tracing-axiom 0.3.0

The tracing layer for shipping traces to Axiom
# tracing-axiom


The tracing layer for shipping traces to Axiom.

## Install

Add the following to your `Cargo.toml`:

tracing-axiom = "0.3"

## Quickstart

Expose an API token with ingest permission under `AXIOM_TOKEN` and initialize
the exporter like this:

async fn main() {
    let _guard = tracing_axiom::init(); // or try_init() to handle errors

pub fn say_hello() {
    tracing::info!("Hello, world!");

> **Note**: Due to a limitation of an underlying library, [events outside of a 
> span are not recorded](

## Kitchen Sink Full Configuration

Here's a full configuration:

use opentelemetry::sdk::trace;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
  let trace_config = trace::Config::default()

  let _guard = tracing_axiom::builder()

If you want to use other layers next to Axiom in your tracing configuration, 
check out the [fmt example](./examples/fmt).

## Under The Hood

This library uses [OpenTelemetry]( to send data to
You can set this up yourself if you want to, but make sure to use the OTLP 
format with the http transport and set the endpoint to
A good entrypoint is the
[`opentelemetry-otlp`]( crate.

## Features

The following are a list of
[Cargo features](
that can be enabled or disabled:

- **default-tls** _(enabled by default)_: Provides TLS support to connect
  over HTTPS.
- **native-tls**: Enables TLS functionality provided by `native-tls`.
- **rustls-tls**: Enables TLS functionality provided by `rustls`.

## FAQ & Troubleshooting
### How do I log traces to the console in addition to Axiom?
You can use this library to get a [`tracing-subscriber::layer`]( 
and combine it with other layers, for example one that prints traces to the 
You can see how this works in the [fmt example](./examples/fmt).

### Logs are not appearing in Axiom
[`init`](, [`try_init`]( and [`layer`]( all return a [`Guard`](, which will shutdown the 
tracer provider on drop.
Logs won't be sent to Axiom if the `Guard` is dropped prematurely.
If you have a function that sets up observability, return the `Guard` up to the
main func to prevent it from being dropped.

### My test function hangs indefinitely
This can happen when you use `#[tokio::test]` as that defaults to a 
single-threaded executor, but the 
[`opentelemetry`]( crate requires a multi-thread

## License

Licensed under either of

- Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE]LICENSE-APACHE or []

at your option.