        let (device, sc_desc) = (device_handler.device(), device_handler.sc_desc());
        let bind_group_layout = Self::init_scene_bind_group_layout(device);
        Scene {
            objects: Default::default(),
            foward_depth: Self::depth_texture(device, &sc_desc, scene_desc.sample_count),
            depth_texture_size: (sc_desc.width, sc_desc.height),
            sampling_buffer: Self::sampling_buffer(device, &sc_desc, scene_desc.sample_count),
            previous_sample_count: scene_desc.sample_count,
            clock: std::time::Instant::now(),
            scene_desc: scene_desc.clone(),

    /// Returns the reference of its own `DeviceHandler`.
    pub fn device_handler(&self) -> &DeviceHandler { &self.device_handler }

    /// Returns the reference of the device.
    pub fn device(&self) -> &Arc<Device> { &self.device_handler.device }

    /// Returns the reference of the queue.
    pub fn queue(&self) -> &Arc<Queue> { &self.device_handler.queue }

    /// Returns the copy of swap chain descriptor.
    pub fn sc_desc(&self) -> SwapChainDescriptor { self.device_handler.sc_desc() }
    /// Locks the swap chain descriptor.
    pub fn lock_sc_desc(&self) -> LockResult<MutexGuard<SwapChainDescriptor>> {
    /// Returns the elapsed time since the scene was created.
    pub fn elapsed(&self) -> std::time::Duration { self.clock.elapsed() }

    /// Returns the reference of the descriptor.
    pub fn descriptor(&self) -> &SceneDescriptor { &self.scene_desc }

    /// Returns the mutable reference of the descriptor.
    pub fn descriptor_mut(&mut self) -> &mut SceneDescriptor { &mut self.scene_desc }
    /// Returns the bind group layout in the scene.
    pub fn bind_group_layout(&self) -> &BindGroupLayout { &self.bind_group_layout }

    /// Creates a `UNIFORM` buffer of the camera.
    /// The bind group provides [`Scene`] holds this uniform buffer.
    /// # Shader Example
    /// ```glsl
    /// layout(set = 0, binding = 0) uniform Camera {
    ///     mat4 camera_matrix;     // the camera matrix
    ///     mat4 camera_projection; // the projection into the normalized view volume
    /// };
    /// ```
    pub fn camera_buffer(&self) -> BufferHandler {

    /// Creates a `STORAGE` buffer of all lights.
    /// The bind group provides [`Scene`] holds this uniform buffer.
    /// # Shader Example
    /// ```glsl
    /// struct Light {
    ///     vec4 position;      // the position of light, position.w == 1.0
    ///     vec4 color;         // the color of light, color.w == 1.0
    ///     uvec4 light_type;   // Point => uvec4(0, 0, 0, 0), Uniform => uvec4(1, 0, 0, 0)
    /// };
    /// layout(set = 0, binding = 1) buffer Lights {
    ///     Light lights[]; // the number of lights must be gotten from another place
    /// };
    /// ```
    pub fn lights_buffer(&self) -> BufferHandler { self.scene_desc.lights_buffer(self.device()) }

    /// Creates a `UNIFORM` buffer of the scene status.
    /// The bind group provides [`Scene`] holds this uniform buffer.
    /// # Shader Example
    /// ```glsl
    /// layout(set = 0, binding = 2) uniform Scene {
    ///     float time;     // elapsed time since the scene was created.
    ///     uint nlights;   // the number of lights
    /// };
    /// ```
    pub fn scene_status_buffer(&self) -> BufferHandler {
        let scene_info = SceneInfo {
            time: self.elapsed().as_secs_f32(),
            num_of_lights: self.scene_desc.lights.len() as u32,
        BufferHandler::from_slice(&[scene_info], self.device(), BufferUsage::UNIFORM)

