Expand description

The macro starts the Solana validator (localnet), runs your program test and then shuts down the validator.

  • The test implicitly returns anyhow::Result<()>.
  • All tests are run sequentially - each test uses a new/reset validator. (See serial_test::serial)
  • Async support is provided by Tokio: tokio::test(flavor = “multi_thread”).
  • The macro accepts one optional argument root with the default value "../../".
    • Example: #[trdelnik_test(root = "../../")]
  • You can see the macro expanded in the crate’s tests.


// tests/test.rs
use trdelnik_client::*;

async fn test_turnstile() {
    let reader = Reader::new();
    let mut turnstile = Turnstile {
        client: Client::new(reader.keypair("id").await?),
        state: reader.keypair("state").await?,
        program: reader.keypair("program").await?,
        program_data: reader.program_data("turnstile").await?,
        locked: bool::default(),