tracy-client-sys 0.18.0

Low level bindings to the client libraries for the Tracy profiler
name = "tracy-client-sys"
version = "0.18.0" # AUTO-BUMP
authors = ["Simonas Kazlauskas <>"]
build = ""
license = "(MIT OR Apache-2.0) AND BSD-3-Clause"
edition = "2018"
readme = "../README.mkd"
repository = ""
homepage = ""
documentation = ""
description = """
Low level bindings to the client libraries for the Tracy profiler

name = "tests"
path = ""
harness = false
required-features = ["fibers"]


cc = { version = "1", default-features = false }

default = [ "enable", "system-tracing", "context-switch-tracing", "sampling", "code-transfer",
            "broadcast" ]
# Enable Tracy. Corresponds to the `TRACY_ENABLE` define.
enable = []
# Enable support for tracing coroutines, fibers and similar such asynchrony primitives. Corresponds
# to the `TRACY_FIBERS` define.
fibers = []

# Enable tracing of the system-level details. This is only active if permissions are sufficient
# when the application is run. The `TRACY_NO_SYSTEM_TRACING` define is set if this feature is
# disabled.
system-tracing = []
# Enable capture of the context switch data. The `TRACY_NO_CONTEXT_SWITCH` define is set if this
# feature is disabled.
context-switch-tracing = []
# Enable external sampling of the call stacks. The `TRACY_NO_SAMPLING` define is set if this
# feature is disabled.
sampling = []
# Enable transfer of the machine code to the profiler. The `TRACY_NO_CODE_TRANSFER` define is set
# if this feature is disabled.
code-transfer = []

# Allow the client to announce its presence to the profilers on the local network. The
# `TRACY_NO_BROADCAST` define is set if this feature is disabled.
broadcast = []
# Listen for profilers on the localhost interface only. Corresponds to the `TRACY_ONLY_LOCALHOST`
# define. Can also be activated by setting an environment variable of the same name.
only-localhost = []
# Listen on IPv4 interfaces only. Corresponds to the `TRACY_ONLY_IPV4` define. Can also be
# activated by setting an environment variable of the same name.
only-ipv4 = []

# Enable support for running with low resolution timers.
timer-fallback = []
# Enable on-demand mode. Traces are only collected when a server connects to the client.
# Also makes it possible to repeatedly re-connect to a client.
ondemand = []