    /// Creates bind group.
    /// # Shader Examples
    /// Suppose binded as `set = 0`.
    /// ```glsl
    /// layout(set = 0, binding = 0) uniform Camera {
    ///     mat4 camera_matrix;     // the camera matrix
    ///     mat4 camera_projection; // the projection into the normalized view volume
    /// };
    /// struct Light {
    ///     vec4 position;      // the position of light, position.w == 1.0
    ///     vec4 color;         // the color of light, color.w == 1.0
    ///     uvec4 light_type;   // Point => uvec4(0, 0, 0, 0), Uniform => uvec4(1, 0, 0, 0)
    /// };
    /// layout(set = 0, binding = 1) buffer Lights {
    ///     Light lights[];
    /// };
    /// layout(set = 0, binding = 2) uniform Scene {
    ///     float time;     // elapsed time since the scene was created.
    ///     uint nlights;   // the number of lights
    /// };
    /// ```
    pub fn scene_bind_group(&self) -> BindGroup {

    /// Adds a render object to the scene.
    /// If there already exists a render object with the same ID,
    /// replaces the render object and returns false.
    pub fn add_object<R: Rendered>(&mut self, object: &R) -> bool {
        let render_object = object.render_object(self);
            .insert(object.render_id(), render_object)
    /// Adds render objects to the scene.
    /// If there already exists a render object with the same ID,
    /// replaces the render object and returns false.
    pub fn add_objects<'a, R, I>(&mut self, objects: I) -> bool
        R: 'a + Rendered,
        I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a R>, {
        let closure = move |flag, object| flag && self.add_object(object);
        objects.into_iter().fold(true, closure)
    /// Removes a render object from the scene.
    /// If there does not exist the render object in the scene, does nothing and returns false.
    pub fn remove_object<R: Rendered>(&mut self, object: &R) -> bool {
    /// Removes render objects from the scene.
    /// If there exists a render object which does not exist in the scene, returns false.
    pub fn remove_objects<'a, R, I>(&mut self, objects: I) -> bool
        R: 'a + Rendered,
        I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a R>, {
        let closure = move |flag, object| flag && self.remove_object(object);
        objects.into_iter().fold(true, closure)

    /// Removes all render objects from the scene.
    pub fn clear_objects(&mut self) { self.objects.clear() }

    /// Returns the number of the render objects in the scene.
    pub fn number_of_objects(&self) -> usize { self.objects.len() }

    /// Syncronizes the information of vertices of `object` in the CPU memory
    /// and that in the GPU memory.
    /// If there does not exist the render object in the scene, does nothing and returns false.
    pub fn update_vertex_buffer<R: Rendered>(&mut self, object: &R) -> bool {
        let (handler, objects) = (&self.device_handler, &mut self.objects);
        match objects.get_mut(&object.render_id()) {
            None => false,
            Some(render_object) => {
                let (vb, ib) = object.vertex_buffer(handler);
                render_object.vertex_buffer = vb;
                render_object.index_buffer = ib;

    /// Syncronizes the information of vertices of `objects` in the CPU memory
    /// and that in the GPU memory.
    /// If there exists a render object which does not exist in the scene, returns false.
    pub fn update_vertex_buffers<'a, R, I>(&mut self, objects: I) -> bool
        R: 'a + Rendered,
        I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a R>, {
        let closure = move |flag, object: &R| flag && self.update_vertex_buffer(object);
        objects.into_iter().fold(true, closure)

    /// Syncronizes the information of bind group of `object` in the CPU memory
    /// and that in the GPU memory.
    /// If there does not exist the render object in the scene, does nothing and returns false.
    pub fn update_bind_group<R: Rendered>(&mut self, object: &R) -> bool {
        let (handler, objects) = (&self.device_handler, &mut self.objects);
        match objects.get_mut(&object.render_id()) {
            Some(render_object) => {
                let bind_group = object.bind_group(handler, &render_object.bind_group_layout);
                render_object.bind_group = bind_group;
            _ => false,
    /// Syncronizes the information of bind group of `object` in the CPU memory
    /// and that in the GPU memory.
    /// If there exists a render object which does not exist in the scene, returns false.
    pub fn update_bind_groups<'a, R, I>(&mut self, objects: I) -> bool
        R: 'a + Rendered,
        I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a R>, {
        let closure = move |flag, object: &R| flag && self.update_bind_group(object);
        objects.into_iter().fold(true, closure)
    /// Syncronizes the information of pipeline of `object` in the CPU memory
    /// and that in the GPU memory.
    /// If there does not exist the render object in the scene, does nothing and returns false.
    pub fn update_pipeline<R: Rendered>(&mut self, object: &R) -> bool {
        let (handler, objects) = (&self.device_handler, &mut self.objects);
        match objects.get_mut(&object.render_id()) {
            Some(render_object) => {
                let device = handler.device();
                let pipeline_layout = device.create_pipeline_layout(&PipelineLayoutDescriptor {
                    bind_group_layouts: &[
                    push_constant_ranges: &[],
                    label: None,
                render_object.pipeline =
                    object.pipeline(handler, &pipeline_layout, self.scene_desc.sample_count);
            _ => false,
    /// Syncronizes the information of pipeline of `object` in the CPU memory
    /// and that in the GPU memory.
    /// If there exists a render object which does not exist in the scene, returns false.
    pub fn update_pipelines<'a, R, I>(&mut self, objects: I) -> bool
        R: 'a + Rendered,
        I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a R>, {
        let closure = move |flag, object: &R| flag && self.update_pipeline(object);
        objects.into_iter().fold(true, closure)
    fn depth_stencil_attachment_descriptor(
        depth_view: &TextureView,
    ) -> RenderPassDepthStencilAttachmentDescriptor {
        RenderPassDepthStencilAttachmentDescriptor {
            attachment: depth_view,
            depth_ops: Some(Operations {
                load: LoadOp::Clear(1.0),
                store: true,
            stencil_ops: Some(Operations {
                load: LoadOp::Clear(0),
                store: true,

    /// Renders the scene to `view`.
    pub fn render_scene(&mut self, view: &TextureView) {
        let bind_group = self.scene_bind_group();
        let depth_view = self.foward_depth.create_view(&Default::default());
        let sampled_view = self.sampling_buffer.create_view(&Default::default());
        let mut encoder = self
            .create_command_encoder(&CommandEncoderDescriptor { label: None });
            let (attachment, resolve_target) = match self.scene_desc.sample_count != 1 {
                true => (&sampled_view, Some(view)),
                false => (view, None),
            let mut rpass = encoder.begin_render_pass(&RenderPassDescriptor {
                color_attachments: &[RenderPassColorAttachmentDescriptor {
                    ops: Operations {
                        load: LoadOp::Clear(self.scene_desc.background),
                        store: true,
                depth_stencil_attachment: Some(Self::depth_stencil_attachment_descriptor(
            rpass.set_bind_group(0, &bind_group, &[]);
            for (_, object) in self.objects.iter() {
                rpass.set_bind_group(1, &object.bind_group, &[]);
                rpass.set_vertex_buffer(0, object.vertex_buffer.buffer.slice(..));
                match object.index_buffer {
                    Some(ref index_buffer) => {
                        let index_size =
                            index_buffer.size as u32 / std::mem::size_of::<u32>() as u32;
                        rpass.draw_indexed(0..index_size, 0, 0..1);
                    None => {
                        let len = object.vertex_buffer.size / object.vertex_buffer.stride;
                        rpass.draw(0..len as u32, 0..1);

fn render_id_test() {
    use std::collections::HashSet;
    use rayon::prelude::*;
    const N: usize = 100;
    let v: Vec<RenderID> = (0..N)
        .map(|_| RenderID::gen())
    let set: HashSet<RenderID> = v.into_iter().collect();
    assert_eq!(set.len(), N);