transact 0.3.7

Transact is a transaction execution platform designed to be used as a library or component when implementing distributed ledgers, including blockchains.
// Copyright 2016 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

syntax = "proto3";

message TransactionHeader {
    // Public key for the client who added this transaction to a batch
    string batcher_public_key = 1;

    // A list of transaction signatures that describe the transactions that
    // must be processed before this transaction can be valid
    repeated string dependencies = 2;

    // The family name correlates to the transaction processor's family name
    // that this transaction can be processed on, for example 'intkey'
    string family_name = 3;

    // The family version correlates to the transaction processor's family
    // version that this transaction can be processed on, for example "1.0"
    string family_version = 4;

    // A list of addresses that are given to the context manager and control
    // what addresses the transaction processor is allowed to read from.
    repeated string inputs = 5;

    // A random string that provides uniqueness for transactions with
    // otherwise identical fields.
    string nonce = 6;

    // A list of addresses that are given to the context manager and control
    // what addresses the transaction processor is allowed to write to.
    repeated string outputs = 7;

    //The sha512 hash of the encoded payload
    string payload_sha512 = 9;

    // Public key for the client that signed the TransactionHeader
    string signer_public_key = 10;

message Transaction {
    // The serialized version of the TransactionHeader
    bytes header = 1;

    // The signature derived from signing the header
    string header_signature = 2;

    // The payload is the encoded family specific information of the
    // transaction. Example cbor({'Verb': verb, 'Name': name,'Value': value})
    bytes payload = 3;

// A simple list of transactions that needs to be serialized before
// it can be transmitted to a batcher.
message TransactionList {
    repeated Transaction transactions = 1;