tower-http 0.5.2

Tower middleware and utilities for HTTP clients and servers
//! Set and propagate request ids.
//! # Example
//! ```
//! use http::{Request, Response, header::HeaderName};
//! use tower::{Service, ServiceExt, ServiceBuilder};
//! use tower_http::request_id::{
//!     SetRequestIdLayer, PropagateRequestIdLayer, MakeRequestId, RequestId,
//! };
//! use http_body_util::Full;
//! use bytes::Bytes;
//! use std::sync::{Arc, atomic::{AtomicU64, Ordering}};
//! # #[tokio::main]
//! # async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
//! # let handler = tower::service_fn(|request: Request<Full<Bytes>>| async move {
//! #     Ok::<_, std::convert::Infallible>(Response::new(request.into_body()))
//! # });
//! #
//! // A `MakeRequestId` that increments an atomic counter
//! #[derive(Clone, Default)]
//! struct MyMakeRequestId {
//!     counter: Arc<AtomicU64>,
//! }
//! impl MakeRequestId for MyMakeRequestId {
//!     fn make_request_id<B>(&mut self, request: &Request<B>) -> Option<RequestId> {
//!         let request_id = self.counter
//!             .fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst)
//!             .to_string()
//!             .parse()
//!             .unwrap();
//!         Some(RequestId::new(request_id))
//!     }
//! }
//! let x_request_id = HeaderName::from_static("x-request-id");
//! let mut svc = ServiceBuilder::new()
//!     // set `x-request-id` header on all requests
//!     .layer(SetRequestIdLayer::new(
//!         x_request_id.clone(),
//!         MyMakeRequestId::default(),
//!     ))
//!     // propagate `x-request-id` headers from request to response
//!     .layer(PropagateRequestIdLayer::new(x_request_id))
//!     .service(handler);
//! let request = Request::new(Full::default());
//! let response = svc.ready().await?.call(request).await?;
//! assert_eq!(response.headers()["x-request-id"], "0");
//! #
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
//! Additional convenience methods are available on [`ServiceBuilderExt`]:
//! ```
//! use tower_http::ServiceBuilderExt;
//! # use http::{Request, Response, header::HeaderName};
//! # use tower::{Service, ServiceExt, ServiceBuilder};
//! # use tower_http::request_id::{
//! #     SetRequestIdLayer, PropagateRequestIdLayer, MakeRequestId, RequestId,
//! # };
//! # use bytes::Bytes;
//! # use http_body_util::Full;
//! # use std::sync::{Arc, atomic::{AtomicU64, Ordering}};
//! # #[tokio::main]
//! # async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
//! # let handler = tower::service_fn(|request: Request<Full<Bytes>>| async move {
//! #     Ok::<_, std::convert::Infallible>(Response::new(request.into_body()))
//! # });
//! # #[derive(Clone, Default)]
//! # struct MyMakeRequestId {
//! #     counter: Arc<AtomicU64>,
//! # }
//! # impl MakeRequestId for MyMakeRequestId {
//! #     fn make_request_id<B>(&mut self, request: &Request<B>) -> Option<RequestId> {
//! #         let request_id = self.counter
//! #             .fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst)
//! #             .to_string()
//! #             .parse()
//! #             .unwrap();
//! #         Some(RequestId::new(request_id))
//! #     }
//! # }
//! let mut svc = ServiceBuilder::new()
//!     .set_x_request_id(MyMakeRequestId::default())
//!     .propagate_x_request_id()
//!     .service(handler);
//! let request = Request::new(Full::default());
//! let response = svc.ready().await?.call(request).await?;
//! assert_eq!(response.headers()["x-request-id"], "0");
//! #
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
//! See [`SetRequestId`] and [`PropagateRequestId`] for more details.
//! # Using `Trace`
//! To have request ids show up correctly in logs produced by [`Trace`] you must apply the layers
//! in this order:
//! ```
//! use tower_http::{
//!     ServiceBuilderExt,
//!     trace::{TraceLayer, DefaultMakeSpan, DefaultOnResponse},
//! };
//! # use http::{Request, Response, header::HeaderName};
//! # use tower::{Service, ServiceExt, ServiceBuilder};
//! # use tower_http::request_id::{
//! #     SetRequestIdLayer, PropagateRequestIdLayer, MakeRequestId, RequestId,
//! # };
//! # use http_body_util::Full;
//! # use bytes::Bytes;
//! # use std::sync::{Arc, atomic::{AtomicU64, Ordering}};
//! # #[tokio::main]
//! # async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
//! # let handler = tower::service_fn(|request: Request<Full<Bytes>>| async move {
//! #     Ok::<_, std::convert::Infallible>(Response::new(request.into_body()))
//! # });
//! # #[derive(Clone, Default)]
//! # struct MyMakeRequestId {
//! #     counter: Arc<AtomicU64>,
//! # }
//! # impl MakeRequestId for MyMakeRequestId {
//! #     fn make_request_id<B>(&mut self, request: &Request<B>) -> Option<RequestId> {
//! #         let request_id = self.counter
//! #             .fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst)
//! #             .to_string()
//! #             .parse()
//! #             .unwrap();
//! #         Some(RequestId::new(request_id))
//! #     }
//! # }
//! let svc = ServiceBuilder::new()
//!     // make sure to set request ids before the request reaches `TraceLayer`
//!     .set_x_request_id(MyMakeRequestId::default())
//!     // log requests and responses
//!     .layer(
//!         TraceLayer::new_for_http()
//!             .make_span_with(DefaultMakeSpan::new().include_headers(true))
//!             .on_response(DefaultOnResponse::new().include_headers(true))
//!     )
//!     // propagate the header to the response before the response reaches `TraceLayer`
//!     .propagate_x_request_id()
//!     .service(handler);
//! #
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
//! # Doesn't override existing headers
//! [`SetRequestId`] and [`PropagateRequestId`] wont override request ids if its already present on
//! requests or responses. Among other things, this allows other middleware to conditionally set
//! request ids and use the middleware in this module as a fallback.
//! [`ServiceBuilderExt`]: crate::ServiceBuilderExt
//! [`Uuid`]:
//! [`Trace`]: crate::trace::Trace

