tough 0.12.5

The Update Framework (TUF) repository client
// Copyright 2019, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0

//! Provides the `SignedRepository` object which represents the output of `RepositoryEditor` after
//! signing, ready to be written to disk.
//! Provides the `SignedDelegatedTargets` object which represents the output of `TargetsEditor` after
//! signing, ready to be written to disk.

use crate::error::{self, Result};
use crate::io::DigestAdapter;
use crate::key_source::KeySource;
use crate::schema::{
    DelegatedTargets, KeyHolder, Role, RoleType, Root, Signature, Signed, Snapshot, Target,
    Targets, Timestamp,
use olpc_cjson::CanonicalFormatter;
use ring::digest::{digest, SHA256, SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN};
use ring::rand::SecureRandom;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use serde_plain::derive_fromstr_from_deserialize;
use snafu::{ensure, OptionExt, ResultExt};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fs;

#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
use std::os::unix::fs::symlink;
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
use std::os::windows::fs::symlink_file as symlink;

use crate::TargetName;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use url::Url;
use walkdir::WalkDir;

/// A signed role, including its serialized form (`buffer`) which is meant to
/// be written to file. The `sha256` and `length` are calculated from this
/// buffer and included in metadata for other roles, which makes it
/// imperative that this buffer is what is written to disk.
/// Convenience methods are provided on `SignedRepository` to ensure that
/// each role's buffer is written correctly.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct SignedRole<T> {
    pub(crate) signed: Signed<T>,
    pub(crate) buffer: Vec<u8>,
    pub(crate) sha256: [u8; SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN],
    pub(crate) length: u64,

impl<T> SignedRole<T>
    T: Role + Serialize,
    /// Creates a new `SignedRole`
    pub fn new(
        role: T,
        key_holder: &KeyHolder,
        keys: &[Box<dyn KeySource>],
        rng: &dyn SecureRandom,
    ) -> Result<Self> {
        let root_keys = key_holder.get_keys(keys)?;

        let role_keys = key_holder.role_keys(role.role_id())?;
        // Ensure the keys we have available to us will allow us
        // to sign this role. The role's key ids must match up with one of
        // the keys provided.
        let valid_keys = root_keys
            .filter(|(keyid, _signing_key)| role_keys.keyids.contains(keyid));

        // Create the `Signed` struct for this role. This struct will be
        // mutated later to contain the signatures.
        let mut role = Signed {
            signed: role,
            signatures: Vec::new(),

        let mut data = Vec::new();
        let mut ser = serde_json::Serializer::with_formatter(&mut data, CanonicalFormatter::new());
            .serialize(&mut ser)
            .context(error::SerializeRoleSnafu {
                role: T::TYPE.to_string(),
        for (signing_key_id, signing_key) in valid_keys {
            let sig = signing_key
                .sign(&data, rng)

            // Add the signatures to the `Signed` struct for this role
            role.signatures.push(Signature {
                keyid: signing_key_id.clone(),
                sig: sig.into(),

        // since for root the check depends on cross-sign
        if T::TYPE != RoleType::Root && role_keys.threshold.get() > role.signatures.len() as u64 {
            return Err(error::Error::SigningKeysNotFound {
                role: T::TYPE.to_string(),

    /// Creates a `SignedRole<Role>` from a `Signed<Role>`.
    /// This is used to create signed roles for any signed metadata
    pub(crate) fn from_signed(role: Signed<T>) -> Result<SignedRole<T>> {
        // Serialize the role, and calculate its length and
        // sha256.
        let mut buffer =
            serde_json::to_vec_pretty(&role).context(error::SerializeSignedRoleSnafu {
                role: T::TYPE.to_string(),
        let length = buffer.len() as u64;

        let mut sha256 = [0; SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN];
        sha256.copy_from_slice(digest(&SHA256, &buffer).as_ref());

        // Create the `SignedRole` containing, the `Signed<role>`, serialized
        // buffer, length and sha256.
        let signed_role = SignedRole {
            signed: role,


    /// Provides access to the internal signed metadata object.
    pub fn signed(&self) -> &Signed<T> {

    /// Provides access to the internal buffer containing the serialized form of the signed role.
    /// This buffer should be used anywhere this role is written to file.
    pub fn buffer(&self) -> &Vec<u8> {

    /// Provides the sha256 digest of the signed role.
    pub fn sha256(&self) -> &[u8] {

