transistor 0.4.4

Crux Datalog Client


A Rust Crux Client crate/lib. For now, this crate intends to support 2 ways to interact with Crux:

Other solutions may be added after the first release.

  • For information on Crux and how to use it, please follow the link to opencrux. Note that the current crate version (Docker only) uses a few modified endpoints due to its Docker implementation.
  • Crux FAQ
  • For examples on usage, please refer to examples directory or to the ATM Crux (under development) for more complete and interactive example.


To add this crate to your project you should add one of the following line to your dependencies field in Cargo.toml:

transistor = "0.4.4"

Creating a Crux Client

All operations with Transistor start in the module client with Crux::new("localhost", "3000"). The struct Crux is responsabile for defining request HeadersMap and the request URL. The URL definition is required and it is done by the static function new, which receives as argument a host and a port and returns a Crux instance. To change HeadersMap info so that you can add AUTHORIZATION you can use the function with_authorization that receives as argument the authorization token and mutates the Crux instance.

  • HeaderMap already contains the header Content-Type: application/edn.

Finally, to create a Crux Client the function <type>_client should be called, for example docker_client. This function returns a struct that contains all possible implementarions to query Crux Docker.

use transistor::client::Crux;

// DockerClient with AUTHORIZATION
let auth_client = Crux::new("","3000").with_authorization("my-auth-token").docker_client();

// DockerClient without AUTHORIZATION
let client = Crux::new("","3000").docker_client();

Docker Client

Once you have called docker_client you will have an instance of the DockerClient struct which has a bunch of functions to query Crux on Docker:

  • state queries endpoint / with a GET. No args. Returns various details about the state of the database.
let body = client.state().unwrap();

// StateResponse { 
//     index___index_version: 5, 
//     doc_log___consumer_state: None, 
//     tx_log___consumer_state: None, 
//     kv___kv_store: "crux.kv.rocksdb.RocksKv", 
//     kv___estimate_num_keys: 56, 
//     kv___size: 2271042 
// }
  • tx_log requests endpoint /tx-log via POST. A Vector of Action is expected as argument. The "write" endpoint, to post transactions.
use transistor::docker::{Action};
use transistor::client::Crux;
use transistor::types::{CruxId};

let person1 = Person {
    crux__db___id: CruxId::new("jorge-3"), 

let person2 = Person {
    crux__db___id: CruxId::new("manuel-1"), 

let action1 = Action::Put(person1.serialize());
let action2 = Action::Put(person2.serialize());

let body = client.tx_log(vec![action1, action2]).unwrap();
// {:crux.tx/tx-id 7, :crux.tx/tx-time #inst \"2020-07-16T21:50:39.309-00:00\"}
  • tx_logs requests endpoint /tx-log via GET. No args. Returns a list of all transactions.
use transistor::client::Crux;

let body = client.tx_logs().unwrap();

// TxLogsResponse {
//     tx_events: [
//         TxLogResponse {
//             tx___tx_id: 0,
//             tx___tx_time: "2020-07-09T23:38:06.465-00:00",
//             tx__event___tx_events: Some(
//                 [
//                     [
//                         ":crux.tx/put",
//                         "a15f8b81a160b4eebe5c84e9e3b65c87b9b2f18e",
//                         "125d29eb3bed1bf51d64194601ad4ff93defe0e2",
//                     ],
//                 ],
//             ),
//         },
//         TxLogResponse {
//             tx___tx_id: 1,
//             tx___tx_time: "2020-07-09T23:39:33.815-00:00",
//             tx__event___tx_events: Some(
//                 [
//                     [
//                         ":crux.tx/put",
//                         "a15f8b81a160b4eebe5c84e9e3b65c87b9b2f18e",
//                         "1b42e0d5137e3833423f7bb958622bee29f91eee",
//                     ],
//                 ],
//             ),
//         },
//         ...
//     ]
// } 
  • entity requests endpoint /entity via POST. A serialized CruxId, serialized Edn::Key or a String containing a keyword must be passed as argument. Returns an entity for a given ID and optional valid-time/transaction-time co-ordinates.
let person = Person {
    crux__db___id: CruxId::new("hello-entity"), 

