tp-note 1.7.2

fast note-taking with templates and filename synchronization
% TP-NOTE(1) Version 1.7.2 | Tp-Note documentation


_Tp-Note_ - fast note taking with templates and filename synchronization.


    tp-note [-V] [-b] [-d] [-v] [-c <config-file>] [<path>]


_Tp-Note_ is a note-taking-tool and a template system, that consistently
synchronizes the note's meta-data with its filename. _Tp-Note_ collects
various information about its environment and the clipboard and stores them
in variables. New notes are created by filling these variables in predefined
and customizable _Tera_-templates. In case '`<path>`' points to an existing
'_Tp-Note_'-file, the note's meta-data is analysed and, if necessary, its
filename is modified. For all other file types, _Tp-Note_ creates a new note
that annotates the file '`<path>`' points to. If '`<path>`' is a directory (or,
when omitted the current working directory), a new note is created in that
directory. After creation, _Tp-Note_ launches an external text editor of your
choice. Although the note's structure follows '`pandoc`'-conventions, it is not
tied to any specific Markup language.

After the user finished editing, _Tp-Note_ analyses eventual changes in the
notes meta-data and renames, if necessary, the file, so that its meta-data and
filename are in sync again. Finally, the resulting path is printed to
'`stdout`', log and error messages are dumped to '`stderr`'.

This document is Tp-Note's technical reference. More information
can be found in [Tp-Note's user manual] and at [Tp-Note's project page].

[Tp-Note's user manual]:
[Tp-Note's project page]:


_Tp-Note_ operates in 4 different modes, depending on its
commend-line-arguments and the clipboard state. Each mode is usually
associated with one content-template and one filename-template.

## New note without clipboard

In case the clipboard is empty while starting, the new note is created
with the templates: '`tmpl_new_content`' and '`tmpl_new_filename`'.  By
default, the new note's title is the parent's directory name. The newly created
file is then opened with an external text editor, allowing to change the
proposed title and to add other content. When the text editor closes, _Tp-Note_
synchronizes the note's meta-data and its filename. This operation is performed
with the '`tmpl_sync_filename`' template.

Example: the clipboard is empty and `<path>` is a directory (or empty):

``` sh
> tp-note "./03-Favorite Readings/"


``` sh
> cd "./03-Favorite Readings"
> tp-note

creates the document:

    "./03-Favorite Readings/20200306-Favorite"

with the content:

``` yaml
title:      "Favorite Readings"
subtitle:   "Note"
author:     "getreu"
date:       "March  6, 2020"
lang:       "en_GB.UTF-8"
revision:   "1.0"

## New note based on clipboard data

When '`<path>`' is a directory and the clipboard is not empty, the clipboard's
content is stored in the variable '`{{ clipboard }}`'. In addition, if the
content contains an hyperlink in Markdown format, the hyperlink's name can be
accessed with '`{{ clipboard | linkname }}`' and its URL with '`{{ clipboard |
linkurl }}`'. The new note is then created with the '`tmpl_clipboard_content`'
and the '`tmpl_clipboard_filename`' templates.  Finally, the newly created note
file is opened again with some external text editor. When the user closes the
text editor, _Tp-Note_ synchronizes the note's meta-data and its filename with
the template '`tmpl_sync_filename`'.

> Note: this operation mode also empties the clipboard (configurable feature).

**Clipboard simulation**

When no mouse and clipboard is available, the clipboard feature can be
simulated by feeding the clipboard data into `stdin`:

> echo "[The Rust Book]" | tp-note

_Tp-Note_ behaves here as if the clipboard contained the string:
"`[The Rust Book](`".

### The clipboard contains a string

Example: While launching _Tp-Note_ the clipboard contains the string:
"`Who Moved My Cheese?\n\nChapter 2`" and `<path>` is a directory.