    /// Provides the length in bytes of the serialized representation of the signed role.
    pub fn length(&self) -> &u64 {

    /// Write the current role's buffer to the given directory with the
    /// appropriate file name.
    pub fn write<P>(&self, outdir: P, consistent_snapshot: bool) -> Result<()>
        P: AsRef<Path>,
        let outdir = outdir.as_ref();
        std::fs::create_dir_all(outdir).context(error::DirCreateSnafu { path: outdir })?;

        let filename = self.signed.signed.filename(consistent_snapshot);

        let path = outdir.join(filename);
        std::fs::write(&path, &self.buffer).context(error::FileWriteSnafu { path })

    /// Append the old signatures for root role
    pub fn add_old_signatures(mut self, old_signatures: Vec<Signature>) -> Result<Self> {
        for old_signature in old_signatures {
            //add only if the signature of the key does not exist
            if self
                .find(|new_sig| new_sig.keyid == old_signature.keyid)
                == None
                self.signed.signatures.push(Signature {
                    keyid: old_signature.keyid,
                    sig: old_signature.sig,

// =^..^=   =^..^=   =^..^=   =^..^=   =^..^=   =^..^=   =^..^=   =^..^=   =^..^=   =^..^=

/// `PathExists` allows the user of our copy/link functions to specify what happens when the target
/// is being written to a shared targets directory and the file already exists from another repo.
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Clone, Copy)]
#[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")]
pub enum PathExists {
    /// Leave the existing file.
    /// Remove and replace the file; you might want this to update file metadata, for example.
    /// Stop writing targets and return an error.

/// `TargetPath` represents an existing file at the path generated by `target_path`, if any, and
/// the type of the file.  (Other file types will return an error instead.)  This can be used to
/// determine whether you want to continue or fail.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
enum TargetPath {
    /// No existing file found, we can create a new one at this path.
    New { path: PathBuf },
    /// Existing regular file found at this path.
    File { path: PathBuf },
    /// Existing symlink found at this path.
    Symlink { path: PathBuf },

/// A set of signed TUF Repository metadata.
/// This metadata represents a signed TUF repository and provides the ability
/// to write the metadata to disk.
/// Note: without the target files, the repository cannot be used. It is up
/// to the user to ensure all the target files referenced by the metadata are
/// available. There are convenience methods to help with this.
pub struct SignedRepository {
    pub(crate) root: SignedRole<Root>,
    pub(crate) targets: SignedRole<Targets>,
    pub(crate) snapshot: SignedRole<Snapshot>,
    pub(crate) timestamp: SignedRole<Timestamp>,
    pub(crate) delegated_targets: Option<SignedDelegatedTargets>,

impl SignedRepository {
    /// Writes the metadata to the given directory. If consistent snapshots
    /// are used, the appropriate files are prefixed with their version.
    pub fn write<P>(&self, outdir: P) -> Result<()>
        P: AsRef<Path>,
        let consistent_snapshot = self.root.signed.signed.consistent_snapshot;
        self.root.write(&outdir, consistent_snapshot)?;
        self.targets.write(&outdir, consistent_snapshot)?;
        self.snapshot.write(&outdir, consistent_snapshot)?;
        self.timestamp.write(&outdir, consistent_snapshot)?;
        if let Some(delegated_targets) = &self.delegated_targets {
            delegated_targets.write(&outdir, consistent_snapshot)?;

    /// Crawls a given directory and symlinks any targets found to the given
    /// "out" directory. If consistent snapshots are used, the target files
    /// are prefixed with their `sha256`.
    /// For each file found in the `indir`, the method gets the filename and
    /// if the filename exists in `Targets`, the file's sha256 is compared
    /// against the data in `Targets`. If this data does not match, the
    /// method will fail.
    pub fn link_targets<P1, P2>(
        indir: P1,
        outdir: P2,
        replace_behavior: PathExists,
    ) -> Result<()>
        P1: AsRef<Path>,
        P2: AsRef<Path>,

    /// Crawls a given directory and copies any targets found to the given
    /// "out" directory. If consistent snapshots are used, the target files
    /// are prefixed with their `sha256`.
    /// For each file found in the `indir`, the method gets the filename and
    /// if the filename exists in `Targets`, the file's sha256 is compared
    /// against the data in `Targets`. If this data does not match, the
    /// method will fail.
    pub fn copy_targets<P1, P2>(
        indir: P1,
        outdir: P2,
        replace_behavior: PathExists,
    ) -> Result<()>
        P1: AsRef<Path>,
        P2: AsRef<Path>,

