tp-note 1.21.6

Minimalistic note taking: save and edit your clipboard content as a note file
//! Prints error messages and exceptional states.

#[cfg(feature = "message-box")]
use crate::alert_service::AlertService;
#[cfg(feature = "message-box")]
use crate::settings::ARGS;
#[cfg(feature = "message-box")]
use crate::settings::RUNS_ON_CONSOLE;
use crate::CONFIG_PATH;
#[cfg(feature = "message-box")]
use crate::VERSION;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use log::LevelFilter;
use log::{Level, Metadata, Record};
#[cfg(not(all(unix, not(target_os = "macos"))))]
#[cfg(feature = "message-box")]
use msgbox::IconType;
#[cfg(all(unix, not(target_os = "macos")))]
#[cfg(feature = "message-box")]
use notify_rust::{Hint, Notification, Timeout};
use std::env;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::sync::RwLock;

#[cfg(feature = "message-box")]
/// Window title of the message alert box.
const ALERT_DIALOG_TITLE: &str = "Tp-Note";

#[cfg(feature = "message-box")]
lazy_static! {
    /// Window title followed by version.
    pub static ref ALERT_DIALOG_TITLE_LINE: String = format!(
        "{} (v{})",

/// Pops up an error message notification and prints `msg`.
/// Blocks until the user closes the window.
/// Under Linux no notifications will be shown when
/// `log::max_level=Level::Trace`.
#[cfg(all(unix, not(target_os = "macos")))]
#[cfg(feature = "message-box")]
fn popup_alert(msg: &str) {
    if log::max_level() == Level::Trace {
    if let Ok(handle) = Notification::new()
        .hint(Hint::Resident(true)) // Does not work on Kde.
        .timeout(Timeout::Never) // Works on Kde and Gnome.
        handle.wait_for_action(|_action| { // Only available in Linux.
             // if "__closed" == _action {
             //     println!("the notification was closed")
             // }
/// Pops up an error message box and prints `msg`.
/// Blocks until the user closes the window.
#[cfg(not(all(unix, not(target_os = "macos"))))]
#[cfg(feature = "message-box")]
fn popup_alert(msg: &str) {
    let _ = msgbox::create(&ALERT_DIALOG_TITLE_LINE, msg, IconType::Info);

lazy_static! {
    /// Some additional debugging information added to the end of error messages.
    pub static ref ERR_MSG_TAIL: String = {
        let mut args_str = String::new();
        for argument in env::args() {
            args_str.push(' ');

            Additional technical details:\n\
            *    Command line parameters:\n\
            *    Configuration file:\n\
                .unwrap_or(&PathBuf::from("no path found"))

/// If `true`, all future log events will trigger the opening of a popup
/// alert window. Otherwise only `Level::Error` will do.
static APP_LOGGER_ENABLE_POPUP: RwLock<bool> = RwLock::new(false);

pub struct AppLogger;
static APP_LOGGER: AppLogger = AppLogger;

/// All methods here are stateless (without _self_). Instead, their state is
/// stored in a global variable `APP_LOGGER` in order to simplify the API for
/// the caller.  As all the methods are stateless, the caller does not need to
/// carry around any (state) struct. For example, just `AppLogger::log(...)`
/// will do.
impl AppLogger {
    /// Initialize logger.
    pub fn init() {
        // Setup the `AlertService`
        #[cfg(feature = "message-box")]
        if !*RUNS_ON_CONSOLE && !ARGS.batch {

        // Setup console logger.

    /// Sets the maximum level debug events must have to be logged.
    pub fn set_max_level(level: LevelFilter) {

    /// If called with `true`, all debug events will also trigger the appearance of
    /// a popup alert window.
    pub fn set_popup_always_enabled(popup: bool) {
        // Release lock immediately.
        *APP_LOGGER_ENABLE_POPUP.write().unwrap() = popup;

    /// Blocks until the `AlertService` is not busy any more. This should be
    /// executed before quitting the application because there might be still
    /// queued error messages the uses has not seen yet.
    /// Once flushed, no more logs are recorded.
    pub fn flush() {
        #[cfg(feature = "message-box")]
        if !*RUNS_ON_CONSOLE && !ARGS.batch {
            // If ever there is still a message window open, this will block.

/// Trait defining the logging format and destination.
impl log::Log for AppLogger {
    fn enabled(&self, metadata: &Metadata<'_>) -> bool {
        metadata.level() <= Level::Trace

    fn log(&self, record: &Record<'_>) {
        if self.enabled(record.metadata()) {
            let mut msg = format!("{}:\n{}", record.level(), &record.args().to_string());
            if record.metadata().level() == Level::Error {

            // Log this to `stderr`.
            eprintln!("*** {}", msg);

            // Eventually also log as popup alert window.
            #[cfg(feature = "message-box")]
            if !*RUNS_ON_CONSOLE
                && !ARGS.batch
                && ((record.metadata().level() == LevelFilter::Error)
                        // Release lock immediately.
                        || *
                // We silently ignore failing pushes. We have printed the
                // error message on the console already.
                let _ = AlertService::push_str(msg);

    fn flush(&self) {