``` sh
> tp-note "./03-Favorite Readings/"


``` sh
> cd "./03-Favorite Readings/"
> tp-note

This creates the document:

    "./03-Favorite Readings/20200306-Who Moved My"

with the content:

title:      "Who Moved My Cheese"
subtitle:   "Note"
author:     "getreu"
date:       "2020-09-11"
lang:       "en_GB.UTF-8"
revision:   "1.0"

Who Moved My Cheese?

Chapter 2

We see from the above example, how the '`tmpl_clipboard_content`' content
template extracts the first line of the clipboards content and inserts it into
the header's '`title:`' field. Then, it copies the entire clipboard content into
the body of the document.  However, if desired or necessary, it is possible to
modifiy all templates in _Tp-Note_'s configuration file. Note, that not only the
note's content is created with a template, but also its filename: The
'`tmpl_clipboard_filename`' filename template concatenates the current date,
the note's title and subtitle.

### The clipboard contains a Markdown link

Example: `<path>` is a directory, the clipboard is not empty and it contains
the string: "`I recommend:\n[The Rust Book](`".

> tp-note './doc/Lecture 1'

This creates the following document:

    ./doc/Lecture 1/20200911-The Rust

title:      "The Rust Book"
subtitle:   "URL"
author:     "getreu"
date:       "2020-09-11"
lang:       "en_GB.UTF-8"
revision:   "1.0"

I recommend:
[The Rust Book](

When the clipboard content contains an hyperlink in Markdown format, the
template will use the name of the first hyperlink as document title.

### The clipboard contains a string with a YAML header

Example: `<path>` is a directory, the clipboard is not empty and it contains
the string: "`---\ntitle: Todo\nfile_ext: mdtxt\n---\n\nnothing`".

> tp-note

This creates the note: '`20200911-Todo.mdtxt`' with the following

title:      "Todo"
subtitle:   ""
author:     "getreu"
date:       "2020-09-11"
lang:       "en_GB.UTF-8"
revision:   "1.0"
file_ext:   "mdtxt"


Technically, the creation of the new note is performed
using the YAML header variables: '`{{ fm_title }}`',
'`{{ fm_subtitle }}`', '`{{ fm_author }}`', '`{{ fm_date }}`',
'`{{ fm_lang }}`', '`{{ fm_revision }}`', '`{{ fm_sort_tag }}`' and
'`{{ fm_file_ext }}`' which are evaluated with the
'`tmpl_copy_content`' and the '`tmpl_copy_filename`' templates.

Note, that the same result can also be achieved without any clipboard by tying
in a terminal:

> echo -e "---\ntitle: Todo\nfile_ext: mdtxt\n---\n\nnothing" | tp-note

Furthermore, this operation mode is very handy with pipes in general, as shows the
following example: it downloads some webpage, converts it to Markdown and copies
the result into a _Tp-Note_ file. The procedure preserves the webpage's title in the
note's title:

curl '' | pandoc --standalone -f html -t markdown_strict+yaml_metadata_block | tp-note

creates the note file '`20200910-Jens Getreu's`' with the webpage's
content converted to Markdown:

title:      "Jens Getreu's blog"
subtitle:   ""
author:     "getreu"
date:       "2020-09-11"
lang:       "en"
revision:   "1.0"

<a href="/" class="logo">Jens Getreu's blog</a>

-   [Home]
-   [Categories]

### Use Tp-Note in shell scripts

To save some typing while using the above pattern, you can create a script with:

> sudo nano /usr/local/bin/download

Insert the following content:

curl "$1" | pandoc --standalone -f html -t markdown_strict+yaml_metadata_block | tp-note

and make it executable:

> sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/download

To execute the script type:

> download ''

## New note annotating another non-Tp-Note file

When '`<path>`' points to an existing file, whose file-extension is other than
'`.md`', a new note is created with a similar filename and a reference to the
original file is copied into the new note's body. If the clipboard contains
some text, it is appended there also. The logic of this is implemented in the
templates: '`tmpl_annotate_content`' and '`tmpl_annotate_filename`'. Once the
file is created, it is opened with an external text editor. After editing the
file, it will be - if necessary - renamed to be in sync with the note's