    /// Symlinks a single target to the desired directory. If `target_filename` is given, it
    /// becomes the filename suffix, otherwise the original filename is used. (A unique filename
    /// prefix is used if consistent snapshots are enabled.)  Fails if the target already exists in
    /// the repo with a different hash, or if it has the same hash but is not a symlink.  Using the
    /// `replace_behavior` parameter, you can decide what happens if it exists with the same hash
    /// and file type - skip, fail, or replace.
    pub fn link_target(
        input_path: &Path,
        outdir: &Path,
        replace_behavior: PathExists,
        target_filename: Option<&TargetName>,
    ) -> Result<()> {
            error::PathIsNotFileSnafu { path: input_path }
        match self.target_path(input_path, outdir, target_filename)? {
            TargetPath::New { path } => {
                symlink(input_path, &path).context(error::LinkCreateSnafu { path })?;
            TargetPath::Symlink { path } => match replace_behavior {
                PathExists::Skip => {}
                PathExists::Fail => error::PathExistsFailSnafu { path }.fail()?,
                PathExists::Replace => {
                    fs::remove_file(&path).context(error::RemoveTargetSnafu { path: &path })?;
                    symlink(input_path, &path).context(error::LinkCreateSnafu { path })?;
            TargetPath::File { path } => {
                error::TargetFileTypeMismatchSnafu {
                    expected: "symlink",
                    found: "regular file",


    /// Copies a single target to the desired directory. If `target_filename` is given, it becomes
    /// the filename suffix, otherwise the original filename is used. (A unique filename prefix is
    /// used if consistent hashing is enabled.)  Fails if the target already exists in the repo
    /// with a different hash, or if it has the same hash but is not a regular file.  Using the
    /// `replace_behavior` parameter, you can decide what happens if it exists with the same hash
    /// and file type - skip, fail, or replace.
    pub fn copy_target(
        input_path: &Path,
        outdir: &Path,
        replace_behavior: PathExists,
        target_filename: Option<&TargetName>,
    ) -> Result<()> {
            error::PathIsNotFileSnafu { path: input_path }
        match self.target_path(input_path, outdir, target_filename)? {
            TargetPath::New { path } => {
                fs::copy(input_path, &path).context(error::FileWriteSnafu { path })?;
            TargetPath::File { path } => match replace_behavior {
                PathExists::Skip => {}
                PathExists::Fail => error::PathExistsFailSnafu { path }.fail()?,
                PathExists::Replace => {
                    fs::remove_file(&path).context(error::RemoveTargetSnafu { path: &path })?;
                    fs::copy(input_path, &path).context(error::FileWriteSnafu { path })?;
            TargetPath::Symlink { path } => {
                error::TargetFileTypeMismatchSnafu {
                    expected: "regular file",
                    found: "symlink",


impl TargetsWalker for SignedRepository {
    fn targets(&self) -> HashMap<TargetName, &Target> {
        // Since there is access to `targets.json` metadata, all targets
        // can be found using `targets_map()`

    fn consistent_snapshot(&self) -> bool {

/// A set of signed targets role metadata.
pub struct SignedDelegatedTargets {
    pub(crate) roles: Vec<SignedRole<DelegatedTargets>>,
    pub(crate) consistent_snapshot: bool,

impl SignedDelegatedTargets {
    /// Writes the metadata to the given directory. If consistent snapshots
    /// are used, the appropriate files are prefixed with their version.
    pub fn write<P>(&self, outdir: P, consistent_snapshot: bool) -> Result<()>
        P: AsRef<Path>,
        for targets in &self.roles {
            targets.write(&outdir, consistent_snapshot)?;

    /// Returns all `SignedRole<DelegatedTargets>>` contained by this `SignedDelegatedTargets`
    pub fn roles(self) -> Vec<SignedRole<DelegatedTargets>> {

    /// Crawls a given directory and symlinks any targets found to the given
    /// "out" directory. If consistent snapshots are used, the target files
    /// are prefixed with their `sha256`.
    /// For each file found in the `indir`, the method gets the filename and
    /// if the filename exists in `Targets`, the file's sha256 is compared
    /// against the data in `Targets`. If this data does not match, the
    /// method will fail.
    pub fn link_targets<P1, P2>(
        indir: P1,
        outdir: P2,
        replace_behavior: PathExists,
    ) -> Result<()>
        P1: AsRef<Path>,
        P2: AsRef<Path>,

