
pub use atsamd_hal as hal;
pub use hal::pac;




Import the prelude to gain convenient access to helper traits

Real-time clock/counter

Configure the SERCOM peripherals

Delays with WFI sleep while we wait using a timer


Time units

helper struct to calculate divider & cycles settings for timers.


Dotstar pins

I2C pins

Maps the pins to their arduino names and the numbers printed on the board.

Sets of pins split apart by category

UART pins

USB pins


ResetCause represents the reason the MCU was reset.


Convenience for setting up the D0 and D2 pins to operate as I²C SDA/SDL (respectively) running at the specified baud.

Returns the cause of the last reset.

Returns the serial number of the chip as an array of bytes. The serial number is only guaranteed to be unique if all 16 bytes are used.

Convenience function for setting up the A7/D3/SCK, A6/D4/MOSI, and A9/D2/MISO pins as a SPI Master.

Returns the serial number of the chip as 4 32-bit integers. The serial number is only guaranteed to be unique if all 128 bits are used.

Convenience for setting up the D3 and D4 pins to operate as UART RX/TX (respectively) running at the specified baud.

Attribute Macros