tp-note 1.17.0

Minimalistic note taking: save and edit your clipboard content as a note file
//! Extends the built-in Tera filters.
use crate::config::CFG;
use crate::config::FILENAME_DOTFILE_MARKER;
use crate::filename::disassemble;
use crate::filename::is_well_formed_filename;
use crate::settings::Hyperlink;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use sanitize_filename_reader_friendly::sanitize;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::hash::BuildHasher;
use std::path::Path;
use tera::{to_value, try_get_value, Result as TeraResult, Tera, Value};

/// Filter parameter of the `cut_filter()` that limits the maximum length of template variables,
/// which are usually used to in the note's front matter as title. For example: the title should
/// not be too long, because it will end up as part of the filename when the note is saved to
/// disk. Filenames of some operating systems are limited to 255 bytes.
const CUT_LEN_MAX: usize = 200;
const CUT_LEN_MAX: usize = 10;

lazy_static! {
/// Tera object with custom functions registered.
    pub static ref TERA: Tera = {
        let mut tera = Tera::default();
        tera.register_filter("sanit", sanit_filter);
        tera.register_filter("linkname", linkname_filter);
        tera.register_filter("linktarget", linktarget_filter);
        tera.register_filter("linktitle", linktitle_filter);
        tera.register_filter("heading", heading_filter);
        tera.register_filter("cut", cut_filter);
        tera.register_filter("trim_tag", trim_tag_filter);
        tera.register_filter("tag", tag_filter);
        tera.register_filter("stem", stem_filter);
        tera.register_filter("copy_counter", copy_counter_filter);
        tera.register_filter("filename", filename_filter);
        tera.register_filter("ext", ext_filter);
        tera.register_filter("prepend_dot", prepend_dot_filter);
        tera.register_filter("remove", remove_filter);

/// Adds a new filter to Tera templates:
/// `sanit` or `sanit()` sanitizes a string so that it can be used
/// to assemble filenames or paths.
/// In addition, `sanit(alpha=true)` prepends the `sort_tag_extra_separator`
/// when the result starts with one of `sort_tag_chars`, usually a number. This
/// way we guaranty that the filename never starts with a number. We do not
/// allow this, to be able to distinguish reliably the sort tag from the
/// filename. In addition to the above, the filter checks if the string
/// represents a "well formed" filename. If it is the case, and the filename
/// starts with a dot, the file is prepended by `sort_tag_extra_separator`.
/// Note, this filter converts all input types to `tera::String`.
pub fn sanit_filter<S: BuildHasher>(
    value: &Value,
    args: &HashMap<String, Value, S>,
) -> TeraResult<Value> {
    let p = try_get_value!("sanit", "value", Value, value);

    // Take unmodified `String()`, but format all other types into
    // string.
    let mut p = if p.is_string() {
    } else {
        // Convert and format.

    let alpha_required = match args.get("alpha") {
        Some(val) => try_get_value!("sanit", "alpha", bool, val),
        None => false,

    // Check if this is a usual filename.
    if p.starts_with(FILENAME_DOTFILE_MARKER) && is_well_formed_filename(Path::new(&*p)) {
        p.to_mut().insert(0, CFG.filename.sort_tag_extra_separator);

    // Sanitize string.
    p = sanitize(&p).into();

    // Check if we must prepend a `sort_tag_extra_separator`.
    if alpha_required
        // `sort_tag_extra_separator` is guaranteed not to be part of `sort_tag_chars`.
        // Thus, the following makes sure, that we do not accidentally add two
        // `sort_tag_extra_separator`.
        && p.starts_with(&CFG.filename.sort_tag_chars.chars().collect::<Vec<char>>()[..])
        p.to_mut().insert(0, CFG.filename.sort_tag_extra_separator);


/// A Tera filter that searches for the first Markdown or reStructuredText link
/// in the input stream and returns the link's name.
pub fn linkname_filter<S: BuildHasher>(
    value: &Value,
    _args: &HashMap<String, Value, S>,
) -> TeraResult<Value> {
    let p = try_get_value!("linkname", "value", String, value);

    let hyperlink = Hyperlink::from(&p).unwrap_or_default();


