toxicblend 0.0.2

Client/Server application for Blender. WIP
toxicblend-0.0.2 is not a library.
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Work in progress.
This will be a rust port of my scala based project toxicblend

Blender addon installation

Follow instructions in

Rust requirement

Requires #![feature(hash_drain_filter)] and #![feature(map_first_last)] i.e. rust +nightly

Run local server

The blender addon is based on a client-server model using grpc. The blender addon is the client and it only connects to localhost. The server is local as well, run it with this command:

cargo +nightly run --bin server --release

Addon commands:


Will convert a flat mesh object into an outline. Right now the data must be in a plane crossing origin (one axis need to be zero)




Takes the output of the 2d_outline command and calculates the 3D centerline.

This operation only works non-intersecting loops with islands of loops of edges inside. E.g. letters.

If you only need the 2D centerline, you can simply scale the added dimension to zero.

Keyboard command: s z 0 for setting Z to zero.



Works similarly to the built-in simplify command, but instead of a distance it takes a percentage. This percentage is applied to the largest dimension of the AABB and that value is used as the Ramer–Douglas–Peucker distance. Works on 3D linestrings/polylines.

Knife intersect

Runs on a single flat mesh object and tests for self-intersections. If an intersection is found, the intersecting edges will be split at that point.


  • Improve the addon installation process.
  • Document the rest of the operations
  • Port the rest of the operations