trait_exerci 0.1.0

how to understand the trait for rust


  • crate name: trait_exerci
  • folder name: lib-hello
  • description: how to understand the rust feature trait

I. develop the crate

Step 1: create the default crate

mkdir lib-hello && cd lib-hello
cargo init --name trait_exerci --lib

Step 2: develop the crate source and test codes

  • Go to Crate Root Path
vi Cargo.toml
vi src/
cargo fmt
cargo clippy # warning: struct is never constructed: `MyType`
mkdir tests
touch tests/
vi tests/
touch tests/
vi tests/
cargo fmt
cargo clippy
cargo test

Step 3: develop the example codes

  • Go to Crate Root Path
mkdir examples
touch examples/
vi examples/
cargo run --example hello