Module tract_onnx::prelude[][src]


pub use crate::onnx;


Evaluation order for nodes.

The ndarray crate provides an n-dimensional container for general elements and for numerics.

Numeric traits for generic mathematics



A thread-safe reference-counting pointer. ‘Arc’ stands for ‘Atomically Reference Counted’.

A complex number in Cartesian form.

Main model class

Partial information about a tensor.

Identifier for a node input in the graph.

A change to apply to a model.

A Node in an Model.

Information for each outlet of a node

Identifier for a node output in the graph.

Tensor is a concrete tensor in tract.

Fully determined tensor information for TypedModel.



Type information about a tensor: shape, and element type, in various state of determination.

A Framework that translate its model to tract core model.

Convenient conversion to Arc.

Convenient conversion to Tensor.

A base operation

Convenience trait to convert values to TDim.


Find an evaluation order for a model, using its default inputs and outputs as boundaries.

Type Definitions

A model with partially types and shapes, as produced by parsing ONNX or Tensorflow graphs.

An execution plan for InferenceModel.

A runnable model with fixed inputs and outputs.

A Smallvec instantiation with 4 embeddable values.

A model with completely determined types and shapes.

A ModelPatch for TypedModel.

Node for TypedModel graph

A runnable TypedModel (new name for SimplePlan).

An execution plan for TypedModel.

An execution state for TypedModel.