/// A Tera filter that searches for the first Markdown or reStructuredText link
/// in the input stream and returns the link's URL.
pub fn linktarget_filter<S: BuildHasher>(
    value: &Value,
    _args: &HashMap<String, Value, S>,
) -> TeraResult<Value> {
    let p = try_get_value!("linkname", "value", String, value);

    let hyperlink = Hyperlink::from(&p).unwrap_or_default();


/// A Tera filter that searches for the first Markdown or reStructuredText link
/// in the input stream and returns the link's title.
pub fn linktitle_filter<S: BuildHasher>(
    value: &Value,
    _args: &HashMap<String, Value, S>,
) -> TeraResult<Value> {
    let p = try_get_value!("linktitle", "value", String, value);

    let hyperlink = Hyperlink::from(&p).unwrap_or_default();


/// A Tera filter that truncates the input stream and returns the
/// max `CUT_LEN_MAX` bytes of valid UTF-8.
/// This filter only acts on `String` types. All other types
/// are passed through.
pub fn cut_filter<S: BuildHasher>(
    value: &Value,
    _args: &HashMap<String, Value, S>,
) -> TeraResult<Value> {
    let p = try_get_value!("cut", "value", tera::Value, value);

    match p {
        tera::Value::String(sv) => {
            let mut short = "";
            for i in (0..CUT_LEN_MAX).rev() {
                if let Some(s) = sv.get(..i) {
                    short = s;
        _ => Ok(p),

/// A Tera filter that return the first line or the first sentence of the input stream.
pub fn heading_filter<S: BuildHasher>(
    value: &Value,
    _args: &HashMap<String, Value, S>,
) -> TeraResult<Value> {
    let p = try_get_value!("heading", "value", String, value);
    let p = p.trim_start();

    // Find the first heading, can finish with `. `, `.\n` or `.\r\n` on Windows.
    let mut index = p.len();

    if let Some(i) = p.find(". ") {
        if i < index {
            index = i;
    if let Some(i) = p.find(".\n") {
        if i < index {
            index = i;
    if let Some(i) = p.find(".\r\n") {
        if i < index {
            index = i;
    if let Some(i) = p.find('!') {
        if i < index {
            index = i;
    if let Some(i) = p.find('?') {
        if i < index {
            index = i;
    if let Some(i) = p.find("\n\n") {
        if i < index {
            index = i;
    if let Some(i) = p.find("\r\n\r\n") {
        if i < index {
            index = i;
    let content_heading = p[0..index].to_string();


/// A Tera filter that takes a path and extracts the tag of the filename.
pub fn tag_filter<S: BuildHasher>(
    value: &Value,
    _args: &HashMap<String, Value, S>,
) -> TeraResult<Value> {
    let p = try_get_value!("tag", "value", String, value);

    let (tag, _, _, _, _) = disassemble(Path::new(&p));


/// A Tera filter that takes a path and extracts its last element.
/// This function trims the `sort_tag` if present.
pub fn trim_tag_filter<S: BuildHasher>(
    value: &Value,
    _args: &HashMap<String, Value, S>,
) -> TeraResult<Value> {
    let p = try_get_value!("filename", "value", String, value);

    let (_, fname, _, _, _) = disassemble(Path::new(&p));


/// A Tera filter that takes a path and extracts its file stem,
/// in other words: the filename without `sort_tag`, `copy_counter`
/// and `extension`.
pub fn stem_filter<S: BuildHasher>(
    value: &Value,
    _args: &HashMap<String, Value, S>,
) -> TeraResult<Value> {
    let p = try_get_value!("stem", "value", String, value);

    let (_, _, stem, _, _) = disassemble(Path::new(&p));


/// A Tera filter that takes a path and extracts its copy counter,
/// in other words: the filename without `sort_tag`, `stem`
/// and `extension`.
pub fn copy_counter_filter<S: BuildHasher>(
    value: &Value,
    _args: &HashMap<String, Value, S>,
) -> TeraResult<Value> {
    let p = try_get_value!("copy_counter", "value", String, value);

    let (_, _, _, copy_counter, _) = disassemble(Path::new(&p));


/// A Tera filter that takes a path and extracts its filename.
pub fn filename_filter<S: BuildHasher>(
    value: &Value,
    _args: &HashMap<String, Value, S>,
) -> TeraResult<Value> {
    let p = try_get_value!("filename", "value", String, value);

    let filename = Path::new(&p)


