treers 0.1.2

Simple implementation of Sedgewick's tree maps
# treers
## Sedgewick's Tree Maps, simple implementations

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## About

This is a hobby project, simple rewrite of Sedgewick's tree structures in Rust.

## Contribute
Please contribute, feel free to [write an issue](, there are still plenty things to improve (such as improvement of docs).

## Tree Maps

### ~~Interfaces~~ Traits

* SedgewickMap

| Name               | Description |
| new | New Instance of Tree Map |
| size | Count of items in map |
| get | Fetch an value in map by key |
| put | Insert by key-value |
| height | Tree Height |
| is_empty | Checks if map is empty  |
| contains | Returns `true` if item exists |
| min | Retrieve a minimum key in map |
| max | Retrieve a maximum key in map |
| delete | TODO |

* TreeTraversal

| Name               | Description |
| pre_order | [Pre Order Traversal]; [DFS] |
| in_order | [In Order Traversal]; [DFS] |
| post_order | [Post Order Traversal]; [DFS] |
| level_order | [Level Order Traversal]; [BFS] |

### BST - Binary Search Tree

* Really slow (check benchmarks)
* Has a Tree Traversal implementation

| Algorithm | Average | Worst Case |
| Space | O(n) | O(n) |
| Search | O(log n) | O(n) |
| Insert | O(log n) | O(n) |

### Red-Black Tree

* *Only* 3x slower (check benchmarks) times that [Standard] Balanced Tree Implementation
* Has a Tree Traversal implementation
* Basic Rules
- Every node can be only red or black
- Root node has to be black
- Red nodes lean left
- Every path from the root to a null link has the same number of black links

| Algorithm | Average | Worst Case |
| Space | O(n) | O(n) |
| Search | O(log n) | O(log n) |
| Insert | O(log n) | O(log n) |

### BTree - Balanced Tree

* Really slow (check benchmarks)
* Doesn't have a Tree Traversal implementation
* Popular usage in Databases and File Systems
* NOTE: I have fixed a loitering (memory) bug in official [algs4]

| Algorithm | Average | Worst Case |
| Space | O(n) | O(n) |
| Search | O(log n) | O(log n) |
| Insert | O(log n) | O(log n) |

## Documentation


- [ ] More work on documentation and README
- [ ] BTree, use stack memory for entries
- [ ] Replace tree traversals with iterators
- [ ] Implement remaining methods for trees
- [ ] Make Red-Black Tree blazingly fast

## Resources

* [Algorithms, 4th Edition]
* [Coursera - Algorithms, Part I]
* [Coursera - Algorithms, Part II] 
* [algs4, GitHub]

## Authors

* **Ivan Zvonimir Horvat** [GitHub Profile]

## License

Licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE).