toxicblend 0.0.22

gRPC based Blender-addons. WIP
use crate::{PB_Command, PB_Face, PB_KeyValuePair, PB_Model, PB_Reply, PB_Vertex, TBError};

use itertools::Itertools;
use linestring::linestring_3d;
use rayon::prelude::*;
use std::collections::HashMap;

/// Simplify the model into a sequence of connected vertices.
/// The end and start points has duplicate-checked vertex numbers, the 'in the middle' vertexes do not.
fn find_linestrings(
    obj: &PB_Model,
) -> Result<Vec<(usize, linestring_3d::LineString3<f64>, usize)>, TBError> {
    let mut linestrings = Vec::<(usize, linestring_3d::LineString3<f64>, usize)>::new();

    // vertex number usize is connected to u32 number of other vertices.
    let mut connections_map = ahash::AHashMap::<usize, smallvec::SmallVec<[usize; 2]>>::default();
    // a set of every edge
    let mut edge_set = ahash::AHashSet::<(usize, usize)>::default();

    for face in obj.faces.iter() {
        if face.vertices.len() > 2 {
            return Err(TBError::ModelContainsFaces("Model can't contain any faces, only edges. Use the 2d_outline tool to remove faces".to_string()));
        if face.vertices.len() < 2 {
            return Err(TBError::InvalidInputData(
                "Edge containing none or only one vertex".to_string(),
        let v0 = face.vertices[0] as usize;
        let v1 = face.vertices[1] as usize;

            let entry = connections_map
                .or_insert_with(smallvec::SmallVec::<[usize; 2]>::new);
            if !entry.contains(&v1) {

            let entry = connections_map
                .or_insert_with(smallvec::SmallVec::<[usize; 2]>::new);
            if !entry.contains(&v0) {
        let _ = edge_set.insert(make_key(v0, v1));
    // we now know how many times one vertex is connected to other vertices
    println!("Built connections_map.len():{}", connections_map.len());
    //println!("connections_map: {:?}", connections_map);

    // connections_map is no longer mutable
    let connections_map = connections_map;

    //for v0 in 0..connections_map.len() {
    for connection in connections_map.iter() {
        let v0 = *connection.0;

        let neighbours = connection.1;
        // start looking for vertices with more than 2 connections, or is exactly 1
        // i.e. it is connected to at least three vertices and is therefore a valid start point
        if (neighbours.len() <= 2) && (neighbours.len() > 1) {

            "vertex:{} has ngb:{:?} ngb.len():{}",

        for v1 in neighbours.iter().filter(|x| **x != v0) {
            //println!("testing {}->{}", v0, v1);

            let v1 = *v1;
            let key = make_key(v0, v1);
            if edge_set.contains(&key) {
                let (end_vertex, rv) =
                    walk_single_line_edges(v0, v1, &mut edge_set, &connections_map, &obj.vertices)?;
                //println!("got a linestring of length: {:?}", rv.len());
                linestrings.push((v0, rv, end_vertex));
        "done with the simple edges! connections_map.len():{} edge_set.len():{} linestrings.len():{}",
    for ls in linestrings.iter() {
        println!("ls: {:?} {:?} {:?}", ls.0, ls.1.len(), ls.2);

    let mut something_changed: bool = true;
    while (!edge_set.is_empty()) && something_changed {
        something_changed = false;
        if let Some(suggested_edge) = edge_set
            .find(|x| connections_map.get(&x.0).map_or(0, |y| y.len()) == 2)
            something_changed = true;
            let v0 = suggested_edge.0;
            let v1 = suggested_edge.1;
            let (end_vertex, rv) =
                walk_single_line_edges(v0, v1, &mut edge_set, &connections_map, &obj.vertices)?;

            //println!("got a linestring of length: {:?}", rv.len());
            linestrings.push((v0, rv, end_vertex));

        "done! connections_map.len():{} edge_set.len():{} linestrings.len():{}",
    if !edge_set.is_empty() {
        return Err(TBError::InternalError(format!(
            "Could not convert all edges to lines:{:?}",
    /*for ls in linestrings.iter() {
        println!("ls: {:?} {:?} {:?}", ls.0, ls.1.len(), ls.2);

/// make a key from v0 and v1, lowest index first
fn make_key(v0: usize, v1: usize) -> (usize, usize) {
    if v0 < v1 {
        (v0, v1)
    } else {
        (v1, v0)

/// fill the 'result' with a sequence of connected vertices
fn walk_single_line_edges(
    from_v: usize,
    to_v: usize,
    edge_set: &mut ahash::AHashSet<(usize, usize)>,
    connections_map: &ahash::AHashMap<usize, smallvec::SmallVec<[usize; 2]>>,
    vertices: &[PB_Vertex],
) -> Result<(usize, linestring_3d::LineString3<f64>), TBError> {
    let started_at_vertex = from_v;
    let mut kill_pill = edge_set.len() + 2;

    let mut from_v = from_v;
    let mut to_v = to_v;
    let mut end_vertex = from_v;

