tremor-kv 0.6.2

A logstash inspured key value extractor

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kv parser

KV parsing inspired by logstash's kv plugin.

Parses a string into a map. It is possible to split based on different characters that represent either field or key value boundaries.

A good part of the logstash functionality will be handled outside of this function and in a generic way in tremor script.

Use as a library

The kv parser was designed so that KV style parsing could be embedded into tremor's scripting language for extract operations.

The parser can also be used standalone

  let kv = Pattern::compile("%{key}%{%{val}").expect("Failed to build pattern");
  let r ="this%{is a%{test").expect("Failed to split input");
  assert_eq!(r.len(), 2);
  assert_eq!(r["this"], "is");
  assert_eq!(r["a"], "test");