trackermeta 0.5.1

Simple library to get and parse modarchive module data


This is a simple library crate that helps with parsing data from the website called Modarchive, it recently had a big reborn update (v0.5.0) it's now far more reliable, and parses the html very nicely, the code is readable and easier to use, the documentation is also superior, if you've used this library in the past please upgrade!


Check out the examples/ directory on the github repo for all examples using the library



One of the features is how simple using the library is, there is one struct, ModInfo, and two functions on top of that, get() and resolve_filename(), they get a module by their id or search for a string, respectively.

(please check documentation for more info)

Infinity retry

This feature basically enables you to make the library retry infinitely (http requests) regardless of errors until Modarchive gives in