triton-vm 0.14.0

A virtual machine that comes with Algebraic Execution Tables (AET) and Arithmetic Intermediate Representations (AIR) for use in combination with a STARK proof system to allow proving correct execution of arbitrary programs in zero-knowledge.
use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt;
use std::marker::PhantomData;

use anyhow::Result;
use itertools::Itertools;
use num_traits::One;
use rayon::iter::*;
use triton_profiler::prof_start;
use triton_profiler::prof_stop;
use triton_profiler::triton_profiler::TritonProfiler;
use twenty_first::shared_math::b_field_element::BFieldElement;
use twenty_first::shared_math::ntt::intt;
use twenty_first::shared_math::other::log_2_ceil;
use twenty_first::shared_math::other::log_2_floor;
use twenty_first::shared_math::polynomial::Polynomial;
use twenty_first::shared_math::rescue_prime_digest::Digest;
use twenty_first::shared_math::traits::CyclicGroupGenerator;
use twenty_first::shared_math::traits::FiniteField;
use twenty_first::shared_math::traits::ModPowU32;
use twenty_first::shared_math::x_field_element::XFieldElement;
use twenty_first::util_types::algebraic_hasher::AlgebraicHasher;
use twenty_first::util_types::algebraic_hasher::Hashable;
use twenty_first::util_types::merkle_tree::MerkleTree;
use twenty_first::util_types::merkle_tree::PartialAuthenticationPath;
use twenty_first::util_types::merkle_tree_maker::MerkleTreeMaker;

use crate::arithmetic_domain::ArithmeticDomain;
use crate::proof_item::FriResponse;
use crate::proof_item::ProofItem;
use crate::proof_stream::ProofStream;
use crate::stark::Maker;

impl Error for FriValidationError {}

impl fmt::Display for FriValidationError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "Deserialization error for LowDegreeProof: {:?}", self)

#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub enum FriValidationError {

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Fri<H> {
    // In STARK, the expansion factor <FRI domain length> / max_degree, where
    // `max_degree` is the max degree of any interpolation rounded up to the
    // nearest power of 2.
    pub expansion_factor: usize,
    pub colinearity_checks_count: usize,
    pub domain: ArithmeticDomain,
    _hasher: PhantomData<H>,

impl<H: AlgebraicHasher> Fri<H> {
    pub fn new(
        offset: BFieldElement,
        domain_length: usize,
        expansion_factor: usize,
        colinearity_checks_count: usize,
    ) -> Self {
        let domain = ArithmeticDomain::new(offset, domain_length);
        let _hasher = PhantomData;
        Self {

    /// Build the (deduplicated) Merkle authentication paths for the codeword at the given indices
    /// and enqueue the corresponding values and (partial) authentication paths on the proof stream.
    fn enqueue_auth_pairs(
        indices: &[usize],
        codeword: &[XFieldElement],
        merkle_tree: &MerkleTree<H, Maker>,
        proof_stream: &mut ProofStream<ProofItem, H>,
    ) {
        let value_ap_pairs: Vec<(PartialAuthenticationPath<Digest>, XFieldElement)> = merkle_tree
            .map(|(ap, i)| (ap, codeword[*i]))

    /// Given a set of `indices`, a merkle `root`, and the (correctly set) `proof_stream`, verify
    /// whether the values at the `indices` are members of the set committed to by the merkle `root`
    /// and return these values if they are. Fails otherwise.
    fn dequeue_and_authenticate(
        indices: &[usize],
        root: Digest,
        proof_stream: &mut ProofStream<ProofItem, H>,
    ) -> Result<Vec<XFieldElement>> {
        let fri_response = proof_stream.dequeue()?.as_fri_response()?;
        let dequeued_paths_and_leafs = fri_response.0;
        let paths = dequeued_paths_and_leafs.clone().into_iter().map(|(p, _)| p);
        let values: Vec<XFieldElement> = dequeued_paths_and_leafs
            .map(|(_, v)| v)
        let digests: Vec<Digest> = values.par_iter().map(H::hash).collect();
        let path_digest_pairs = paths.into_iter().zip(digests).collect_vec();
        if MerkleTree::<H, Maker>::verify_authentication_structure(
        ) {
        } else {

