Module trackable::error

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Functionalities for implementing trackable errors and operating on those.

You can easily define your own trackable error types as follows:

extern crate trackable;
use trackable::error::{TrackableError, ErrorKind, ErrorKindExt};

#[derive(Debug, TrackableError)]
#[trackable(error_kind = "MyErrorKind")]
struct MyError(TrackableError<MyErrorKind>);
impl From<std::io::Error> for MyError {
    fn from(f: std::io::Error) -> Self {
        // Any I/O errors are considered critical

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum MyErrorKind {
impl ErrorKind for MyErrorKind {}

fn main() {
    // Tracks an error
    let error: MyError = MyErrorKind::Critical.cause("something wrong").into();
    let error = track!(error);
    let error = track!(error, "I passed here");
    assert_eq!(format!("\nError: {}", error).replace('\\', "/"), r#"
Error: Critical (cause; something wrong)
  [0] at src/
  [1] at src/ -- I passed here

    // Tries to execute I/O operation
    let result = (|| -> Result<_, MyError> {
        let f = track!(std::fs::File::open("/path/to/non_existent_file")
    let error = result.err().unwrap();
    let cause = error.concrete_cause::<std::io::Error>().unwrap();
    assert_eq!(cause.kind(), std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound);

TrackableError drive macro

If it is specified (i.e., #[derive(TrackableError)]), the following traits will be automatically implemented in the target error type:

  • Trackable
  • Error
  • Display
  • Deref<Target = TrackableError<$error_kind>>
  • From<$error_kind>
  • From<TrackableError<$error_kind>>
  • From<$target_error_type> for TrackableError<$error_kind>

The default value of $error_kind is ErrorKind. It can be customized by using #[trackable(error_type = "$error_kind")] attribute.

The target error type must be a newtype (i.e., a tuple struct that has a single element) of TrackableError.


  • Built-in ErrorKind implementation which represents opaque errors.
  • TrackableError type specialized for Failed.
  • A variant of std::io::Error that implements Trackable trait.
  • An Error type for top-level functions.
  • Trackable error.


  • This trait represents an error kind which TrackableError can have.
  • An extention of ErrorKind trait.

Type Definitions