use http::{
    header::{HeaderName, HeaderValue},
    Request, Response,
use pin_project_lite::pin_project;
use std::task::{ready, Context, Poll};
use std::{future::Future, pin::Pin};
use tower_layer::Layer;
use tower_service::Service;
use uuid::Uuid;

pub(crate) const X_REQUEST_ID: &str = "x-request-id";

/// Trait for producing [`RequestId`]s.
/// Used by [`SetRequestId`].
pub trait MakeRequestId {
    /// Try and produce a [`RequestId`] from the request.
    fn make_request_id<B>(&mut self, request: &Request<B>) -> Option<RequestId>;

/// An identifier for a request.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct RequestId(HeaderValue);

impl RequestId {
    /// Create a new `RequestId` from a [`HeaderValue`].
    pub fn new(header_value: HeaderValue) -> Self {

    /// Gets a reference to the underlying [`HeaderValue`].
    pub fn header_value(&self) -> &HeaderValue {

    /// Consumes `self`, returning the underlying [`HeaderValue`].
    pub fn into_header_value(self) -> HeaderValue {

impl From<HeaderValue> for RequestId {
    fn from(value: HeaderValue) -> Self {

/// Set request id headers and extensions on requests.
/// This layer applies the [`SetRequestId`] middleware.
/// See the [module docs](self) and [`SetRequestId`] for more details.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct SetRequestIdLayer<M> {
    header_name: HeaderName,
    make_request_id: M,

impl<M> SetRequestIdLayer<M> {
    /// Create a new `SetRequestIdLayer`.
    pub fn new(header_name: HeaderName, make_request_id: M) -> Self
        M: MakeRequestId,
        SetRequestIdLayer {

