trawler 0.3.5

A workload generator that emulates the traffic to
# trawler-rs

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This crate provides a workload generator that emulates the traffic to
[]( It is a mostly open-loop benchmark similar to
[TailBench](, but it also
approximates the partly open-loop designed outlined in [*Open Versus Closed: A Cautionary
Tale*]( by
having clients potentially issue more than one query per request.

The benchmarker has two main components: load generators and issuers. Load generators generate
requests according to actual traffic patterns as reported in
[here](, records the request time, and puts the request description
into a queue. Issuers take requests from the queue and issues that request to the backend. When
the backend responds, the issuer logs how long the request took to process, *and* how long the
request took from when it was generated until it was satisfied (this is called the *sojourn

Trawler is written so that it can *either* be run against an instance of
the [lobsters Rails app]( *or*
directly against a backend by issuing queries. The former is done using the provided binary,
whereas the latter is done by linking against this crate as a library an implementing the
[`LobstersClient`] trait. The latter allows benchmarking a data storage backend without also
incurring the overhead of the Rails frontend. Note that if you want to benchmark against the
Rails application, you must apply the patches in `lobsters.diff` first.