``` sh
> tp-note "Classic Shell Scripting.pdf"

creates the note:

    "Classic Shell"

with the content:

``` yaml
title:      "Classic Shell Scripting.pdf"
subtitle:   "Note"
author:     "getreu"
date:       "March  6, 2020"
lang:       "en_GB.UTF-8"
revision:   "1.1"

[Classic Shell Scripting.pdf](Classic Shell Scripting.pdf)

The configuration file variable '`note_file_extensions`' lists all file
extensions that _Tp-Note_ recognizes and opens as own file types. Others are
treated as described above.

This so called _annotation_ mode can also be used with the clipboard: when it
is not empty, its data is appended to the note's body.

## Editing notes

If not invoked with '`--batch`', _Tp-Note_ launches an external text editor
after creating a new note. This also happens when '`<path>`' points to an
existing '`.md`'-file.

Example: edit the note from the previous example:

``` bash
> cd "./03-Favorite Readings"
> tp-note 20200306-Favorite

## Automatic filename synchronization before and after editing

Before launching the text editor and after closing it, _Tp-Note_ synchronizes
the filename with the note's metadata. When the user changes the metadata of a
note, _Tp-Note_ will replicate that change in the note's filename. As a result,
*all your note's filenames always correspond to their metadata*, which allows
you to find your notes back quickly.


``` sh
> tp-note "20200306-Favorite"

The way how _Tp-Note_ synchronizes the note's metadata and filename is defined
in the template '`tmpl_sync_filename`'.

Once _Tp-Note_ opens the file in an text editor, the note-taker may decide updating
the title in the note's YAML metadata section from '`title: "Favorite
Readings"`' to '`title: "Introduction to bookkeeping"`'.  After closing the text
editor the filename is automatically updated too and looks like:

    "20200306-Introduction to"

Note: the sort-tag '`20200306`' has not changed. The filename synchronization
mechanism by default never does. (See below for more details about filename


**-b**, **\--batch**

:   Do not launch the external text editor or viewer. All other operations
    are available and are executed in the same way.

:   _Tp-Note_ ignores the clipboard when run in batch mode with '`--batch`'.
    Instead, if available, it reads the `stdin` stream as if the data came
    from the clipboard.

**-c** *CF*, **\--config**=*CF*

:   Load the alternative config file *CF* instead of the default one.

**-d**, **\--debug**

:   Print additional log-messages on console. It shows the available template
    variables, the templates used and the rendered result of the substitution.
    This option particularly useful for debugging new templates. On Windows,
    the output must be redirected into a file to see it. To do so open the
    command-prompt and type:

        tp-note.exe -d >debug.txt 2>&1

**-v**, **\--view**

:   Launch the external text editor, if possible, in read-only-mode.

**-V**, **\--version**

:   Print _Tp-Note_'s version and exit. When combined with '`--debug`',
    additional technical details are printed.


A _Tp-Note_-note file is always UTF-8 encoded. As newline, either the Unix
standard '`\n`' or the Windows standard '`\r\n`' is accepted. _Tp-Note_ writes
out newlines according the operating system it runs on.

_Tp-Note_ is designed to be compatible with '`Pandoc`'s and '`RMarkdown`s
document structure as shown in the figure below.

``` yaml
<YAML-front matter>

The YAML front matter starts at the beginning of the document with '`---`'
and ends with '`...`' or '`---`'. Note that according to the YAML standard,
string-literals are always encoded as JSON strings.

There is no restriction about the markup language used in the note's text body.
However, the default templates assume that Markdown and the file extension
'`.md`' is used. Both can be changed easily by adapting _Tp-Note_'s
configuration file.


Consider the following _Tp-Note_-file:

    20151208-Make this world a better

The filename has 4 parts:

    {{ fm_sort_tag }}-{{ fm_title }}--{{ fm_subtitle }}.{{ fm_file_ext }}

A so called _sort-tag_ is a numerical prefix at the beginning of the
filename. It is used to order files and notes in the file system. Besides
numerical digits, a _sort-tag_ can be any combination of
`0123456789-_`[^sort-tag] and is usually used as

* *chronological sort-tag*


* or as a *sequence number sort-tag*.

        08-Tax documents

When _Tp-Note_ creates a new note, it prepends automatically a *chronological
sort-tag* of today. The '`{{ fm_title }}`' part is usually derived from the
parent directory name omitting its own *sort-tag*.

[^sort-tag]: The characters '`_`' and '`-`' are considered to be
part of the *sort-tag* when they appear in last position.

A note's filename is in sync with its meta-data, when the following is true
(slightly simplified, see the configuration file for the complete definition):

> filename on disk without *sort-tag* == '`-{{ fm_title }}--{{ fm_subtitle }}.md`'
  ^[The variables '`{{ fm_title }}`' and '`{{ fm_subtitle }}`' reflect the values in
  the note's metadata.]

Consider the following document with the filename:


and the content:

``` yaml
title:      "1. The Beginning"
subtitle:   "Note"
author:     "getreu"
date:       "March  6, 2020"
lang:       "en_GB.UTF-8"
revision:   "1.1"

As "`-My`" is not equal to "`-'1. The`",
_Tp-Note_ will rename the file to "`20200306-'1. The`".
If the filename had been "`05_02-My`", it would rename it to
"`05_02-'1. The`".

Note: When the YAML front matter does not contain the optional '`sort_tag`'
variable, _Tp-Note_ will never change a sort-tag. Nevertheless, it might
change the rest of the filename!

The reason why by default _Tp-Note_ does not change sort-tags is, that they
define their order in the file listing. In general this order is independent of
the notes content. The simplest way to organize the sort-tags of your files is
by renaming them directly in your file-system. Nevertheless, in some cases you
might want to have full control over the whole filename through the note's YAML
front matter. For example, if — for some reason — you have changed the
document's date in the front matter and you want to change the chronological
sort tag in one go. In order to overwrite the note's sort-tag on disk, you can
add a '`sort_tag`' variable to its front matter:

``` yaml
title:      "1. The Beginning"
date:       "March  7, 2020"
sort_tag:   "20200307-"

When _Tp-Note_ synchronizes the note's metadata with its filename, it will also
change the sort-tag from '`20200306-`' to '`20200307-`'. The resulting filename
becomes "`20200307-'1. The`".

The '`sort_tag`' variable also becomes handy, when you want to create one single
note without any sort-tag:

``` yaml
title:      "1. The Beginning"
sort_tag:   ""

In the same way, how it is possible to pin the sort-tag of the note from within
the note's meta-data, you can also change the file extension by adding the
optional '`file_ext`' variable into the note's front matter:

``` yaml
title:      "1. The Beginning"
file_ext:   "mdtxt"

This will change the file extension from '`.md`' to '`.mdtxt`. The resulting
filename becomes "`20200307-'1. The Beginning--Note.mdtxt`".

Important: '`mdtxt`' must be one of the registered file extensions
listed in the '`note_file_extensions`' variable in Tp-Note's configuration
file. If needed you can add more extensions there.

Note: When a '`sort_tag`' variable is defined in the note's YAML header, you
should not change the sort-tag string in the note's file name manually by
renaming the file, as your change will be overwritten next time you open the
note with _Tp-Note_.  However, you can switch back to _Tp-Note_'s default
behaviour any time by deleting the '`sort_tag`' line in the note's metadata.
The same applies to the '`file_ext`' variable.


_Tp-Note_'s configuration file resides typically in
'`~/.config/tp-note/tp-note.toml`' on Unix or in
'`C:\Users\<LOGIN>\AppData\Roaming\tp-note\config\tp-note.toml>`' on Windows.
When _Tp-Note_ starts, it tries to find its configuration file. If it fails,
it writes a default configuration file. _Tp-Note_ is best customized by
starting it once, and then modifying its default configuration.

