trigram 0.4.4

Trigram-based string similarity for fuzzy matching.
## 0.4.4
* Fix dependencies to work with stable Rust
* Improve doc strings for public functions

## 0.4.3
* Fix clippy warnings

## 0.4.2
* Run `cargo fmt`

## 0.4.1
* Fix a missing doc string

## 0.4.0
* Ignore case
* Add examples: `` and ``
* Add public accessors to make `Match` more like `regex::Match`

## 0.3.0
* Add `find_words_iter` function to find substring fuzzy matches of words

## 0.2.4
* Get the speed back to about where it was before adding Unicode support

## 0.2.3
* Add Unicode support
* Switch to Criterion benchmarking to work with stable rust