transit_model 0.27.0

Transit data management
# Writing deprecated NTFS fares
## Introduction
This document describes how fares specified in Navitia Transit Model are transformed into a [NTFS fare feed](

In this initial version:
* only tickets on origin-destination stops are taken into account
* only constraints on physical modes are taken into account (if a ticket is specified for a specific line or network, this information is ignored)
* the validity duration and the transfers allowed for a ticket, if specified, are ignored
* tickets specified in a currency different than EUR are ignored.

These limitations will be adressed in a later version.

In the following, the NTFS fields that are not specified are ignored and not detailed.

### prices.csv
As a reminder, this file has no header and the order of the NTFS fields must be respected.

| NTFS field                    | NTM object | NTM property  | Notes/Mapping rule                                                                   |
| ----------------------------- | ---------- | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| \*clef de ticket\*            | Ticket     | ticket_id     |                                                                                      |
| \*date de début de validité\* | Ticket     | start_date    | Starting date of the validity period of the fare structure in the form YYYYMMDD.     |
| \*date de fin de validité\*   | Ticket     | end_date      | The date after the specified end date in the form YYYYMMDD.                          |
| \*prix\*                      | Ticket     | price         | The specified value is converted into euro cents.                                    |
| \*name\*                      | Ticket     | name          |                                                                                      |
| \*champ ignoré\*              |            |               | This field is explicitly left empty.                                                 |
| \*commentaire\*               |            |               | This field is explicitly left empty.                                                 |
| \*devise\*                    | Ticket     | currency_type | The value is set to `centime` provided that the currency used for the ticket is EUR. |

### od_fares.csv

| NTFS field       | NTM object | NTM property             | Notes/Mapping rule                                   |
| ---------------- | ---------- | ------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| Origin ID        | OD Rules   | origin_stop_area_id      | The id is prefixed with `stop_area:`.                |
| Origin mode      |            |                          | Fixed value `stop`.                                  |
| Destination ID   | OD Rules   | destination_stop_area_id | The id is prefixed with `stop_area:`.                |
| Destination mode |            |                          | Fixed value `stop`.                                  |
| ticket_id        | OD Rules   | ticket_id                | Link to the ticket specified in [prices]#pricescsv |

### fares.csv
For each distinct physical mode specified in `OD Rules`, a row is created in this file in order to allow to represent transitions for the origin-destination tickets.

| NTFS field        | NTM object | NTM property     | Notes/Mapping rule                             |
| ----------------- | ---------- | ---------------- | ---------------------------------------------- |
| avant changement  |            |                  | Fixed value `*`.                               |
| après changement  | OD Rules   | physical_mode_id | The id is prefixed with `mode=physical_mode:`. |
| début trajet      |            |                  | This field is explicitly left empty.           |
| fin trajet        |            |                  | This field is explicitly left empty.           |
| condition globale |            |                  | Fixed value `with_changes`.                    |
| clef ticket       |            |                  | This field is explicitly left empty.           |