The configuration file is encoded according to the TOML-standard. Variables
starting with '`tmpl_*`' are _Tera-Template_-strings (see:

_Tp-Note_ captures and stores its environment in _Tera-variables_. For example,
the variable '`{{ path }}`' is initialized with the note's target
directory. The variable '`{{ clipboard }}`' contains the content of the
clipboard. To learn more about variables, launch _Tp-Note_ with the '`--debug`'
option and observe what information it captures from its environment.

## Template variables

All [Tera template variables and functions](
can be used within _Tp-Note_. For example '`{{ get_env(name='LANG') }}'`
gives you access to the '`LANG`' environment variable.

In addition _Tp-Note_ defines the following variables:

* '`{{ file }}`' is the canonicalized fully qualified file name corresponding
  to _Tp-Note_'s positional parameter '`<path>`'. If '`<path>`' points to a
  directory the content of this variable is identical to '`{{ path }}`'.

* '`{{ path }}`' is same as above but without filename and extension.

* '`{{ clipboard }}`' is the complete clipboard text.  In case the clipboard's
  content starts with a YAML header, the latter does not appear in this

* '`{{ clipboard_header }}`' is the YAML section of the clipboard data, if
  one exists. Otherwise: empty string.

* '`{{ stdin }}`' is the complete text content originating form the input
  stream `/dev/stdin`. This stream can replace the clipboard when it is not
  available.  In case the input stream's content starts with a YAML header, it
  does not appear in this variable.

* '`{{ stdin_header }}`' is the YAML section of the input stream, if
  one exists. Otherwise: empty string.

* '`{{ extension_default }}`' is the default extension for new notes
  (can be changed in the configuration file),

* '`{{ username }}`' is the content of the first non-empty environment
  variable: `LOGNAME`, `USER` or `USERNAME`.

* '`{{ fm_title }}`' is the '`title:`' as indicated in the YAML front matter of
  the note (only available in filename-templates and in '`tmpl_copy_content`').

* '`{{ fm_subtitle }}`' is the '`subtitle:`' as indicated in the YAML front
  matter of the note (only available in filename-templates and in

* '`{{ fm_author }}`' is the '`author:`' as indicated in the YAML front matter
  of the note (only available in filename-templates and in

* '`{{ fm_lang }}`' is the '`lang:`' as indicated in the YAML front matter of
  the note (only available in filename-templates and in '`tmpl_copy_content`')

* '`{{ fm_revision}}`' is  the '`revision:`' as indicated in the YAML front
  matter of the note (only available in filename-templates and in

* '`{{ fm_file_ext }}`' holds the value of the optional YAML header variable
  '`file_ext:`' (e.g. '`file_ext: "rst"`'). This variable is only available with
  the '`tmpl_sync_filename`', '`tmpl_copy_content`' and the
  '`tmpl_copy_filename`' templates!  Note, that '`{{ fm_file_ext }}`' is
  undefined, when the corresponding YAML header variable is not present in the
  note's header.

* '`{{ fm_sort_tag }}`': The sort variable as defined in the YAML front matter of
  this note (e.g. '`sort_tag: "20200312-"`'). This variable is only available
  in the '`tmpl_sync_filename`', '`tmpl_copy_content`' and the
  '`tmpl_copy_filename`' templates! Note, that '`{{ fm_sort_tag }}`' is
  undefined, when the corresponding YAML header variable is not present in the
  note's header.

Except for '`{{ fm_title }}`', it is **not** guaranteed, that the above
'`{{ fm_* }}`' variables are defined! Depending on the last content template
result, certain variables might be undefined. Please take into consideration,
that a defined variable might contain the empty string '`""`'.