/// A Tera filter that prepends a dot when stream not empty.
pub fn prepend_dot_filter<S: BuildHasher>(
    value: &Value,
    _args: &HashMap<String, Value, S>,
) -> TeraResult<Value> {
    let p = try_get_value!("prepend_dot", "value", String, value);

    let mut prepend_dot = String::new();

    if !p.is_empty() {


/// A Tera filter that takes a path and extracts its file extension.
pub fn ext_filter<S: BuildHasher>(
    value: &Value,
    _args: &HashMap<String, Value, S>,
) -> TeraResult<Value> {
    let p = try_get_value!("ext", "value", String, value);

    let ext = Path::new(&p)


/// A Tera filter that takes a list of variables and removes
/// one.
pub fn remove_filter<S: BuildHasher>(
    value: &Value,
    args: &HashMap<String, Value, S>,
) -> TeraResult<Value> {
    let mut map = try_get_value!("remove", "value", tera::Map<String, tera::Value>, value);

    let var = match args.get("var") {
        Some(val) => try_get_value!("remove", "var", String, val),
        None => "".to_string(),

    let _ = map.remove(var.trim_start_matches("fm_"));


mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use std::collections::HashMap;
    use tera::to_value;

    fn test_sanit_filter() {
        let result = sanit_filter(
            &to_value(&".# Strange filename? Yes.").unwrap(),
        assert_eq!(result.unwrap(), to_value(&"Strange filename_ Yes").unwrap());

    fn test_sanit_filter_alpha() {
        let mut args = HashMap::new();
        args.insert("alpha".to_string(), to_value(true).unwrap());
        let result = sanit_filter(&to_value(&"1. My first: chapter").unwrap(), &args);
        assert_eq!(result.unwrap(), to_value(&"'1. My first_ chapter").unwrap());

        let mut args = HashMap::new();
        args.insert("alpha".to_string(), to_value(true).unwrap());
        let result = sanit_filter(&to_value(222).unwrap(), &args);
        assert_eq!(result.unwrap(), to_value("\'222").unwrap());

        let mut args = HashMap::new();
        args.insert("alpha".to_string(), to_value(true).unwrap());
        let result = sanit_filter(&to_value(&r#"a"b'c'b"a"#).unwrap(), &args);
        assert_eq!(result.unwrap(), to_value(&r#"a b'c'b a"#).unwrap());

        let mut args = HashMap::new();
        args.insert("alpha".to_string(), to_value(true).unwrap());
        let result = sanit_filter(&to_value(123.4).unwrap(), &args);
        assert_eq!(result.unwrap(), to_value(&"\'123.4").unwrap());

        let mut args = HashMap::new();
        args.insert("alpha".to_string(), to_value(true).unwrap());
        // Note: the dot is trimmed by the `sanitize_filename_reader_friendly` lib.
        let result = sanit_filter(&to_value(&".pdf").unwrap(), &args);
        assert_eq!(result.unwrap(), to_value(&"'.pdf").unwrap());
    fn test_linkname_linktarget_linktitle_filter() {
        let args = HashMap::new();
        // Test Markdown link in clipboard.
        let input = r#"xxx[Jens Getreu's blog]( "My blog")"#;
        let output_ln = linkname_filter(&to_value(&input).unwrap(), &args).unwrap_or_default();
        assert_eq!("Jens Getreu's blog", output_ln);
        let output_lta = linktarget_filter(&to_value(&input).unwrap(), &args).unwrap_or_default();
        assert_eq!("", output_lta);
        let output_lti = linktitle_filter(&to_value(&input).unwrap(), &args).unwrap_or_default();
        assert_eq!("My blog", output_lti);

        // Test non-link string in clipboard.
        let input = "Tp-Note helps you to quickly get\
            started writing notes.";
        let output_ln = linkname_filter(&to_value(&input).unwrap(), &args).unwrap_or_default();
        assert_eq!("", output_ln);
        let output_lta = linktarget_filter(&to_value(&input).unwrap(), &args).unwrap_or_default();
        assert_eq!("", output_lta);
        let output_lti = linktitle_filter(&to_value(&input).unwrap(), &args).unwrap_or_default();
        assert_eq!("", output_lti);
    fn test_cut_filter() {
        let args = HashMap::new();
        // Test Markdown link in clipboard.
        let input = "Jens Getreu's blog";
        let output = cut_filter(&to_value(&input).unwrap(), &args).unwrap_or_default();
        assert_eq!("Jens Getr", output);

        let args = HashMap::new();
        // Test Markdown link in clipboard.
        let input = 222; // Number type.
        let output = cut_filter(&to_value(&input).unwrap(), &args).unwrap_or_default();
        assert_eq!(222, output);
    fn test_heading_filter() {
        let args = HashMap::new();

