tree-sitter-asm 0.1.0

assembly grammar for the tree-sitter parsing library


Generic assembly grammar for tree-sitter

Usage in Neovim

Parser Installation

The nvim-treesitter plugin does not include this parser. To use it you must instead manually add it to your tree-sitter config and then install it with :TSInstall asm or by adding it to your ensure_installed list:

require('nvim-treesitter.parsers').get_parser_configs().asm = {
    install_info = {
        url = '',
        files = { 'src/parser.c' },
        branch = 'main',


If you want to use this parser for highlighting, you will also have to add this repository as a plugin, for example for packer.nvim add this:

use { 'rush-rs/tree-sitter-asm' }