    /// Crawls a given directory and copies any targets found to the given
    /// "out" directory. If consistent snapshots are used, the target files
    /// are prefixed with their `sha256`.
    /// For each file found in the `indir`, the method gets the filename and
    /// if the filename exists in `Targets`, the file's sha256 is compared
    /// against the data in `Targets`. If this data does not match, the
    /// method will fail.
    pub fn copy_targets<P1, P2>(
        indir: P1,
        outdir: P2,
        replace_behavior: PathExists,
    ) -> Result<()>
        P1: AsRef<Path>,
        P2: AsRef<Path>,

    /// Symlinks a single target to the desired directory. If `target_filename` is given, it
    /// becomes the filename suffix, otherwise the original filename is used. (A unique filename
    /// prefix is used if consistent snapshots are enabled.)  Fails if the target already exists in
    /// the repo with a different hash, or if it has the same hash but is not a symlink.  Using the
    /// `replace_behavior` parameter, you can decide what happens if it exists with the same hash
    /// and file type - skip, fail, or replace.
    pub fn link_target(
        input_path: &Path,
        outdir: &Path,
        replace_behavior: PathExists,
        target_filename: Option<&TargetName>,
    ) -> Result<()> {
            error::PathIsNotFileSnafu { path: input_path }
        match self.target_path(input_path, outdir, target_filename)? {
            TargetPath::New { path } => {
                symlink(input_path, &path).context(error::LinkCreateSnafu { path })?;
            TargetPath::Symlink { path } => match replace_behavior {
                PathExists::Skip => {}
                PathExists::Fail => error::PathExistsFailSnafu { path }.fail()?,
                PathExists::Replace => {
                    fs::remove_file(&path).context(error::RemoveTargetSnafu { path: &path })?;
                    symlink(input_path, &path).context(error::LinkCreateSnafu { path })?;
            TargetPath::File { path } => {
                error::TargetFileTypeMismatchSnafu {
                    expected: "symlink",
                    found: "regular file",


    /// Copies a single target to the desired directory. If `target_filename` is given, it becomes
    /// the filename suffix, otherwise the original filename is used. (A unique filename prefix is
    /// used if consistent hashing is enabled.)  Fails if the target already exists in the repo
    /// with a different hash, or if it has the same hash but is not a regular file.  Using the
    /// `replace_behavior` parameter, you can decide what happens if it exists with the same hash
    /// and file type - skip, fail, or replace.
    pub fn copy_target(
        input_path: &Path,
        outdir: &Path,
        replace_behavior: PathExists,
        target_filename: Option<&TargetName>,
    ) -> Result<()> {
            error::PathIsNotFileSnafu { path: input_path }
        match self.target_path(input_path, outdir, target_filename)? {
            TargetPath::New { path } => {
                fs::copy(input_path, &path).context(error::FileWriteSnafu { path })?;
            TargetPath::File { path } => match replace_behavior {
                PathExists::Skip => {}
                PathExists::Fail => error::PathExistsFailSnafu { path }.fail()?,
                PathExists::Replace => {
                    fs::remove_file(&path).context(error::RemoveTargetSnafu { path: &path })?;
                    fs::copy(input_path, &path).context(error::FileWriteSnafu { path })?;
            TargetPath::Symlink { path } => {
                error::TargetFileTypeMismatchSnafu {
                    expected: "regular file",
                    found: "symlink",


impl TargetsWalker for SignedDelegatedTargets {
    fn targets(&self) -> HashMap<TargetName, &Target> {
        // There are multiple `Targets` roles here that may or may not be related,
        // so find all of the `Target`s related to each role and combine them.
        let mut targets_map = HashMap::new();
        for targets in &self.roles {

    fn consistent_snapshot(&self) -> bool {

/// `TargetsWalker` is used to unify the logic related to copying and linking targets.
/// `TargetsWalker`'s default implementation of `walk_targets()` and `target_path()` use
/// the trait's `targets()` and `consistent_snapshot()` methods to get a map of targets and
/// also determine if a file prefix needs to be used.
trait TargetsWalker {
    /// Returns a map of all targets this manager is responsible for
    fn targets(&self) -> HashMap<TargetName, &Target>;
    /// Determines whether or not consistent snapshot filenames should be used
    fn consistent_snapshot(&self) -> bool;

    /// Walks a given directory and calls the provided function with every file found.
    /// The function is given the file path, the output directory where the user expects
    /// it to go, and optionally a desired filename.
    fn walk_targets<F>(
        indir: &Path,
        outdir: &Path,
        f: F,
        replace_behavior: PathExists,
    ) -> Result<()>
        F: Fn(&Self, &Path, &Path, PathExists, Option<&TargetName>) -> Result<()>,
        std::fs::create_dir_all(outdir).context(error::DirCreateSnafu { path: outdir })?;

        // Get the absolute path of the indir and outdir
        let abs_indir =
            std::fs::canonicalize(indir).context(error::AbsolutePathSnafu { path: indir })?;

        // Walk the absolute path of the indir. Using the absolute path here
        // means that `entry.path()` call will return its absolute path.
        let walker = WalkDir::new(&abs_indir).follow_links(true);
        for entry in walker {
            let entry = entry.context(error::WalkDirSnafu {
                directory: &abs_indir,

            // If the entry is not a file, move on
            if !entry.file_type().is_file() {

            // Call the requested function to manipulate the path we found
            if let Err(e) = f(self, entry.path(), outdir, replace_behavior, None) {
                match e {
                    // If we found a path that isn't a known target in the repo, skip it.
                    error::Error::PathIsNotTarget { .. } => continue,
                    _ => return Err(e),


    /// Determines the output path of a target based on consistent snapshot rules. Returns Err if
    /// the target already exists in the repo with a different hash, or if the target is not known
    /// to the repo.  (We're dealing with a signed repo, so it's too late to add targets.)
    fn target_path(
        input: &Path,
        outdir: &Path,
        target_filename: Option<&TargetName>,
    ) -> Result<TargetPath> {
        let outdir =
            std::fs::canonicalize(outdir).context(error::AbsolutePathSnafu { path: outdir })?;

        // If the caller requested a specific target filename, use that, otherwise use the filename
        // component of the input path.
        let target_name = if let Some(target_filename) = target_filename {
        } else {
                    .context(error::NoFileNameSnafu { path: input })?
                    .context(error::PathUtf8Snafu { path: input })?,

        // create a Target object using the input path.
        let target_from_path =
            Target::from_path(input).context(error::TargetFromPathSnafu { path: input })?;

        // Use the file name to see if a target exists in the repo
        // with that name. If so...
        let repo_targets = &self.targets();
        let repo_target = repo_targets
            .context(error::PathIsNotTargetSnafu { path: input })?;
        // compare the hashes of the target from the repo and the target we just created.  They
        // should match, or we alert the caller; if target replacement is intended, it should
        // happen earlier, in RepositoryEditor.
            target_from_path.hashes.sha256 == repo_target.hashes.sha256,
            error::HashMismatchSnafu {
                context: "target",
                calculated: hex::encode(target_from_path.hashes.sha256),
                expected: hex::encode(&repo_target.hashes.sha256),

        let dest = if self.consistent_snapshot() {
        } else {

        // Return the target path, using the `TargetPath` enum that represents the type of file
        // that already exists at that path (if any)
        if !dest.exists() {
            return Ok(TargetPath::New { path: dest });

        // If we're using consistent snapshots, filenames include the checksum, so we know they're
        // unique; if we're not, then there could be a target from another repo with the same name
        // but different checksum.  We can't assume such conflicts are OK, so we fail.
        if !self.consistent_snapshot() {
            // Use DigestAdapter to get a streaming checksum of the file without needing to hold
            // its contents.
            let f = fs::File::open(&dest).context(error::FileOpenSnafu { path: &dest })?;
            let mut reader = DigestAdapter::sha256(
                    .ok() // dump unhelpful `()` error
                    .context(error::FileUrlSnafu { path: &dest })?,
            let mut dev_null = std::io::sink();
            // The act of reading with the DigestAdapter verifies the checksum, assuming the read
            // succeeds.
            std::io::copy(&mut reader, &mut dev_null)
                .context(error::FileReadSnafu { path: &dest })?;

        let metadata =
            fs::symlink_metadata(&dest).context(error::FileMetadataSnafu { path: &dest })?;
        if metadata.file_type().is_file() {
            Ok(TargetPath::File { path: dest })
        } else if metadata.file_type().is_symlink() {
            Ok(TargetPath::Symlink { path: dest })
        } else {
            error::InvalidFileTypeSnafu { path: dest }.fail()