    /// Create a FRI proof and return chosen indices of round 0 and Merkle root of round 0 codeword
    pub fn prove(
        codeword: &[XFieldElement],
        proof_stream: &mut ProofStream<ProofItem, H>,
    ) -> Result<(Vec<usize>, Digest)> {
            "Initial codeword length must match that set in FRI object"

        // commit phase
        let (codewords, merkle_trees): (Vec<Vec<XFieldElement>>, Vec<MerkleTree<H, Maker>>) =
            self.commit(codeword, proof_stream)?.into_iter().unzip();

        // Fiat-Shamir to get indices
        let top_level_indices: Vec<usize> = self.sample_indices(&proof_stream.prover_fiat_shamir());

        // query phase
        // query step 0: enqueue authentication paths for all points `A` into proof stream
        let initial_a_indices: Vec<usize> = top_level_indices.clone();
        Self::enqueue_auth_pairs(&initial_a_indices, codeword, &merkle_trees[0], proof_stream);
        // query step 1: loop over FRI rounds, enqueue authentication paths for all points `B`
        let mut current_domain_len = self.domain.length;
        let mut b_indices: Vec<usize> = initial_a_indices;
        // the last codeword is transmitted to the verifier in the clear. Thus, no co-linearity
        // check is needed for the last codeword and we only have to look at the interval given here
        for r in 0..merkle_trees.len() - 1 {
                "The current domain length needs to be the same as the length of the \
                current codeword"
            b_indices = b_indices
                .map(|x| (x + current_domain_len / 2) % current_domain_len)
            Self::enqueue_auth_pairs(&b_indices, &codewords[r], &merkle_trees[r], proof_stream);
            current_domain_len /= 2;

        let merkle_root_of_1st_round: Digest = merkle_trees[0].get_root();
        Ok((top_level_indices, merkle_root_of_1st_round))

    fn commit(
        codeword: &[XFieldElement],
        proof_stream: &mut ProofStream<ProofItem, H>,
    ) -> Result<Vec<(Vec<XFieldElement>, MerkleTree<H, Maker>)>> {
        let mut subgroup_generator = self.domain.generator;
        let mut offset = self.domain.offset;
        let mut codeword_local = codeword.to_vec();

        let one: XFieldElement = XFieldElement::one();
        let two: XFieldElement = one + one;
        let two_inv = one / two;

        // Compute and send Merkle root
        let mut digests: Vec<Digest> = Vec::with_capacity(codeword_local.len());
            .map(|xfe| H::hash(&xfe))
            .collect_into_vec(&mut digests);
        let mut mt: MerkleTree<H, Maker> = Maker::from_digests(&digests);
        let mut mt_root: Digest = mt.get_root();

        let mut values_and_merkle_trees = vec![(codeword_local.clone(), mt)];

        let (num_rounds, _) = self.num_rounds();
        for _round in 0..num_rounds {
            let n = codeword_local.len();

            // Get challenge
            let challenge_digest = proof_stream.prover_fiat_shamir();
            let alpha: XFieldElement = XFieldElement::sample(&challenge_digest);

            let x_offset: Vec<XFieldElement> = subgroup_generator
                .map(|x| (x * offset).lift())

            let x_offset_inverses = XFieldElement::batch_inversion(x_offset);
            codeword_local = (0..n / 2)
                .map(|i| {
                        * ((one + alpha * x_offset_inverses[i]) * codeword_local[i]
                            + (one - alpha * x_offset_inverses[i]) * codeword_local[n / 2 + i])

            // Compute and send Merkle root. We have to do that within this loops, since
            // the next round's alpha must be calculated from the previous round's Merkle root.
                .map(|xfe| H::hash(&xfe))
                .collect_into_vec(&mut digests);

            mt = Maker::from_digests(&digests);
            mt_root = mt.get_root();
            values_and_merkle_trees.push((codeword_local.clone(), mt));

            // Update subgroup generator and offset
            subgroup_generator = subgroup_generator * subgroup_generator;
            offset = offset * offset;

        // Send the last codeword
        let last_codeword: Vec<XFieldElement> = codeword_local;