## Template filters

_Tp-Note_ defines some additional Tera template filters, e.g.: '`tag()`',
'`stem()`', '`cut()`', '`heading()`', '`linkname()`', '`linkurl()`' and

Sample usage:

* '`{{ file | tag }}`' is the sort-tag (numerical filename prefix) of the
  current note on disk, e.g. '`01-23_9-`' or '`20191022-`'. Useful in content
  templates, for example to create new notes based on a path with a filename
  (e.g.  '`tmpl_annotate_content`').

* '`{{ path | stem }}`' is the parent directory's name of the note on disk.

* '`{{ file | stem }}`' is the note's filename without sort-tag and extension.

* '`{{ file | ext | prepend_dot }}`' is the note's filename extension with a
  leading dot (period), e.g. '`.md`'.

* '`{{ clipboard | cut }}`' is the first 200 bytes from the clipboard.

* '`{{ clipboard | heading }}`' is the clipboard's content until end of the first
  sentence ending, or the first newline.

* '`{{ clipboard | linkname }}`' is the name of the first Markdown formatted link
  in the clipboard.

* '`{{ clipboard | linkurl }}`' is the URL of the first Markdown formatted link
  in the clipboard.

* '`{{ file | ext }}`' is the filename extension of the current note on disk.

* '`{{ username | json_encode }}`' is the username Json encoded. All YAML
  front matter must be Json encoded, so this filter should be the last in all
  lines of the front matter section.

* '`{{ subtitle | sanit }}`' the note's subtitle as defined in its front-matter,
  sanitized in a filesystem friendly form. Special characters are omitted or
  replaced by '`-`' and '`_`'.

* '`{{ title | sanit(alpha=true) }}`' the note's title as defined in its
  front-matter.  Same as above, but strings starting with a number are
  prepended by an apostrophe.

## Content-template conventions

_Tp-Note_ distinguishes two template types: content-templates '`tmpl_*_content`'
used to create the note's content (front-matter and body) and filename-templates
'`tmpl_*_filename`' used to calculate the note's filename.

Strings in the YAML front matter of content-templates are JSON encoded.
Therefore, all variables used in the front matter must pass an additional
'`json_encode()`'-filter. For example, the variable '`{{ path | stem }}`'
becomes '`{{ path | stem | json_encode() }}`' or just
'`{{ path | stem | json_encode }}`'.

## Filename-template convention

The same applies to filename-template-variables: in this context we must
guarantee, that the variable contains only file system friendly characters.
For this purpose _Tp-Note_ provides the additional Tera filters '`sanit`' and

* The '`sanit()`' filter transforms a string in a file system friendly from. This
  is done by replacing forbidden characters like '`?`' and '`\\`' with '`_`'
  or space. This filter can be used with any variables, but is most useful with
  filename-templates. For example, in the '`tmpl_sync_filename`'
  template, we find the expression '`{{ subtitle | sanit }}`'.

* '`sanit(alpha=true)`' is similar to the above, with one exception: when a string
  starts with a digit '`0`-`9`', the whole string is prepended with `'`.
  For example: "`1 The Show Begins`" becomes "`'1 The Show Begins`".
  This filter should always be applied to the first variable assembling the new
  filename, e.g. '`{{ title | sanit(alpha=true )}`'. This way, it is always
  possible to distinguish the sort-tag from the actual filename.

In filename-templates most variables must pass either the '`sanit`' or the
'`sanit(alpha=true)`' filter. Exception to this rule are the sort-tag variables
'`{{ file | tag }}`' and '`{{ path | tag }}`'. As these are guaranteed to contain only
the filesystem-friendly characters: '`0..9-_`', no additional filtering is
required. In addition, a '`sanit()`'-filter would needlessly restrict the value
range of '`{{ file | tag }}`' and '`{{ path | tag }}`': a sort tag usually ends with a
'`-`', a character that the '`sanit`'-filter screens out when it appears in
leading or trailing position. For this reason no '`sanit`'-filter is allowed
with '`{{ file | tag }}`' and '`{{ path | tag }}`'.

