tracelogging_dynamic 0.1.0

TraceLoggingDynamic for Rust
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.


//! # TraceLoggingDynamic for Rust
//! `tracelogging_dynamic` provides a flexible way to log
//! [TraceLogging](
//! (manifest-free) events to
//! [ETW](
//! (Event Tracing for Windows). The events can be generated and collected on Windows
//! Vista or later. The events can be decoded on Windows 10 or later.
//! This "dynamic" implementation of TraceLogging supports more functionality than the
//! implementation in the [`tracelogging`] crate. For example, it supports
//! runtime-defined schema and can easily log arrays of strings. However, it is harder to
//! use, has higher runtime costs, and has additional runtime dependencies than the
//! `tracelogging` crate. This dynamic implementation is intended for use only when the
//! set of events cannot be determined at compile-time. For example,
//! `traceloggingdynamic` might be used to implement a middle-layer library providing
//! ETW support to a scripting language like JavaScript or Perl.
//! # Overview
//! - Create a pinned [Provider] object, e.g.
//!   `let mut provider = Box::pin(Provider::new());`
//!   - See the documentation for the [Provider] class for ways to pin the provider
//!     without a heap allocation.
//! - Call [Provider::register] to open the connection to ETW, e.g.
//!   `unsafe { provider.as_mut().register(provider_name, options); }`
//!   - Safety: [Provider::register] is unsafe because a registered provider **must** be
//!     properly unregistered. This happens automatically when the provider is dropped,
//!     so you usually don't need to worry about this, but it can be an issue in cases
//!     where dropping does not occur such as with static variables.
//! - As needed, use an [EventBuilder] to construct and write events.
//! - The provider will automatically unregister when it is dropped. You can manually call
//!   [Provider::unregister] if you want to unregister sooner or if the provider is a
//!   static variable.
//! # Example
//! ```
//! use tracelogging_dynamic as tld;
//! // Pinning is required because the register() method sets up a callback with ETW.
//! let mut provider = Box::pin(tld::Provider::new());
//! // Register the provider with name "MyCompany.MyComponent". If you don't register (or
//! // if register fails) then enabled() will always return false and write() will be a
//! // no-op.
//! unsafe {
//!     provider.as_mut().register("MyCompany.MyComponent", &tld::Provider::options());
//! }
//! // If provider is not enabled for a given level + keyword, the write() call will do
//! // nothing. Check enabled(level, keyword) before building the event so we don't waste
//! // time on an event that nobody will receive.
//! let my_event_level = tld::Level::Verbose; // Severity level.
//! let my_event_keyword = 0x123; // User-defined category bits.
//! if provider.enabled(my_event_level, my_event_keyword) {
//!     let field1_value = "FieldValue";
//!     let field2_value = b'A';
//!     // Create and write an event with two fields:
//!     tld::EventBuilder::new()
//!         // Most events specify 0 for event tag.
//!         .reset("MyEventName", my_event_level, my_event_keyword, 0)
//!         // Most fields use Default for event format and 0 for field tag.
//!         .add_str8("FieldName1", field1_value, tld::OutType::Default, 0)
//!         .add_u8("FieldName2", field2_value, tld::OutType::String, 0)
//!         // If activity_id is None, event uses the current thread's activity.
//!         // If related_id is None, event will not have a related activity.
//!         .write(&provider, None, None);
//! }
//! ```
//! # Notes
//! The [EventBuilder] object is reusable. You may get a small performance benefit by
//! reusing an EventBuilder object for multiple events rather than using a new
//! EventBuilder for each event.
//! ETW events are limited in size (event size = headers + metadata + data). Windows will
//! ignore any event that is larger than 64KB and will ignore any event that is larger
//! than the buffer size of the recording session.
//! Most ETW decoding tools are unable to decode an event with more than 128 fields.
//! Collect the events using Windows SDK tools like
//! [traceview]( or
//! [tracelog](
//! Decode the events using Windows SDK tools like
//! [traceview]( or
//! [tracefmt](
//! For example, to collect events from a provider that was registered as
//! `provider.register("MyCompany.MyComponent", ...)`:
//! ```text
//! tracelog -start MyTrace -f MyTraceFile.etl -guid *MyCompany.MyComponent -level 5 -matchanykw 0xf
//! <run your program>
//! tracelog -stop MyTrace
//! tracefmt -o MyTraceData.txt MyTraceFile.etl
//! ```

// Re-exports from tracelogging:
pub use tracelogging::Channel;
pub use tracelogging::Guid;
pub use tracelogging::InType;
pub use tracelogging::Level;
pub use tracelogging::NativeImplementation;
pub use tracelogging::Opcode;
pub use tracelogging::OutType;
pub use tracelogging::ProviderEnableCallback;
pub use tracelogging::NATIVE_IMPLEMENTATION;

// Exports from tracelogging_dynamic:
pub use builder::EventBuilder;
pub use provider::Provider;
pub use provider::ProviderOptions;

extern crate alloc;
mod builder;
mod provider;