    // Return the c-indices for the 1st round of FRI
    fn sample_indices(&self, seed: &Digest) -> Vec<usize> {
        // This algorithm starts with the inner-most indices to pick up
        // to `last_codeword_length` indices from the codeword in the last round.
        // It then calculates the indices in the subsequent rounds by choosing
        // between the two possible next indices in the next round until we get
        // the c-indices for the first round.
        let num_rounds = self.num_rounds().0;
        let last_codeword_length = self.domain.length >> num_rounds;
            self.colinearity_checks_count <= last_codeword_length,
            "Requested number of indices must not exceed length of last codeword"

        let mut last_indices: Vec<usize> = vec![];
        let mut remaining_last_round_exponents: Vec<usize> = (0..last_codeword_length).collect();
        let mut counter = 0usize;
        for _ in 0..self.colinearity_checks_count {
            let mut seed_local = seed.to_sequence();
            seed_local.append(&mut counter.to_sequence());
            let digest: Digest = H::hash_slice(&seed_local);
            let index: usize =
                H::sample_index_not_power_of_two(&digest, remaining_last_round_exponents.len());
            counter += 1;

        // Use last indices to derive first c-indices
        let mut indices = last_indices;
        for i in 1..num_rounds {
            let codeword_length = last_codeword_length << i;

            indices = indices
                .zip((counter..counter + self.colinearity_checks_count).into_par_iter())
                .map(|(index, _count)| {
                    let mut seed_local = seed.to_sequence();
                    seed_local.append(&mut counter.to_sequence());
                    let digest: Digest = H::hash_slice(&seed_local);
                    let reduce_modulo: bool = H::sample_index(&digest, 2) == 0;
                    if reduce_modulo {
                        index + codeword_length / 2
                    } else {


    pub fn verify(
        proof_stream: &mut ProofStream<ProofItem, H>,
        first_codeword_mt_root: &Digest,
        maybe_profiler: &mut Option<TritonProfiler>,
    ) -> Result<()> {
        prof_start!(maybe_profiler, "init");
        let (num_rounds, degree_of_last_round) = self.num_rounds();
        let num_rounds = num_rounds as usize;

        // Extract all roots and calculate alpha, the challenges
        let mut roots: Vec<Digest> = vec![];
        let mut alphas: Vec<XFieldElement> = vec![];

        let first_root: Digest = proof_stream.dequeue()?.as_merkle_root()?;
        if first_root != *first_codeword_mt_root {
            return Err(anyhow::Error::new(

        prof_stop!(maybe_profiler, "init");

        prof_start!(maybe_profiler, "roots and alpha");
        for _round in 0..num_rounds {
            // Get a challenge from the proof stream
            let challenge = proof_stream.verifier_fiat_shamir();
            let alpha: XFieldElement = XFieldElement::sample(&challenge);

            let root: Digest = proof_stream.dequeue()?.as_merkle_root()?;
        prof_stop!(maybe_profiler, "roots and alpha");

        prof_start!(maybe_profiler, "last codeword matches root");
        // Extract last codeword
        let last_codeword: Vec<XFieldElement> = proof_stream.dequeue()?.as_fri_codeword()?;

        // Check if last codeword matches the given root
        let codeword_digests = last_codeword.iter().map(H::hash).collect_vec();
        let last_codeword_mt: MerkleTree<H, Maker> = Maker::from_digests(&codeword_digests);
        let last_root = roots.last().unwrap();
        if *last_root != last_codeword_mt.get_root() {
            return Err(anyhow::Error::new(
        prof_stop!(maybe_profiler, "last codeword matches root");

        // Verify that last codeword is of sufficiently low degree

        prof_start!(maybe_profiler, "last codeword has low degree");
        // Compute interpolant to get the degree of the last codeword
        // Note that we don't have to scale the polynomial back to the
        // trace subgroup since we only check its degree and don't use
        // it further.
        let log_2_of_n = log_2_floor(last_codeword.len() as u128) as u32;
        let mut last_polynomial = last_codeword.clone();

        let last_fri_domain_generator = self
            .mod_pow_u32(2u32.pow(num_rounds as u32));
        intt::<XFieldElement>(&mut last_polynomial, last_fri_domain_generator, log_2_of_n);

        let last_poly_degree: isize = (Polynomial::<XFieldElement> {
            coefficients: last_polynomial,

        if last_poly_degree > degree_of_last_round as isize {
                "last_poly_degree is {}, degree_of_last_round is {}",
                last_poly_degree, degree_of_last_round
            return Err(anyhow::Error::new(
        prof_stop!(maybe_profiler, "last codeword has low degree");

        // Query phase
        prof_start!(maybe_profiler, "query phase");
        // query step 0: get "A" indices and verify set membership of corresponding values.
        prof_start!(maybe_profiler, "sample indices");
        let mut a_indices: Vec<usize> = self.sample_indices(&proof_stream.verifier_fiat_shamir());
        prof_stop!(maybe_profiler, "sample indices");
        prof_start!(maybe_profiler, "dequeue and authenticate");
        let mut a_values = Self::dequeue_and_authenticate(&a_indices, roots[0], proof_stream)?;
        prof_stop!(maybe_profiler, "dequeue and authenticate");

        // set up "B" for offsetting inside loop.  Note that "B" and "A" indices
        // can be calcuated from each other.
        let mut b_indices = a_indices.clone();
        let mut current_domain_len = self.domain.length;

        // query step 1:  loop over FRI rounds, verify "B"s, compute values for "C"s
        prof_start!(maybe_profiler, "loop");
        for r in 0..num_rounds {
            // get "B" indices and verify set membership of corresponding values
            b_indices = b_indices
                .map(|x| (x + current_domain_len / 2) % current_domain_len)
            let b_values = Self::dequeue_and_authenticate(&b_indices, roots[r], proof_stream)?;
                "There must be equally many 'a indices' as there are colinearity checks."
                "There must be equally many 'b indices' as there are colinearity checks."
                "There must be equally many 'a values' as there are colinearity checks."
                "There must be equally many 'b values' as there are colinearity checks."

            // compute "C" indices and values for next round from "A" and "B`"" of current round
            current_domain_len /= 2;
            let c_indices = a_indices.iter().map(|x| x % current_domain_len).collect();
            let c_values = (0..self.colinearity_checks_count)
                .map(|i| {
                        (self.get_evaluation_argument(a_indices[i], r), a_values[i]),
                        (self.get_evaluation_argument(b_indices[i], r), b_values[i]),

            // Notice that next rounds "A"s correspond to current rounds "C":
            a_indices = c_indices;
            a_values = c_values;
        prof_stop!(maybe_profiler, "loop");
        prof_stop!(maybe_profiler, "query phase");

        // Finally compare "C" values (which are named "A" values in this
        // enclosing scope) with last codeword from the proofstream.
        prof_start!(maybe_profiler, "compare last codeword");
        a_indices = a_indices.iter().map(|x| x % current_domain_len).collect();
        if (0..self.colinearity_checks_count).any(|i| last_codeword[a_indices[i]] != a_values[i]) {
            return Err(anyhow::Error::new(
        prof_stop!(maybe_profiler, "compare last codeword");

    /// Given index `i` of the FRI codeword in round `round`, compute the corresponding value in the
    /// FRI (co-)domain. This corresponds to `ω^i` in `f(ω^i)` from
    /// [STARK-Anatomy](
    fn get_evaluation_argument(&self, idx: usize, round: usize) -> XFieldElement {
        let domain_value = self.domain.offset * self.domain.generator.mod_pow_u32(idx as u32);
        let round_exponent = 2u32.pow(round as u32);
        let evaluation_argument = domain_value.mod_pow_u32(round_exponent);


    fn num_rounds(&self) -> (u8, u32) {
        let max_degree = (self.domain.length / self.expansion_factor) - 1;
        let mut rounds_count = log_2_ceil(max_degree as u128 + 1) as u8;
        let mut max_degree_of_last_round = 0u32;
        if self.expansion_factor < self.colinearity_checks_count {
            let num_missed_rounds = log_2_ceil(
                (self.colinearity_checks_count as f64 / self.expansion_factor as f64).ceil()
                    as u128,
            ) as u8;
            rounds_count -= num_missed_rounds;
            max_degree_of_last_round = 2u32.pow(num_missed_rounds as u32) - 1;

        (rounds_count, max_degree_of_last_round)

mod triton_xfri_tests {
    use itertools::Itertools;
    use num_traits::Zero;
    use rand::thread_rng;
    use rand::RngCore;
    use twenty_first::shared_math::b_field_element::BFieldElement;
    use twenty_first::shared_math::rescue_prime_regular::RescuePrimeRegular;
    use twenty_first::shared_math::traits::CyclicGroupGenerator;
    use twenty_first::shared_math::traits::ModPowU32;
    use twenty_first::shared_math::x_field_element::XFieldElement;
    use twenty_first::test_shared::corrupt_digest;
    use twenty_first::utils::has_unique_elements;

