triangulate 0.1.0

Subdivides polygons into equivalent triangles


Subdivides a set of non-self-intersecting polygons into a set of non-overlapping triangles. Inputs and outputs can be customized to use your required formats to avoid unnecessary conversions.


// A hollow square shape
//  ________
// |  ____  |
// | |    | |
// | |____| |
// |________|
let polygons: Vec<Vec<MyVert>> = vec![
	vec![(0., 0.).into(), (0., 1.).into(), (1., 1.).into(), (1., 0.).into()], 
	vec![(0.05, 0.05).into(), (0.05, 0.95).into(), (0.95, 0.95).into(), (0.95, 0.05).into()]
// `output` is an arbitrary triangulation of polygons in a format determined by the type parameter (in this case, a `Vec` of triangle fans represented by a `Vec` of the `MyVert` vertices).
let output: Vec<Vec<MyVert>> = polygons.triangulate_default::<builders::VecVecFanBuilder<_>>().unwrap();

Input traits

  • VertexIndex
    Any type which is Eq and Clone.

  • Vertex
    A two-dimensional point. The coordinate type must implement num_traits::real::Real, reexported as triangulate::Real.

  • PolygonList
    A collection of zero or more polygons which can iterate values convertable to enum PolygonVertex<T: VertexIndex>.
    PolygonVertex::ContinuePolygon provides the next index in the current polygon and PolygonVertex::NewPolygon indicates the end of the current polygon, and subsequent indices belong to a separate polygon. Indices must be ordered by adjacency, but either clockwise or counter-clockwise ordering is accepted.
    Pre-implemented for Vec<Vec<T>> (multiple polygons) and Vec<T> (single polygon). Wrappers IndexWithU16, IndexWithU16U16, IndexWithU32 and IndexWithU32U32 are also provided to convert PolygonList implementations that use usize and (usize, usize) as indices to use u16/(u16, u16) and u32/(u32, u32) for performance reasons when the list of vertices is small enough.

Output traits

  • FanBuilder
    Streams the resulting triangulation into the desired output format.
    Triangles are provided as fans, where a callback to extend_fan adds a new vertex (and correspondingly a new triangle) to the existing fan, while extend_fan begins a new fan. These callbacks provide VertexIndexs, so if the output requires Vertexs, the builder is responsible for indexing into the PolygonList.
    Since triangle fans are not useful for most applications, also included is the FanToListAdapter, which allows you to use a ListBuilder as a FanBuilder. Like the name implies, ListBuilder works with triangle lists, where each included triangle is specified by all 3 vertex indices.
    The output of the included builders is described below:
  • VecVecIndexedFanBuilder
    A vector of vectors of indices. Each inner vector is a single triangle fan, with the first element being the 'central' vertex.
let output: Vec<Vec<usize>> = vec![
    vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
    vec![2, 3, 5]
  • VecVecFanBuilder
    A vector of vectors of vertices. Like VecVecIndexedFanBuilder, but the indices have been used to clone the vertices' values.
let output: Vec<Vec<Vec2>> = vec![
    vec![Vec2::new(0., 0.), Vec2::new(1., 0.), Vec2::new(1., 0.5), Vec2::new(0.5, 1.), Vec2::new(0., 1.)],
    vec![Vec2::new(0., 0.), Vec2::new(0., 1.), Vec2::new(-1., 2.)]
  • VecDelimitedIndexedFanBuilder
    A flat vector of indices, where fans are delimited by a given sentinel value.
let sentinel: usize = usize::MAX;
let output: Vec<usize> = vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4, sentinel, 2, 3, 5];
  • VecIndexedListBuilder
    A flat vector of indices. Each chunk of 3 vertices represents 1 triangle.
let output: Vec<usize> = vec![0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3, 1, 3, 4];
  • VecListBuilder
    Like VecIndexedListBuilder, but with vertices deindexed.
let output: Vec<Vec2> = vec![Vec2::new(0., 0.), Vec2::new(1., 0.), Vec2::new(1., 1.), Vec2::new(0., 0.), Vec2::new(1., 1.), Vec2::new(0., 1.), Vec2::new(0., 0.), Vec2::new(0., 1.), Vec2::new(-1., 2.)];


  • No edge can cross any other edge, whether it is on the same polygon or not.
  • Each vertex must be part of exactly two edges. Polygons cannot 'share' vertices with each other.
  • Each vertex must be distinct - no vertex can have x and y coordinates that both compare equal to another vertex's. These preconditions are not explicitly checked, but an invalid polygon set will likely yield TriangulationError::InternalError.


Because the algorithm involves random ordering, the exact triangulation is not guaranteed to be same between invocations.


This library is based on Raimund Seidel's randomized algorithm for triangulating polygons. The expected runtime for each polygon or hole with n vertices is O(n log* n), a near-linear runtime.