tracing-appender 0.2.2

Provides utilities for file appenders and making non-blocking writers.
# 0.2.2 (March 17, 2022)

This release fixes a bug in `RollingFileAppender` that could result
in a failure to rotate the log file, or in panics in debug mode.

### Fixed

- **rolling**: Fixed a panic that prohibited rolling files over. ([#1989])


# 0.2.1 (February 28, 2022)

This release adds an implementation of the `MakeWriter` trait for
`RollingFileAppender`, allowing it to be used without wrapping in a
`NonBlocking` writer.

This release increases the minimum supported Rust version to 1.53.0.

### Added

- **rolling**: Added `MakeWriter` implementation for `RollingFileAppender`

### Changed

- Updated minimum supported Rust version (MSRV) to 1.53.0 ([#1851])
- `parking_lot`: updated to v0.12 ([#1878])

### Fixed

- Fixed several documentation typos and issues ([#1780], [d868054], [#1943])


# 0.2.0 (October 22, 2021)

This breaking change release adds support for the new v0.3.x series of
`tracing-subscriber`. In addition, it resolves the security advisory for the
`chrono` crate, [RUSTSEC-2020-0159].

This release increases the minimum supported Rust version to 1.51.0.
### Breaking Changes

- Updated `tracing-subscriber` to v0.3.x ([#1677])
- Changed `NonBlocking::error_counter` to return an `ErrorCounter` type, rather
  than an `Arc<AtomicU64>` ([#1675])

### Changed

- Updated `tracing-subscriber` to v0.3.x ([#1677])

### Fixed

- **non-blocking**: Fixed compilation on 32-bit targets ([#1675])
- **rolling**: Replaced `chrono` dependency with `time` to resolve
  [RUSTSEC-2020-0159] [#1652]
- **rolling**: Fixed an issue where `RollingFileAppender` would fail to print
  errors that occurred while flushing a previous logfile ([#1604])

Thanks to new contributors @dzvon and @zvkemp for contributing to this release!


# 0.1.2 (December 28, 2020)

### Changed

- **non_blocking**: Updated `crossbeam-channel` dependency to 0.5 (#1031)

### Fixed

- **non_blocking**: Fixed a race condition when logging on shutdown (#1125)
- Several documentation improvements (#1109, #1110, #941, #953)

# 0.1.1 (July 20, 2020)

### Added

- **rolling**: `minutely` rotation schedule to rotate the log file once every
  minute (#748)

### Fixed

- Fixed broken links in docs (#718)
- `tracing-appender` now only enables the necessary `tracing-subscriber`'s
  feature flags, rather than all of them (#779) 

Thanks to new contributors @ericjheinz and @sourcefrog for contributing
to this release!

# 0.1.0 (May 5, 2020)

- Initial release