tp-note 1.19.6

Minimalistic note taking: save and edit your clipboard content as a note file
//! Reads the command line parameters and clipboard and exposes them as `static`
//! variables.

use crate::config::CFG;
use atty::{is, Stream};
#[cfg(feature = "read-clipboard")]
use copypasta::ClipboardContext;
#[cfg(feature = "read-clipboard")]
use copypasta::ClipboardProvider;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use log::LevelFilter;
use std::io;
use std::io::Read;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use structopt::StructOpt;
use tpnote_lib::config::LocalLinkKind;
use tpnote_lib::content::Content;
use tpnote_lib::content::ContentString;

#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, StructOpt)]
    name = "Tp-Note",
    about = "Fast note taking with templates and filename synchronization."
/// _Tp-Note_ is a note taking tool and a template system, that synchronizes the
/// note's metadata with its filename. _Tp-Note_ collects various information
/// about its environment and the clipboard and stores it in variables. New
/// notes are created by filling these variables in predefined and customizable
/// `Tera`-templates. In case `<path>` points to an existing _Tp-Note_-file, the
/// note's metadata is analysed and, if necessary, its filename is adjusted.
/// For all other file types, _Tp-Note_ creates a new note annotating the
/// file `<path>` points to. If `<path>` is a directory (or, when omitted the
/// current working directory), a new note is created in that directory. After
/// creation, _Tp-Note_ launches an external editor of your choice. Although the
/// templates are written for Markdown, _Tp-Note_ is not tied to
/// any specific markup language. However, _Tp-Note_ comes with an optional
/// viewer feature, that currently renders only Markdown, ReStructuredText and
/// HTML. Note, that there is also some limited support for Asciidoc and
/// WikiText. The note's rendition with its hyperlinks is live updated and
/// displayed in the user's webbrowser.
pub struct Args {
    /// Prepends YAML header if missing
    #[structopt(long, short = "a")]
    pub add_header: bool,
    /// Batch mode: does not launch editor or viewer
    #[structopt(long, short = "b")]
    pub batch: bool,
    /// Loads alternative configuration file
    #[structopt(long, short = "c")]
    pub config: Option<String>,
    /// Console debug level: "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error" (default) or "off"
    #[structopt(long, short = "d")]
    pub debug: Option<LevelFilter>,
    /// Shows console debug messages also as popup windows
    #[structopt(long, short = "u")]
    pub popup: bool,
    /// Launches only the editor, no browser
    #[structopt(long, short = "e")]
    pub edit: bool,
    /// Forces console mode: opens console editor, no browser
    #[structopt(long, short = "t")]
    pub tty: bool,
    /// Lets web server listen to a specific port
    #[structopt(long, short = "p")]
    pub port: Option<u16>,
    /// Disables filename synchronization
    #[structopt(long, short = "n")]
    pub no_filename_sync: bool,
    /// Launches only the browser, no editor
    #[structopt(long, short = "v")]
    pub view: bool,
    /// <dir> as new note location or <file> to annotate
    #[structopt(name = "PATH", parse(from_os_str))]
    pub path: Option<PathBuf>,
    /// Prints version and exits
    #[structopt(long, short = "V")]
    pub version: bool,
    /// Saves the HTML rendition in the <export>
    /// dir, the note's dir if '' or stdout if '-'.
    #[structopt(long, short = "x", parse(from_os_str))]
    pub export: Option<PathBuf>,
    /// Exporter local link rewriting: "off", "short", "long (default)"
    pub export_link_rewriting: Option<LocalLinkKind>,

lazy_static! {
/// Structure to hold the parsed command line arguments.
pub static ref ARGS : Args = Args::from_args();

lazy_static! {
    /// Shall we launch the external text editor?
    pub static ref LAUNCH_EDITOR: bool = {
        !ARGS.batch && ARGS.export.is_none() &&
          (ARGS.edit || !ARGS.view)

#[cfg(feature = "viewer")]
lazy_static! {
    /// Shall we launch the internal http server and the external browser?
    pub static ref LAUNCH_VIEWER: bool = {
        !ARGS.batch && ARGS.export.is_none() && !*RUNS_ON_CONSOLE &&
            (ARGS.view || ( !ARGS.edit && !CFG.arg_default.edit ))

#[cfg(not(feature = "viewer"))]
lazy_static! {
    /// Shall we launch the internal http server and the external browser?
    pub static ref LAUNCH_VIEWER: bool = {

lazy_static! {
    /// Do we run on a console?
    pub static ref RUNS_ON_CONSOLE: bool = {
        use crate::CFG;
        // User `root` has usually no GUI.
        #[cfg(target_family = "unix")]
        if let Some(user) = std::env::var("USER")
            // Map error to `None`.
            // A pattern mapping `Some("")` to `None`.
            .and_then(|s: String| if s.is_empty() { None } else { Some(s) }) {
            if user == "root" {
                return true;

        // On Linux popup window only if DISPLAY is set.
        #[cfg(target_family = "unix")]
        let display = std::env::var("DISPLAY")
            // Map error to `None`.
            // A pattern mapping `Some("")` to `None`.
            .and_then(|s: String| if s.is_empty() { None } else { Some(s) });
        // In non-Linux there is always "Some" display.
        #[cfg(not(target_family = "unix"))]
        let display = Some(String::new());

        display.is_none() || ARGS.tty || CFG.arg_default.tty

lazy_static! {
    /// Reads the input stream stdin if there is any.
    pub static ref STDIN: ContentString = {
        let mut buffer = String::new();

        // Read stdin().
        if !is(Stream::Stdin) {
            let stdin = io::stdin();
            let mut handle = stdin.lock();
            let _ = handle.read_to_string(&mut buffer);

        // `trim_end()` content without new allocation.

        <ContentString as Content>::from_string_with_cr(buffer)

lazy_static! {
    /// Reads the clipboard, if there is any and empties it.
    pub static ref CLIPBOARD: ContentString = {
        let mut buffer = String::new();

        // Concatenate clipboard content.
        if CFG.clipboard.read_enabled && !ARGS.batch {
            if let Ok(mut ctx) = ClipboardContext::new(){
                if let Ok(s) = ctx.get_contents(){

        // `trim_end()` content without new allocation.

        <ContentString as Content>::from_string_with_cr(buffer)

lazy_static! {
/// Shall the exporter rewrite relative links to absolute links?
pub static ref HTML_EXPORT: Option<(PathBuf, LocalLinkKind)> = ARGS.export
    // The expression after `or_else` is always `Some`, therefore it is
    // save to `unwrap()`.
    .as_ref().map(|dir| (dir.to_path_buf(), ARGS.export_link_rewriting