    /// Create a new `SetRequestIdLayer` that uses `x-request-id` as the header name.
    pub fn x_request_id(make_request_id: M) -> Self
        M: MakeRequestId,
        SetRequestIdLayer::new(HeaderName::from_static(X_REQUEST_ID), make_request_id)

impl<S, M> Layer<S> for SetRequestIdLayer<M>
    M: Clone + MakeRequestId,
    type Service = SetRequestId<S, M>;

    fn layer(&self, inner: S) -> Self::Service {

/// Set request id headers and extensions on requests.
/// See the [module docs](self) for an example.
/// If [`MakeRequestId::make_request_id`] returns `Some(_)` and the request doesn't already have a
/// header with the same name, then the header will be inserted.
/// Additionally [`RequestId`] will be inserted into [`Request::extensions`] so other
/// services can access it.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct SetRequestId<S, M> {
    inner: S,
    header_name: HeaderName,
    make_request_id: M,

impl<S, M> SetRequestId<S, M> {
    /// Create a new `SetRequestId`.
    pub fn new(inner: S, header_name: HeaderName, make_request_id: M) -> Self
        M: MakeRequestId,
        Self {

    /// Create a new `SetRequestId` that uses `x-request-id` as the header name.
    pub fn x_request_id(inner: S, make_request_id: M) -> Self
        M: MakeRequestId,


    /// Returns a new [`Layer`] that wraps services with a `SetRequestId` middleware.
    pub fn layer(header_name: HeaderName, make_request_id: M) -> SetRequestIdLayer<M>
        M: MakeRequestId,
        SetRequestIdLayer::new(header_name, make_request_id)

impl<S, M, ReqBody, ResBody> Service<Request<ReqBody>> for SetRequestId<S, M>
    S: Service<Request<ReqBody>, Response = Response<ResBody>>,
    M: MakeRequestId,
    type Response = S::Response;
    type Error = S::Error;
    type Future = S::Future;

    fn poll_ready(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {

    fn call(&mut self, mut req: Request<ReqBody>) -> Self::Future {
        if let Some(request_id) = req.headers().get(&self.header_name) {
            if req.extensions().get::<RequestId>().is_none() {
                let request_id = request_id.clone();
        } else if let Some(request_id) = self.make_request_id.make_request_id(&req) {
                .insert(self.header_name.clone(), request_id.0);

/// Propagate request ids from requests to responses.
/// This layer applies the [`PropagateRequestId`] middleware.
/// See the [module docs](self) and [`PropagateRequestId`] for more details.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct PropagateRequestIdLayer {
    header_name: HeaderName,

impl PropagateRequestIdLayer {
    /// Create a new `PropagateRequestIdLayer`.
    pub fn new(header_name: HeaderName) -> Self {
        PropagateRequestIdLayer { header_name }

    /// Create a new `PropagateRequestIdLayer` that uses `x-request-id` as the header name.
    pub fn x_request_id() -> Self {

impl<S> Layer<S> for PropagateRequestIdLayer {
    type Service = PropagateRequestId<S>;

    fn layer(&self, inner: S) -> Self::Service {
        PropagateRequestId::new(inner, self.header_name.clone())

/// Propagate request ids from requests to responses.
/// See the [module docs](self) for an example.
/// If the request contains a matching header that header will be applied to responses. If a
/// [`RequestId`] extension is also present it will be propagated as well.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct PropagateRequestId<S> {
    inner: S,
    header_name: HeaderName,

impl<S> PropagateRequestId<S> {
    /// Create a new `PropagateRequestId`.
    pub fn new(inner: S, header_name: HeaderName) -> Self {
        Self { inner, header_name }

    /// Create a new `PropagateRequestId` that uses `x-request-id` as the header name.
    pub fn x_request_id(inner: S) -> Self {
        Self::new(inner, HeaderName::from_static(X_REQUEST_ID))


    /// Returns a new [`Layer`] that wraps services with a `PropagateRequestId` middleware.
    pub fn layer(header_name: HeaderName) -> PropagateRequestIdLayer {

impl<S, ReqBody, ResBody> Service<Request<ReqBody>> for PropagateRequestId<S>
    S: Service<Request<ReqBody>, Response = Response<ResBody>>,
    type Response = S::Response;
    type Error = S::Error;
    type Future = PropagateRequestIdResponseFuture<S::Future>;

    fn poll_ready(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {

    fn call(&mut self, req: Request<ReqBody>) -> Self::Future {
        let request_id = req

