tracing-journald 0.2.0

rich journald subscriber for `tracing`
# 0.1.18 (October 5, 2021)

This release fixes issues introduced in v0.1.17.

### Fixed

- fixed mismatched types compiler error that may occur when using
  `#[instrument]` on an `async fn` that returns an `impl Trait` value that
  includes a closure ([#1616])
- fixed false positives for `clippy::suspicious_else_formatting` warnings due to
  rust-lang/rust-clippy#7760 and rust-lang/rust-clippy#6249 ([#1617])
- fixed `clippy::let_unit_value` lints when using `#[instrument]` ([#1614])


# 0.1.17 (YANKED) (October 1, 2021)

This release significantly improves performance when `#[instrument]`-generated
spans are below the maximum enabled level.

### Added

- improve performance when skipping `#[instrument]`-generated spans below the
  max level ([#1600], [#1605])

Thanks to @oli-obk for contributing to this release!


# 0.1.16 (September 13, 2021)

This release adds a new `#[instrument(skip_all)]` option to skip recording *all*
arguments to an instrumented function as fields. Additionally, it adds support
for recording arguments that are `tracing` primitive types as typed values,
rather than as `fmt::Debug`.

### Added

- add `skip_all` option to `#[instrument]` ([#1548])
- record primitive types as primitive values rather than as `fmt::Debug`
- added support for `f64`s as typed values ([#1522])

Thanks to @Folyd and @jsgf for contributing to this release!


# 0.1.15 (March 12, 2021)

### Fixed

- `#[instrument]` on functions returning `Box::pin`ned futures incorrectly
  skipping function bodies prior to returning a future ([#1297])

Thanks to @nightmared for contributing to this release!


# 0.1.14 (March 10, 2021)

### Fixed

- Compatibility between `#[instrument]` and `async-trait` v0.1.43 and newer

Thanks to @nightmared for lots of hard work on this fix!


# 0.1.13 (February 17, 2021)

### Fixed

- Compiler error when using `#[instrument(err)]` on functions which return `impl
  Trait` ([#1236])


# 0.1.12 (February 4, 2021)

### Fixed

- Compiler error when using `#[instrument(err)]` on functions with mutable
  parameters ([#1167])
- Missing function visibility modifier when using `#[instrument]` with
  `async-trait` ([#977])
- Multiple documentation fixes and improvements ([#965], [#981], [#1215])

### Changed

- `tracing-futures` dependency is no longer required when using `#[instrument]`
  on async functions ([#808])

Thanks to @nagisa, @Txuritan, @TaKO8Ki, and @okready for contributing to this


# 0.1.11 (August 18, 2020)

### Fixed

- Corrected wrong minimum supported Rust version note in docs (#941)
- Removed unused `syn` features (#928)

Thanks to new contributor @jhpratt for contributing to this release!

# 0.1.10 (August 10, 2020)

### Added

- Support for using `self` in field expressions when instrumenting `async-trait`
  functions (#875)
- Several documentation improvements (#832, #897, #911, #913)

Thanks to @anton-dutov and @nightmared for contributing to this release!

# 0.1.9 (July 8, 2020)

### Added

- Support for arbitrary expressions as fields in `#[instrument]` (#672)

### Changed

- `#[instrument]` now emits a compiler warning when ignoring unrecognized
  input (#672, #786)

# 0.1.8 (May 13, 2020)

### Added

- Support for using `#[instrument]` on methods that are part of [`async-trait`]
  trait implementations (#711)
- Optional `#[instrument(err)]` argument to automatically emit an event if an
  instrumented function returns `Err` (#637) 

Thanks to @ilana and @nightmared for contributing to this release!


# 0.1.7 (February 26, 2020)

### Added

- Support for adding arbitrary literal fields to spans generated by
  `#[instrument]` (#569)
- `#[instrument]` now emits a helpful compiler error when attempting to skip a
  function parameter (#600)

Thanks to @Kobzol for contributing to this release!

# 0.1.6 (December 20, 2019)

### Added

-  Updated documentation (#468)

# 0.1.5 (October 22, 2019)

### Added

- Support for destructuring in arguments to `#[instrument]`ed functions (#397)
- Generated field for `self` parameters when `#[instrument]`ing methods (#397)

# 0.1.4 (September 26, 2019)

### Added

- Optional `skip` argument to `#[instrument]` for excluding function parameters
  from generated spans (#359)

# 0.1.3 (September 12, 2019)

### Fixed

- Fixed `#[instrument]`ed async functions not compiling on `nightly-2019-09-11`
  or newer (#342)

# 0.1.2 (August 19, 2019)

### Changed

- Updated `syn` and `quote` dependencies to 1.0 (#292)
- Removed direct dependency on `proc-macro2` to avoid potential version
  conflicts (#296)

### Fixed

- Outdated idioms in examples (#271, #273)

# 0.1.1 (August 9, 2019)

### Changed

- Using the `#[instrument]` attribute on `async fn`s no longer requires a
  feature flag (#258)

### Fixed

- The `#[instrument]` macro now works on generic functions (#262)

# 0.1.0 (August 8, 2019)

- Initial release