tract-linalg 0.15.3

Tiny, no-nonsense, self contained, TensorFlow and ONNX inference
name = "tract-linalg"
version = "0.15.3"
license = "MIT/Apache-2.0"
authors = ["Mathieu Poumeyrol <>"]
description = "Tiny, no-nonsense, self contained, TensorFlow and ONNX inference"
repository = ""
keywords = [ "TensorFlow", "NeuralNetworks" ]
categories = [ "science" ]
autobenches = false
edition = "2018"

maintenance = { status = "actively-developed" }

derive-new = "0.5"
downcast-rs = "1.0"
dyn-clone = "1"
half = "1.3"
educe = "0.4"
lazy_static = "1.3"
libc = "0.2"
log = "0.4"
num-traits = "0.2"
tract-data = "=0.15.3"
paste = "1.0.5"

cc = "1.0"
liquid = "0.22"
unicode-normalization = "0.1"
smallvec = "1"
walkdir = "2"

criterion = "0.3"
proptest = "1"

bench = false
name = "arm64"
harness = false

name = "mat_vec"
harness = false

name = "mm_for_wavenet_hw"
harness = false

name = "conv_for_wavenet_hw"
harness = false

name = "mm_for_inception"
harness = false

name = "mm_for_asr_am"
harness = false

name = "sigmoid"
harness = false

bench = false
name = "arm64simd"
harness = false

bench = false
name = "arm32neon"
harness = false