tracing-flame 0.2.0

Tracing layer for creating flamegraphs from span timings
![Tracing — Structured, application-level diagnostics][splash]


# tracing-flame

A [tracing] [`Layer`][`FlameLayer`] for generating a folded stack trace for generating flamegraphs
and flamecharts with [`inferno`]

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# Overview

[`tracing`] is a framework for instrumenting Rust programs to collect
scoped, structured, and async-aware diagnostics. `tracing-flame` provides helpers
for consuming `tracing` instrumentation that can later be visualized as a
flamegraph/flamechart. Flamegraphs/flamecharts are useful for identifying performance
bottlenecks in an application. For more details, see Brendan Gregg's [post]
on flamegraphs.

*Compiler support: [requires `rustc` 1.42+][msrv]*

[msrv]: #supported-rust-versions

## Usage

This crate is meant to be used in a two step process:

1. Capture textual representation of the spans that are entered and exited
   with [`FlameLayer`].
2. Feed the textual representation into `inferno-flamegraph` to generate the
   flamegraph or flamechart.

*Note*: when using a buffered writer as the writer for a `FlameLayer`, it is necessary to
ensure that the buffer has been flushed before the data is passed into
[`inferno-flamegraph`]. For more details on how to flush the internal writer
of the `FlameLayer`, see the docs for [`FlushGuard`].

## Layer Setup

use std::{fs::File, io::BufWriter};
use tracing_flame::FlameLayer;
use tracing_subscriber::{registry::Registry, prelude::*, fmt};

fn setup_global_subscriber() -> impl Drop {
    let fmt_layer = fmt::Layer::default();

    let (flame_layer, _guard) = FlameLayer::with_file("./tracing.folded").unwrap();


// your code here ..

As an alternative, you can provide _any_ type that implements `std::io::Write` to

## Generating the Image

To convert the textual representation of a flamegraph to a visual one, first install `inferno`:

cargo install inferno

Then, pass the file created by `FlameLayer` into `inferno-flamegraph`:

# flamegraph
cat tracing.folded | inferno-flamegraph > tracing-flamegraph.svg

# flamechart
cat tracing.folded | inferno-flamegraph --flamechart > tracing-flamechart.svg

## Differences between `flamegraph`s and `flamechart`s

By default, `inferno-flamegraph` creates flamegraphs. Flamegraphs operate by
that collapsing identical stack frames and sorting them on the frame's names.

This behavior is great for multithreaded programs and long-running programs
where the same frames occur _many_ times, for short durations, because it reduces
noise in the graph and gives the reader a better idea of the
overall time spent in each part of the application.

However, it is sometimes desirable to preserve the _exact_ ordering of events
as they were emitted by `tracing-flame`, so that it is clear when each
span is entered relative to others and get an accurate visual trace of
the execution of your program. This representation is best created with a
_flamechart_, which _does not_ sort or collapse identical stack frames.

## Supported Rust Versions

Tracing is built against the latest stable release. The minimum supported
version is 1.42. The current Tracing version is not guaranteed to build on Rust
versions earlier than the minimum supported version.

Tracing follows the same compiler support policies as the rest of the Tokio
project. The current stable Rust compiler and the three most recent minor
versions before it will always be supported. For example, if the current stable
compiler version is 1.45, the minimum supported version will not be increased
past 1.42, three minor versions prior. Increasing the minimum supported compiler
version is not considered a semver breaking change as long as doing so complies
with this policy.

## License

This project is licensed under the [MIT license](LICENSE).

### Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in Tracing by you, shall be licensed as MIT, without any additional
terms or conditions.

[mit-url]: LICENSE