    //let mut first_loop = true;
    //let end_key = make_key(from_v, to_v);

    let mut result = linestring_3d::LineString3::<f64>::default();
        "--> from:{}, to:{}",
        let v0_value = vertices.get(from_v).ok_or_else(|| {
            TBError::InternalError(format!("Lost an vertex somehow.. vertex index:{}", from_v))
        result.push(cgmath::Point3 {
            x: v0_value.x,
            y: v0_value.y,
            z: v0_value.z,
        //println!("#1 Pushing vertex {:?}, {}->{}", from_v, from_v, to_v);

    'outer: loop {
            "loop from:{}, to:{}, end_vertex:{}, kill:{}",
            from_v, to_v, end_vertex, kill_pill
        if !first_loop && from_v == started_at_vertex {
            println!("from_v == started_at_vertex == {}", started_at_vertex);
        if to_v == started_at_vertex {
            //println!("to_v == started_at_vertex == {}", started_at_vertex);
            end_vertex = to_v;
            //println!("<-- meta recursion ended #1 size={}", result.len());
            break 'outer;
        kill_pill -= 1;
        if kill_pill == 0 {
            return Err(TBError::InternalError("Detected infinite loop".to_string()));
        if from_v == to_v {
            return Err(TBError::InternalError(
                "Detected from_v == to_v".to_string(),

        let key = make_key(from_v, to_v);
        /*if !first_loop && key == end_key {
                "*****************************************should probably stop at {:?}",
        //first_loop = false;
            "->traverse_edges {}->{} {:?} {:?}",
        if edge_set.contains(&key) {
            let v1 = vertices.get(to_v).ok_or_else(|| {
                TBError::InternalError(format!("Lost a vertex somehow.. index:{}", to_v))
            result.push(cgmath::Point3 {
                x: v1.x,
                y: v1.y,
                z: v1.z,
            let _ = edge_set.remove(&key);
            //println!("#2 Pushing vertex {:?}, {}->{} dropping:{:?}", to_v, from_v, to_v, key);

            let connection = connections_map
                .ok_or_else(|| TBError::InternalError("edge ended unexpectedly #2".to_string()))?;
            // todo: remove this sanity test when stable
            if !connection.contains(&from_v) {
                return Err(TBError::InternalError(format!(
                    "edge did not contain 'from' vertex??? {} {:?}",
                    from_v, connection
            if connection.len() == 2 {
                // todo: I think it would be faster to just test [0] and [1] instead of using find()
                let next_v = *connection.iter().find(|x| **x != from_v).ok_or_else(|| {
                    TBError::InternalError("edge ended unexpectedly #1".to_string())

                from_v = to_v;
                to_v = next_v;
                    "meta recursion continues at {}->{}, connection:{:?}",
                    from_v, to_v, connection
                continue 'outer;
            } else {
                //println!("#1 breaking at to_v={}", to_v);
                end_vertex = to_v;
                break 'outer;
        //println!("#2 breaking at to_v={}", to_v);
        break 'outer;

    // Push the final vertex

    let end_vertex_value = vertices.get(end_vertex).ok_or_else(|| {
            "Lost a vertex somehow.. vertex index:{}",
    result.push(cgmath::Point3 {
        x: end_vertex_value.x,
        y: end_vertex_value.y,
        z: end_vertex_value.z,
    if end_vertex == started_at_vertex {
        //let key = make_key(from_v,to_v);
        //println!("#2 Pushing vertex {:?}, {}->{} dropping:{:?}", to_v, from_v, to_v, key);
        let _ = edge_set.remove(&make_key(from_v, to_v));
    } else {
        //println!("#3 Pushing vertex {:?}, {}->{} ", end_vertex, from_v, to_v);
    //println!("<-- meta recursion ended @{} result.len()={} edge_set.len():{}", end_vertex, result.len(), edge_set.len());
    Ok((end_vertex, result))

/// Simplify the line-strings using the Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm
/// lines contains a vector of (<first vertex index>,<a list of points><last vertex index>)
fn simplify_rdp_percent(
    pb_model: &PB_Model,
    distance_multiplier: f64,
    lines: Vec<(usize, linestring_3d::LineString3<f64>, usize)>,
) -> Result<Vec<(usize, linestring_3d::LineString3<f64>, usize)>, TBError> {
    let mut aabb = linestring::linestring_3d::Aabb3::<f64>::default();
    for v in pb_model.vertices.iter() {
        aabb.update_point(cgmath::Point3::new(v.x, v.y, v.z))
    let dimension = aabb.get_high().unwrap() - aabb.get_low().unwrap();
    let dimension = dimension.x.max(dimension.y).max(dimension.z);
    let discrete_distance = dimension * distance_multiplier;

    for ls in lines.iter() {
        println!("ls: {:?} {:?} {:?}", ls.0, ls.1.len(), ls.2);
    let diff = lines.iter().map(|x| x.1.points().len()).sum::<usize>();

    let rv: Vec<(usize, linestring_3d::LineString3<f64>, usize)> = lines
        .map(|(v0, ls, v1)| (v0, ls.simplify(discrete_distance), v1))

    let diff = diff - rv.iter().map(|x| x.1.points().len()).sum::<usize>();
        "Simplifying using percentage. discrete-distance={} = {}*{}, removed {} vertices.",
        discrete_distance, dimension, distance_multiplier, diff
    for ls in rv.iter() {
        println!("ls: {:?} {:?} {:?}", ls.0, ls.1.len(), ls.2);

