tree-sitter 0.22.1

Rust bindings to the Tree-sitter parsing library
name = "tree-sitter"
version.workspace = true
description = "Rust bindings to the Tree-sitter parsing library"
authors.workspace = true
edition.workspace = true
rust-version.workspace = true
readme = "binding_rust/"
homepage.workspace = true
repository.workspace = true
license.workspace = true
keywords.workspace = true
categories = ["api-bindings", "parsing", "text-editors"]

build = "binding_rust/"
links = "tree-sitter"

include = [

wasm = ["wasmtime", "wasmtime-c-api"]

regex.workspace = true

version = "18.0.1"
optional = true
default-features = false
features = ["cranelift"]

version = "18.0.1"
optional = true
package = "wasmtime-c-api-impl"
default-features = false

bindgen = { version = "0.69.4", optional = true }
cc.workspace = true

path = "binding_rust/"