tracelogging 0.1.0

TraceLogging for Rust

TraceLogging for Rust

The tracelogging crate provides a simple and efficient system for logging TraceLogging events when the event schema is known at compile time.

This is similar to the C/C++ TraceLoggingProvider.h implementation in the Windows SDK.

use tracelogging as tlg;

// Define a static variable for the "MyCompany.MyComponent" provider.
    MY_PROVIDER,              // The static symbol to use for this provider.
    "MyCompany.MyComponent"); // The provider's name (string literal).

// Register the provider at module initialization. If you don't register (or if
// register fails) then MY_PROVIDER.enabled() will always return false, the
// write_event macro will be a no-op, and MY_PROVIDER.unregister() will be a no-op.
// Safety: MUST call MY_PROVIDER.unregister() before module unload.
unsafe { MY_PROVIDER.register(); }

// As necessary, call write_event to send events to ETW.
let field1_value = "String Value";
let field2_value = 42u32;
    MY_PROVIDER,                    // The provider to use for the event.
    "MyEventName",                  // The event's name (string literal).
    level(Warning),                 // Event's severity level.
    keyword(0x23),                  // Event category bits.
    str8("Field1", field1_value),   // Add a string field to the event.
    u32("Field2", &field2_value),   // Add an integer field to the event.

// Before module unload, unregister the provider.


This crate supports the following configurable features:

  • etw: Use Windows ETW APIs to log events. If not enabled, all logging operations will be no-ops. Enabled by default.
  • macros: Re-export the define_provider! and write_event! macros from the tracelogging_macros crate. Enabled by default.

In addition, this crate will log events only if compiled for a Windows operating system. If compiled for a non-Windows operating system, all logging operations will be no-ops.