## Register your own external text editor

The configuration file variables '`editor_args`' and '`viewer_args`' define a
list of external text editors to be launched for editing. '`viewer_args`' is
used when _Tp-Note_ is invoked with '`--view`' in viewer mode.  The list
contains well-known text editor names and its command-line arguments.
_Tp-Note_ tries to launch every text editor from the beginning of the list
until it finds an installed text editor. When _Tp-Note_ is started on a Linux
console, an alternative file editor list used: '`editor_console_args`' and
'`viewer_console_args`'. Here you can register file editors that do not
require a graphical environment, e.g. '`vim`' or '`nano`'.

In order to use your own text editor, just place it at the top of the list. To
make this work properly, make sure, that your text editor does not fork! You
can check this when you launch the text editor from the command-line: if the
prompt returns immediately, then it forks the process. In contrast, it is Ok
when the prompt only comes back at the moment when the text editor is closed.
Many text editors provide an option not to fork: for example the
_VScode_-editor can be launched with the '`--wait`' option and `vim` with
`vim --nofork`. However, _Tp-Note_ also works with forking text editors. Then,
the only drawback is, that _Tp-Note_ can not synchronize the filename with the
note's metadata when the user has finished editing. It will still happen, but
only when the user opens the note again with _Tp-Note_.

Remark for the advanced console user: It is also possible to launch a different
editor without changing the configuration file:

> FILE=$(tp-note --batch); vi "$FILE"; tp-note --batch "$FILE"

Whereby '`FILE=$(tp-note --batch)`' creates the note file, '`vi "$FILE"`' opens the
'`vi`'-file editor and '`tp-note --batch "$FILE"`' synchronizes the filename.

## Register a Flatpak Markdown editor

[Flathub for Linux] is a cross-platform application repository that works well
with _Tp-Note_.  To showcase an example, we will add a _Tp-Note_ launcher for
the _Mark Text_ Markdown file editor available as [Flatpak package]. Before
installing, make sure that you have [setup Flatpack] correctly. Then install
the application with:

[Flathub for Linux]:
[Flatpak package]:
[setup Flatpack]:

    > sudo flatpak install flathub com.github.marktext.marktext

To test, run _Mark Text_ from the command-line:

    > flatpak run com.github.marktext.marktext

Then open _Tp-Note_'s configuration file `tp-note.toml` and search for the
'`editor_args`' variable, quoted shortened below:

editor_args = [

The structure of this variable is a list of lists. Every item in the outer list
corresponds to one entire command line launching a different file editor, here
_Typora_ and _VSCode_.  When launching, _Tp-Note_ searches through this list
until it finds an installed file editor on the system.

In this example, we register the _Mark Text_ editor at the first place in this
list, by inserting '`['flatpak', 'run', 'com.github.marktext.marktext'],`:

editor_args = [

Save the modified configuration file.  Next time you launch _Tp-Note_, the
_Mark Text_-editor will open with your note.

## Change the markup language

_Tp-Note_ is markup language agnostic, however the default templates define
_Markdown_ as default markup language. To change this, just edit the following
3 variables:

1. Change the variable '`extension_default`'. Example:

2. Change the variable '`note_file_extension`'. Example:
   '`note_file_extensions = [ 'rst', 'rest', 'restructuredtext' ]`'.

3. The last line in the template '`tmpl_clipboard_content`' defines a hyperlink in
   Markdown format. Change the link format according to your markup language


_Tp-Note_ it hosted on:

* Github: <> and on

* Gitlab (mirror): <>.


Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Jens Getreu

Licensed under either of

* Apache Licence, Version 2.0 (\[LICENSE-APACHE\](LICENSE-APACHE) or
* MIT licence (\[LICENSE-MIT\](LICENSE-MIT) or

at your option.

## Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally
submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0
licence, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms
or conditions. Licensed under the Apache Licence, Version 2.0 (the
\"Licence\"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the


Jens Getreu <>