    use super::*;

    fn sample_indices_test() {
        type H = RescuePrimeRegular;
        let mut rng = thread_rng();

        let subgroup_order = 16;
        let expansion_factor = 4;
        let colinearity_checks = 16;
        let fri: Fri<H> =
            get_x_field_fri_test_object::<H>(subgroup_order, expansion_factor, colinearity_checks);
        let indices = fri.sample_indices(&H::hash(&BFieldElement::new(rng.next_u64())));
            "Picked indices must be unique"

    fn get_rounds_count_test() {
        type Hasher = RescuePrimeRegular;

        let subgroup_order = 512;
        let expansion_factor = 4;
        let mut fri: Fri<Hasher> =
            get_x_field_fri_test_object::<Hasher>(subgroup_order, expansion_factor, 2);

        assert_eq!((7, 0), fri.num_rounds());
        fri.colinearity_checks_count = 8;
        assert_eq!((6, 1), fri.num_rounds());
        fri.colinearity_checks_count = 10;
        assert_eq!((5, 3), fri.num_rounds());
        fri.colinearity_checks_count = 16;
        assert_eq!((5, 3), fri.num_rounds());
        fri.colinearity_checks_count = 17;
        assert_eq!((4, 7), fri.num_rounds());
        fri.colinearity_checks_count = 18;
        assert_eq!((4, 7), fri.num_rounds());
        fri.colinearity_checks_count = 31;
        assert_eq!((4, 7), fri.num_rounds());
        fri.colinearity_checks_count = 32;
        assert_eq!((4, 7), fri.num_rounds());
        fri.colinearity_checks_count = 33;
        assert_eq!((3, 15), fri.num_rounds());

        fri.domain.length = 256;
        assert_eq!((2, 15), fri.num_rounds());
        fri.colinearity_checks_count = 32;
        assert_eq!((3, 7), fri.num_rounds());

        fri.colinearity_checks_count = 32;
        fri.domain.length = 1048576;
        fri.expansion_factor = 8;
        assert_eq!((15, 3), fri.num_rounds());

        fri.colinearity_checks_count = 33;
        fri.domain.length = 1048576;
        fri.expansion_factor = 8;
        assert_eq!((14, 7), fri.num_rounds());

        fri.colinearity_checks_count = 63;
        fri.domain.length = 1048576;
        fri.expansion_factor = 8;
        assert_eq!((14, 7), fri.num_rounds());

        fri.colinearity_checks_count = 64;
        fri.domain.length = 1048576;
        fri.expansion_factor = 8;
        assert_eq!((14, 7), fri.num_rounds());

        fri.colinearity_checks_count = 65;
        fri.domain.length = 1048576;
        fri.expansion_factor = 8;
        assert_eq!((13, 15), fri.num_rounds());

        fri.domain.length = 256;
        fri.expansion_factor = 4;
        fri.colinearity_checks_count = 17;
        assert_eq!((3, 7), fri.num_rounds());

    fn fri_on_x_field_test() {
        type Hasher = RescuePrimeRegular;

        let subgroup_order = 1024;
        let expansion_factor = 4;
        let colinearity_check_count = 6;
        let fri: Fri<Hasher> =
            get_x_field_fri_test_object(subgroup_order, expansion_factor, colinearity_check_count);
        let mut proof_stream: ProofStream<ProofItem, Hasher> = ProofStream::new();
        let subgroup = fri.domain.generator.lift().get_cyclic_group_elements(None);

        let (_, merkle_root_of_round_0) = fri.prove(&subgroup, &mut proof_stream).unwrap();
        let verdict = fri.verify(&mut proof_stream, &merkle_root_of_round_0, &mut None);
        if let Err(e) = verdict {
            panic!("Found error: {}", e);

    fn prove_and_verify_low_degree_of_twice_cubing_plus_one() {
        type Hasher = RescuePrimeRegular;

        let subgroup_order = 1024;
        let expansion_factor = 4;
        let colinearity_check_count = 6;
        let fri: Fri<Hasher> =
            get_x_field_fri_test_object(subgroup_order, expansion_factor, colinearity_check_count);
        let mut proof_stream: ProofStream<ProofItem, Hasher> = ProofStream::new();

        let zero = XFieldElement::zero();
        let one = XFieldElement::one();
        let two = one + one;
        let poly = Polynomial::<XFieldElement>::new(vec![one, zero, zero, two]);
        let codeword = fri.domain.evaluate(&poly);