/// Build the return model
/// lines contains a vector of (<first vertex index>,<a list of points><last vertex index>)
fn build_bp_model(
    a_command: &PB_Command,
    lines: Vec<(usize, linestring_3d::LineString3<f64>, usize)>,
) -> Result<PB_Model, TBError> {
    let input_pb_model = &a_command.models[0];
    // capacity is not correct, but in a ballpark range
    let rough_capacity = lines.iter().map(|x| x.1.len()).sum();
    let mut output_pb_model = PB_Model {
        world_orientation: input_pb_model.world_orientation.clone(),
        vertices: Vec::<PB_Vertex>::with_capacity(rough_capacity),
        faces: Vec::<PB_Face>::with_capacity(rough_capacity),

    // map between old and new vertex number
    let mut v_map = ahash::AHashMap::<usize, usize>::default();
    let mut vertex_list = Vec::<usize>::new();

    for ls in lines.into_iter() {
        let v0 = ls.0;
        let l = ls.1;
        let v1 = ls.2;
        let v0_mapped = *v_map.entry(v0).or_insert(output_pb_model.vertices.len());
        if v0_mapped == output_pb_model.vertices.len() {
            //println!(" v0:{} is mapped to {}", v0, v0_mapped);

        //print!("new sequence: {},", v0_mapped);
        //output_pb_model.faces.push(PB_Face{vertices:vec!(v0_mapped as u64, (v0_mapped+1) as u64)});
        //println!("1pushed: {:?}", output_pb_model.faces.last());
        //let mut last_push = v0_mapped;
        for p in l.points().iter().skip(1).take(l.points().len() - 2) {
            //output_pb_model.faces.push(PB_Face{vertices:vec!(last_push as u64, output_pb_model.vertices.len() as u64)});
            //println!("2pushed: {:?}", output_pb_model.faces.last());

            //last_push = output_pb_model.vertices.len();
            //print!("{},", output_pb_model.vertices.len());
            output_pb_model.vertices.push(PB_Vertex {
                x: p.x,
                y: p.y,
                z: p.z,
        let v1_mapped = *v_map.entry(v1).or_insert(output_pb_model.vertices.len());
        if v1_mapped == output_pb_model.vertices.len() {
            //println!(" v1:{} is mapped to {}", v1, v1_mapped);
        //println!("{}", v1_mapped);
        //output_pb_model.faces.push(PB_Face{vertices:vec!(last_push as u64, v1_mapped as u64)});
        //println!("3pushed: {:?}", output_pb_model.faces.last());
        for v in vertex_list.iter().tuple_windows::<(_, _)>() {
            output_pb_model.faces.push(PB_Face {
                vertices: vec![*v.0 as u64, *v.1 as u64],
    for f in  output_pb_model.faces.iter() {
        println!(" face:{:?}", f.vertices);
        "Reduced to {} vertices (from {}) ",
    //return Err(TBError::InvalidData(format!("not implemented")));

/// Run the simplify command
pub(crate) fn command(
    a_command: PB_Command,
    options: HashMap<String, String>,
) -> Result<PB_Reply, TBError> {
        r#"  _________.__               .__  .__  _____
 /   _____/|__| _____ ______ |  | |__|/ ____\__.__.
 \_____  \ |  |/     \\____ \|  | |  \   __<   |  |
 /        \|  |  Y Y  \  |_> >  |_|  ||  |  \___  |
/_______  /|__|__|_|  /   __/|____/__||__|  / ____|
        \/          \/|__|                  \/     "#
    if a_command.models.len() > 1 {
        return Err(TBError::InvalidInputData(format!(
            "This operation only supports one model as input:{}",
    if a_command.models.is_empty() {
        return Err(TBError::InvalidInputData(
            "Model did not contain any data".to_string(),
    for model in a_command.models.iter() {
        println!("{:?}, ",;
        println!("model.vertices:{:?}, ", model.vertices.len());
        println!("model.faces:{:?}, ", model.faces.len());
            "model.world_orientation:{:?}, ",
            model.world_orientation.as_ref().map_or(0, |_| 16)

    let distance = options
        .ok_or_else(|| TBError::InvalidInputData("Missing the DISTANCE parameter".to_string()))?
        .map_err(|_| {
            TBError::InvalidInputData("Could not parse the DISTANCE parameter".to_string())

    let lines = find_linestrings(&a_command.models[0])?;
    let lines = simplify_rdp_percent(&a_command.models[0], distance, lines)?;
    let model = build_bp_model(&a_command, lines)?;

    let mut reply = PB_Reply {
        options: vec![PB_KeyValuePair {
            key: "ONLY_EDGES".to_string(),
            value: "True".to_string(),
        models: Vec::with_capacity(1),
        models32: Vec::with_capacity(0),