let client = Crux::new("localhost", "3000").docker_client();

let edn_body = client.entity(person.crux__db___id.serialize()).unwrap();
// Map(
//     Map(
//         {
//             ":crux.db/id": Key(
//                 ":hello-entity",
//             ),
//             ":first-name": Str(
//                 "Hello",
//             ),
//             ":last-name": Str(
//                 "World",
//             ),
//         },
//     ),
// )
  • entity_tx requests endpoint /entity-tx via POST. A serialized CruxId, serialized Edn::Key or a String containing a keyword must be passed as argument. Returns the transaction that most recently set a key.
use transistor::docker::{Action};
use transistor::client::Crux;
use transistor::types::{CruxId};

let person = Person {
    crux__db___id: CruxId::new("hello-entity"), 

let client = Crux::new("localhost", "3000").docker_client();

let tx_body = client.entity_tx(person.crux__db___id.serialize()).unwrap();
// EntityTxResponse {
//     db___id: "d72ccae848ce3a371bd313865cedc3d20b1478ca",
//     db___content_hash: "1828ebf4466f98ea3f5252a58734208cd0414376",
//     db___valid_time: "2020-07-20T20:38:27.515-00:00",
//     tx___tx_id: 31,
//     tx___tx_time: "2020-07-20T20:38:27.515-00:00",
// }
use transistor::docker::{Action};
use transistor::client::Crux;
use transistor::types::{CruxId};

let person = Person {
    crux__db___id: CruxId::new("hello-entity"),
    first_name: "Hello".to_string(),
    last_name: "World".to_string()

let client = Crux::new("localhost", "3000").docker_client();

let document = client.document_by_id(tx_body.db___content_hash).unwrap();
// Person {
//     crux__db___id: CruxId(
//         ":hello-entity",
//     ),
//     first_name: "Hello",
//     last_name: "World",
// }
  • documents requests endpoint /documents via POST. The argument of this reuqest is a vector of content-hashes that converts to an edn set as a body. Returns a map of document ids and respective documents for a given set of content hashes submitted in the request body.
use transistor::docker::{Action};
use transistor::client::Crux;
use transistor::types::{CruxId};

let person1 = Person {
    crux__db___id: CruxId::new("hello-entity"),

let person2 = Person {
    crux__db___id: CruxId::new("hello-documents"),

let client = Crux::new("localhost", "3000").docker_client();

let contesnt_hashes = vec![tx_body1.db___content_hash, tx_body2.db___content_hash];

let documents = client.documents(contesnt_hashes).unwrap();
// {
//     "1828ebf4466f98ea3f5252a58734208cd0414376": Map(
//         Map(
//             {
//                 ":crux.db/id": Key(
//                     ":hello-entity",
//                 ),
//                 ":first-name": Str(
//                     "Hello",
//                 ),
//                 ":last-name": Str(
//                     "World",
//                 ),
//             },
//         ),
//     ),
//     "1aeb98a4e11f30827e0304a9c289aad673b6cf57": Map(
//         Map(
//             {
//                 ":crux.db/id": Key(
//                     ":hello-documents",
//                 ),
//                 ":first-name": Str(
//                     "Hello",
//                 ),
//                 ":last-name": Str(
//                     "Documents",
//                 ),
//             },
//         ),
//     ),
// }
  • query requests endpoint /query via POST. Argument is a query of the type Query. Retrives a Set containing a vector of the values defined by the function Query::find. Available functions are find, where_clause, args, order_by, limit, offset, examples complex_query and limit_offset_query have examples on how to use them.
use transistor::client::Crux;
use transistor::types::{query::Query};

let client = Crux::new("localhost", "3000").docker_client();

let query_is_sql = Query::find(vec!["?p1", "?n"])
    .where_clause(vec!["?p1 :name ?n", "?p1 :is-sql true"])
// Query:
// {:query
//     {:find [?p1 ?n]
//      :where [[?p1 :name ?n]
//              [?p1 :is-sql true]]}}

let is_sql = client.query(query_is_sql.unwrap()).unwrap();
// {[":mysql", "MySQL"], [":postgres", "Postgres"]} BTreeSet

Action is an enum with a set of options to use in association with the function tx_log:

  • PUT - Write a version of a document
  • Delete - Deletes the specific document at a given valid time
  • Evict - Evicts a document entirely, including all historical versions (receives only the ID to evict)

Query is a struct responsible for creating the fields and serializing them into the correct query format. It has a function for each field and a build function to help check if it is correctyly formatted.

  • find is a static builder function to define the elements inside the :find clause.
  • where_clause is a builder function that defines the vector os elements inside the :where [] array.
  • order_by is a builder function to define the elements inside the :order-by clause.
  • args is a builder function to define the elements inside the :args clause.
  • limit is a builder function to define the elements inside the :limit clause.
  • offset is a builder function to define the elements inside the :offset clause.

Errors are defined in the CruxError enum.

  • ParseEdnError is originated by edn_rs crate. The provided EDN did not match schema.
  • RequestError is originated by reqwest crate. Failed to make HTTP request.
  • QueryFormatError is originated when the provided Query struct did not match schema.
  • QueryError is responsible for encapsulation the Stacktrace error from Crux response:
use transistor::client::Crux;
use transistor::types::{query::Query};

let _client = Crux::new("localhost", "3000").docker_client();

// field `n` doesn't exist
let _query_error_response = Query::find(vec!["?p1", "?n"])
    .where_clause(vec!["?p1 :name ?g", "?p1 :is-sql true"])

let error = client.query(query_error_response?)?;
println!("Stacktrace \n{:?}", error);

// Stacktrace
// QueryError("{:via
//      [{:type java.lang.IllegalArgumentException,
//        :message \"Find refers to unknown variable: n\",
//    :at [crux.query$q invokeStatic \"query.clj\" 1152]}],
//  :trace
//  [[crux.query$q invokeStatic \"query.clj\" 1152]
//   [crux.query$q invoke \"query.clj\" 1099]
//   [crux.query$q$fn__10850 invoke \"query.clj\" 1107]
//   [clojure.core$binding_conveyor_fn$fn__5754 invoke \"core.clj\" 2030]
//   [clojure.lang.AFn call \"\" 18]
//   [java.util.concurrent.FutureTask run \"\" 264]
//   [java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor
//    runWorker
//    \"\"
//    1128]
//   [java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker
//    run
//    \"\"
//    628]
//   [java.lang.Thread run \"\" 834]],
//  :cause \"Find refers to unknown variable: n\"}
// ")

Testing the Crux Client

For testing purpose there is a feature called mock that enables the docker_mock function that is a replacement for the docker_client function. To use it run your commands with the the flag --features "mock" as in cargo test --test lib --no-fail-fast --features "mock". The mocking feature uses the crate mockito = "0.26" as a Cargo dependency. An example usage with this feature enabled:

use transistor::client::Crux;
use transistor::docker::Action;
use transistor::edn_rs::{ser_struct, Serialize};
use transistor::types::{CruxId};
use mockito::mock;

#[cfg(feature = "mock")]
fn mock_client() {
    let _m = mock("POST", "/tx-log")
        .match_body("[[:crux.tx/put { :crux.db/id :jorge-3, :first-name \"Michael\", :last-name \"Jorge\", }], [:crux.tx/put { :crux.db/id :manuel-1, :first-name \"Diego\", :last-name \"Manuel\", }]]")
        .with_header("content-type", "text/plain")
        .with_body("{:crux.tx/tx-id 8, :crux.tx/tx-time #inst \"2020-07-16T21:53:14.628-00:00\"}")

    let person1 = Person {
        // ...

    let person2 = Person {
        /// ...

    let actions = vec![Action::Put(person1.serialize()), Action::Put(person2.serialize())];
    let body = Crux::new("localhost", "3000")

        format!("{:?}", body),
        String::from("TxLogResponse { tx___tx_id: 8, tx___tx_time: \"2020-07-16T21:53:14.628-00:00\", tx__event___tx_events: None }")

ser_struct! {
    #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
    pub struct Person {
        crux__db___id: CruxId,
        // ...


A strong dependency of this crate is the edn-rs crate, as many of the return types are in the Edn format. The sync http client is reqwest with blocking feature enabled.


This project is licensed under LGPP-3.0 (GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0).