        // Test find first sentence.
        let input = "N.ote.\nIt helps. Get quickly\
            started writing notes.";
        let output = heading_filter(&to_value(&input).unwrap(), &args).unwrap_or_default();
        // This string is shortened.
        assert_eq!("N.ote", output);

        // Test find first sentence (Windows)
        let input = "N.ote.\r\nIt helps. Get quickly\
            started writing notes.";
        let output = heading_filter(&to_value(&input).unwrap(), &args).unwrap_or_default();
        // This string is shortened.
        assert_eq!("N.ote", output);

        // Test find heading
        let input = "N.ote\n\nIt helps. Get quickly\
            started writing notes.";
        let output = heading_filter(&to_value(&input).unwrap(), &args).unwrap_or_default();
        // This string is shortened.
        assert_eq!("N.ote", output);

        // Test find heading (Windows)
        let input = "N.ote\r\n\r\nIt helps. Get quickly\
            started writing notes.";
        let output = heading_filter(&to_value(&input).unwrap(), &args).unwrap_or_default();
        // This string is shortened.
        assert_eq!("N.ote", output);

        // Test trim whitespace
        let input = "\r\n\r\n  \tIt helps. Get quickly\
            started writing notes.";
        let output = heading_filter(&to_value(&input).unwrap(), &args).unwrap_or_default();
        // This string is shortened.
        assert_eq!("It helps", output);
    fn test_file_filter() {
        let args = HashMap::new();
        // Test file stem.
        let input =
        let output = stem_filter(&to_value(&input).unwrap(), &args).unwrap_or_default();
        assert_eq!("My file", output);

        let input =
            "/usr/local/WEB-SERVER-CONTENT/ dir/";
        let output = stem_filter(&to_value(&input).unwrap(), &args).unwrap_or_default();
        assert_eq!("My dir", output);
        // Test file tag.
        let input =
        let output = tag_filter(&to_value(&input).unwrap(), &args).unwrap_or_default();
        assert_eq!("20200908-", output);

        let input =
            "/usr/local/WEB-SERVER-CONTENT/ dir/";
        let output = tag_filter(&to_value(&input).unwrap(), &args).unwrap_or_default();
        assert_eq!("20200908-", output);
        // Test `prepend_dot`.
        let input = "md";
        let output = prepend_dot_filter(&to_value(&input).unwrap(), &args).unwrap_or_default();
        assert_eq!(".md", output);

        let input = "";
        let output = prepend_dot_filter(&to_value(&input).unwrap(), &args).unwrap_or_default();
        assert_eq!("", output);
        // Test file extension.
        let input =
        let output = ext_filter(&to_value(&input).unwrap(), &args).unwrap_or_default();
        assert_eq!("md", output);

        let input =
            "/usr/local/WEB-SERVER-CONTENT/ dir/";
        let output = ext_filter(&to_value(&input).unwrap(), &args).unwrap_or_default();
        assert_eq!("", output);
        // Test copy counter filter.
        let input =
            "/usr/local/WEB-SERVER-CONTENT/ file(123).md";
        let output = copy_counter_filter(&to_value(&input).unwrap(), &args).unwrap_or_default();
        assert_eq!("(123)", output);

        let input =
            "/usr/local/WEB-SERVER-CONTENT/ dir/";
        let output = ext_filter(&to_value(&input).unwrap(), &args).unwrap_or_default();
        assert_eq!("", output);
        // Test filename .
        let input =
            "/usr/local/WEB-SERVER-CONTENT/ file(123).md";
        let output = filename_filter(&to_value(&input).unwrap(), &args).unwrap_or_default();
        assert_eq!("20200908-My file(123).md", output);

        let input =
            "/usr/local/WEB-SERVER-CONTENT/ dir/";
        let output = ext_filter(&to_value(&input).unwrap(), &args).unwrap_or_default();
        assert_eq!("", output);