        PropagateRequestIdResponseFuture {
            header_name: self.header_name.clone(),

pin_project! {
    /// Response future for [`PropagateRequestId`].
    pub struct PropagateRequestIdResponseFuture<F> {
        inner: F,
        header_name: HeaderName,
        request_id: Option<RequestId>,

impl<F, B, E> Future for PropagateRequestIdResponseFuture<F>
    F: Future<Output = Result<Response<B>, E>>,
    type Output = Result<Response<B>, E>;

    fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
        let this = self.project();
        let mut response = ready!(this.inner.poll(cx))?;

        if let Some(current_id) = response.headers().get(&*this.header_name) {
            if response.extensions().get::<RequestId>().is_none() {
                let current_id = current_id.clone();
        } else if let Some(request_id) = this.request_id.take() {
                .insert(this.header_name.clone(), request_id.0.clone());


/// A [`MakeRequestId`] that generates `UUID`s.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default)]
pub struct MakeRequestUuid;

impl MakeRequestId for MakeRequestUuid {
    fn make_request_id<B>(&mut self, _request: &Request<B>) -> Option<RequestId> {
        let request_id = Uuid::new_v4().to_string().parse().unwrap();

mod tests {
    use crate::test_helpers::Body;
    use crate::ServiceBuilderExt as _;
    use http::Response;
    use std::{
            atomic::{AtomicU64, Ordering},
    use tower::{ServiceBuilder, ServiceExt};

    use super::*;

    async fn basic() {
        let svc = ServiceBuilder::new()

        // header on response
        let req = Request::builder().body(Body::empty()).unwrap();
        let res = svc.clone().oneshot(req).await.unwrap();
        assert_eq!(res.headers()["x-request-id"], "0");

        let req = Request::builder().body(Body::empty()).unwrap();
        let res = svc.clone().oneshot(req).await.unwrap();
        assert_eq!(res.headers()["x-request-id"], "1");

        // doesn't override if header is already there
        let req = Request::builder()
            .header("x-request-id", "foo")
        let res = svc.clone().oneshot(req).await.unwrap();
        assert_eq!(res.headers()["x-request-id"], "foo");

        // extension propagated
        let req = Request::builder().body(Body::empty()).unwrap();
        let res = svc.clone().oneshot(req).await.unwrap();
        assert_eq!(res.extensions().get::<RequestId>().unwrap().0, "2");

    async fn other_middleware_setting_request_id() {
        let svc = ServiceBuilder::new()
            .map_request(|request: Request<_>| {
                // `set_x_request_id` should set the extension if its missing
                assert_eq!(request.extensions().get::<RequestId>().unwrap().0, "foo");

        let req = Request::builder()
        let res = svc.clone().oneshot(req).await.unwrap();
        assert_eq!(res.headers()["x-request-id"], "foo");
        assert_eq!(res.extensions().get::<RequestId>().unwrap().0, "foo");

    async fn other_middleware_setting_request_id_on_response() {
        let svc = ServiceBuilder::new()

        let req = Request::builder()
            .header("x-request-id", "foo")
        let res = svc.clone().oneshot(req).await.unwrap();
        assert_eq!(res.headers()["x-request-id"], "foo");
        assert_eq!(res.extensions().get::<RequestId>().unwrap().0, "foo");

    #[derive(Clone, Default)]
    struct Counter(Arc<AtomicU64>);

    impl MakeRequestId for Counter {
        fn make_request_id<B>(&mut self, _request: &Request<B>) -> Option<RequestId> {
            let id =
                HeaderValue::from_str(&self.0.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst).to_string()).unwrap();

    async fn handler(_: Request<Body>) -> Result<Response<Body>, Infallible> {

    async fn uuid() {
        let svc = ServiceBuilder::new()

        // header on response
        let req = Request::builder().body(Body::empty()).unwrap();
        let mut res = svc.clone().oneshot(req).await.unwrap();
        let id = res.headers_mut().remove("x-request-id").unwrap();