trk-io 0.3.5

TrackVis (*.trk) reader and writer

The `trk-io` crate provides a `TrackVis`__  (.trk) reader and writer.


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- Can read and write `TrackVis` files. Handles affine transformation as
  ``nibabel.streamlines`` and `MI-Brain`__ would.
- Reading and writing is tested as much as in ``nibabel.streamlines``.
- ``Reader`` can read all streamlines at once or can be used as a generator.
- Write all at once or streamline per streamline.
- Follows ``nibabel.streamlines`` architecture (all 3D points are in a single
  ``Vec![Point3D]``). Currently, this is only useful for performance, but it may
  lead to easier changes when and if we support BLAS.
- Handles endianness.



    // Read complete streamlines to memory
    let streamlines = Reader::new("bundle.trk").read_all();
    for streamline in &streamlines {
        println!("Nb points: {}", streamline.len());
        for point in streamline {
            println!("{}", point);


    // Simple read/write. Using a generator (read one streamline at a time)
    let reader = Reader::new("full_brain.trk");
    let mut writer = Writer::new("copy.trk", Some(reader.header.clone()));
    for streamline in reader.into_iter() {
    // The new file will be completed only at the end of the scope. The 
    // 'n_count' field is written in the destructor because we don't
    // know how many streamlines the user will write.


- Do actual releases, not just publish
- Better handling of scalars and properties. There's currently a way to access
  them but I wouldn't call it conveniant. They are in the header so you need to
  zip over them yourself.
- Think about removing ``Streamlines::lengths`` as it seems only ``offsets`` is
  required. This is transparent to the user and not really important but it
  will same some memory.
- Create some binary tools using this lib, e.g. show_affine, count_tracks,
  pruning, strip_info, color, etc.
- Write documentation
- Support for ``ops.Range``, e.g. ``streamlines[0..10]``