tplinker 0.4.4

Interface to TPLink smart devices such as HS100, HS110, LB110, LB120, KL110
//! A library to query and control `TPLink` smart devices on the local network.
//! Supported devices include HS100, HS110, LB110, LB120, KL110.
//! Inspired and influenced by [`pyHS100`]( and
//! [hs100api](
//! # Usage
//! There are two main entrypoints. If you know the IP address and device type you can
//! instantiate directly. Alternatively you can discover devices on the local network.
//! In order to do things with devices you must bring in the capabiliy traits from
//! [`capabilities`](./capabilities/index.html).
//! ## Discovery
//! To see all `TPLink` smart devices on the local network use
//! [`discovery::discover`](./discovery/
//! ```no_run
//! use tplinker::{
//!   discovery::discover,
//!   devices::Device,
//!   capabilities::Switch,
//! };
//! for (addr, data) in discover().unwrap() {
//!   let device = Device::from_data(addr, &data);
//!   let sysinfo = data.sysinfo();
//!   println!("{}\t{}\t{}", addr, sysinfo.alias, sysinfo.hw_type);
//!   match device {
//!     Device::HS110(device) => { device.switch_on().unwrap(); },
//!     _ => {},
//!   }
//! }
//! ```
//! ## Direct device
//! To connect to a specific TPLink device use the specific device struct from
//! [`devices`](./devices/index.html).
//! ```no_run
//! use tplinker::{
//!   devices::LB110,
//!   capabilities::{Switch, Dimmer},
//! };
//! let device = LB110::new("").unwrap();
//! if device.is_on().unwrap() {
//!   let brightness = device.brightness().unwrap();
//!   if brightness < 50 {
//!     device.set_brightness(brightness + 20).unwrap();
//!   }
//! }
//! ```
//! ## Capabilities
//! In order to do things with devices you must bring in the relevant capability
//! traits from [`capabilities`](./capabilities/index.html).


extern crate byteorder;

extern crate serde_derive;

pub mod capabilities;
pub mod datatypes;
pub mod devices;
pub mod discovery;
pub mod error;
mod protocol;

pub use discovery::discover;