Trait trackable::error::ErrorKindExt [] [src]

pub trait ErrorKindExt: ErrorKind + Sized {
    fn error(self) -> TrackableError<Self> { ... }
    fn cause<E>(self, cause: E) -> TrackableError<Self> where E: Into<BoxError> { ... }
    fn takes_over<K>(self, from: TrackableError<K>) -> TrackableError<Self> where K: ErrorKind + Send + Sync + 'static { ... }

An extention of ErrorKind trait.

This provides convenient functions to create a TrackableError instance of this kind.

Provided Methods

Makes a TrackableError instance without cause.


use std::error::Error;
use trackable::error::{Failed, ErrorKindExt};

let e = Failed.error();

Makes a TrackableError instance with the specified cause.


use std::error::Error;
use trackable::error::{Failed, ErrorKindExt};

let e = Failed.cause("something wrong");
assert_eq!(e.cause().unwrap().to_string(), "something wrong");

Takes over from other TrackableError instance.

If either from.in_tracking() or self.is_tracking_needed() is true, tracking of the returning TrackableError will be enabled.

The history of from will be preserved.


use trackable::error::{ErrorKind, ErrorKindExt};

struct Kind0;
impl ErrorKind for Kind0 {}

struct Kind1;
impl ErrorKind for Kind1 {}

fn main() {
  let e = Kind0.error();
  let e = track!(e);

  let e = Kind1.takes_over(e);
  let e = track!(e);

  assert_eq!(format!("\nERROR: {}", e), r#"
ERROR: Kind1
  [0] at <anon>:16
  [1] takes over from `Kind0`
  [2] at <anon>:19
