tro 2.7.0

A Trello API client for the command line


|CircleCI| |CratesIO|

tro is a Trello API client for the command line written in rust.

.. image:: assets/tro_show_board.png :width: 400

NOTE that tro is still considered to be in development. Expect things to change suddenly and without warning until this notice is removed!


Currently, the only way to install is through cargo


cargo install tro


Run tro setup to setup tro for the first time.

Take a look at tro --help for a list of all available subcommands after that.

Available Subcommands

  • setup: Setup tro for the first time
  • show: Show an object (Board, List or Card)
  • search: Search for Trello cards
  • create: Create an object
  • open: Open an object that has been closed
  • close: Close an object
  • label: Apply or remove a label on a card
  • url: Display the url of an object
  • attach: Attach a file to a Card
  • attachments: View attachments on a Card

How it works

Most of the subcommands in this tool work by specifying one or more patterns in the form of:


<board pattern> <list pattern> <card pattern>

Patterns are simple regex pattern matches. You can specify simple patterns such as substrings too.

tro then attempts to find the object(s) you requested using this process:

  • If tro does not manage to find a match for one or more if the items specified, then it will display an appropriate error.

  • If tro manages to find a unique match for each of the items specified, then it will successfully display the object(s) you requested.

  • If tro finds any of the patterns are matched with multiple possible items, then the tool will be unable to precisely determine which object you were referring to and do its best to explain why.

Usage Examples

Here are some examples of how patterns can be used in subcommands.

Say we have a board named "TODO" with two lists named "today" and "done".

We can show the entire board by just specifying the board name:

.. image:: assets/tro_show_board.png :width: 400

Notice how by default patterns are case insensitive. You can make pattern matches case sensitive with the -c flag.

If we want to only see a specific list within the board, we can specify an additional list pattern:

.. image:: assets/tro_show_list.png :width: 400

If we want to show/edit a specific card, then we can also specify an additional card pattern.

Showing a card will open your default editor (specified by the EDITOR environment variable) so that you can edit the contents of the specified card.

For example, running tro show todo today rust would open as follows:

.. image:: assets/tro_show_card.png :width: 400

A card which has contents can be easily spotted by the [...] marker when viewing a board or list:

.. image:: assets/tro_card_contents.png :width: 400

Interactive Mode

Most subcommands have an interactive mode that can be enabled by passing the --interactive or -i flag.

Interactive mode provides a simple keyboard interface to choose relative items when possible.

.. |CircleCI| image:: :target:

.. |CratesIO| image:: :target: