tribble 0.1.1

A CLI for generating websites to guide people through contributing to open-source projects.
#![allow(missing_docs)] // Prevents double-documenting some things

use clap::Parser;

// The documentation for the `Opts` struct will appear in the help page, hence the lack of puncutation and the lowercasing in places

/// Tribble creates seamless contribution experiences for your project.
#[clap(version = TRIBBLE_VERSION)]
pub struct Opts {
    /// The path to your Tribble configuration file
    #[clap(long, short, default_value = "./tribble.yml")]
    pub config: String,
    pub subcmd: Subcommand,

pub enum Subcommand {
    /// Builds your Tribble workflows. This is called by `tribble serve` automatically. Note that this is always in release
    /// mode, Tribble has no other mode
    /// Serves your Tribble workflows locally for development
    Serve {
        /// Don't build your app (if you haven't already run `tribble build`, you'll get a blank page in your browser)
        #[clap(long, short)]
        no_build: bool,
        /// Where to host Tribble
        #[clap(long, default_value = "")]
        host: String,
        /// The port to host Tribble on
        #[clap(long, default_value = "8080")]
        port: u16,
        /// Whether or not to watch for file changes to your Tribble config files
        #[clap(long, short)]
        watch: bool,
    /// Builds your Tribble workflows for release deployment
    Deploy {
        /// The name of the directory to output Tribble to
        #[clap(short, long, default_value = "pkg")]
        output: String,
        /// The relative path under which you intend to host Tribble (e.g. `/tribble`). If you're hosting Tribble at the root of a website, set this to `/`
        #[clap(short, long)]
        path: String,
    /// Deletes the `.tribble/` directory in the case of a corruption