        let (_, merkle_root_of_round_0) = fri.prove(&codeword, &mut proof_stream).unwrap();
        let verdict = fri.verify(&mut proof_stream, &merkle_root_of_round_0, &mut None);
        if let Err(e) = verdict {
            panic!("Found error: {}", e);

    fn fri_x_field_limit_test() {
        type Hasher = RescuePrimeRegular;

        let subgroup_order = 128;
        let expansion_factor = 4;
        let colinearity_check_count = 6;
        let fri: Fri<Hasher> =
            get_x_field_fri_test_object(subgroup_order, expansion_factor, colinearity_check_count);
        let subgroup = fri.domain.generator.lift().get_cyclic_group_elements(None);

        let mut points: Vec<XFieldElement>;
        for n in [1, 5, 20, 30, 31] {
            points = subgroup.clone().iter().map(|p| p.mod_pow_u32(n)).collect();

            // TODO: Test elsewhere that proof_stream can be re-used for multiple .prove().
            let mut proof_stream: ProofStream<ProofItem, Hasher> = ProofStream::new();
            let (_, merkle_root_of_round_0) = fri.prove(&points, &mut proof_stream).unwrap();

            let verify_result = fri.verify(&mut proof_stream, &merkle_root_of_round_0, &mut None);
            if verify_result.is_err() {
                    "There are {} points, |<128>^{}| = {}, and verify_result = {:?}",


            // Manipulate Merkle root of 0 and verify failure with expected error message
            let bad_root_digest = corrupt_digest(&merkle_root_of_round_0);
            let bad_verify_result = fri.verify(&mut proof_stream, &bad_root_digest, &mut None);
            println!("bad_verify_result = {:?}", bad_verify_result);

            // TODO: Add negative test with bad Merkle authentication path
            // This probably requires manipulating the proof stream somehow.

        // Negative test with too high degree
        let too_high = subgroup_order as u32 / expansion_factor as u32;
        points = subgroup.iter().map(|p| p.mod_pow_u32(too_high)).collect();
        let mut proof_stream: ProofStream<ProofItem, Hasher> = ProofStream::new();
        let (_, merkle_root_of_round_0) = fri.prove(&points, &mut proof_stream).unwrap();
        let verify_result = fri.verify(&mut proof_stream, &merkle_root_of_round_0, &mut None);

    fn get_x_field_fri_test_object<H: AlgebraicHasher>(
        subgroup_order: u64,
        expansion_factor: usize,
        colinearity_checks: usize,
    ) -> Fri<H> {
        let offset = BFieldElement::generator();
        let fri: Fri<H> = Fri::new(
            subgroup_order as usize,

    fn test_fri_deserialization() {
        type Hasher = RescuePrimeRegular;

        let subgroup_order = 64;
        let expansion_factor = 4;
        let colinearity_check_count = 2;
        let fri: Fri<Hasher> =
            get_x_field_fri_test_object(subgroup_order, expansion_factor, colinearity_check_count);
        let mut prover_proof_stream: ProofStream<ProofItem, Hasher> = ProofStream::new();

        let zero = XFieldElement::zero();
        let one = XFieldElement::one();
        let two = one + one;
        let poly = Polynomial::<XFieldElement>::new(vec![one, zero, zero, two]);
        let codeword = fri.domain.evaluate(&poly);

        let (_, merkle_root_of_round_0) = fri.prove(&codeword, &mut prover_proof_stream).unwrap();

        let proof = prover_proof_stream.to_proof();

        let mut verifier_proof_stream: ProofStream<ProofItem, Hasher> =

        for (left, right) in prover_proof_stream
            if let ProofItem::MerkleRoot(left_root) = left {
                assert_eq!(*left_root, right.as_merkle_root().unwrap());
            } else if let ProofItem::FriResponse(left_response) = left {
                assert_eq!(*left_response, right.as_fri_response().unwrap());
            } else if let ProofItem::FriCodeword(left_codeword) = left {
                assert_eq!(*left_codeword, right.as_fri_codeword().unwrap());
            } else {
                panic!("did not recognize FRI proof item");

        let verdict = fri.verify(
            &mut verifier_proof_stream,
            &mut None,
        if let Err(e) = verdict {
            panic!("Found error: {}", e);