pub fn astar_path_fourwaygrid<T: PathMap>(
    map: &T,
    from: Point,
    to: Point
) -> Option<Vec<Point>>
Expand description

An A* pathfinding implementation for a grid base map, where diagonal movements are disabled. Returns an optional vector containing the several points on the map to walk through, including the origin and destination.

Implements the algorithm and fixes found on the

Uses a binary heap as described in the rust-lang doc.


  • map - a struct implementing the Map trait.
  • from - the origin.
  • to - the destination.


Panics if from or to are out of bounds of the map.


use torchbearer::{
    path::{astar_path_fourwaygrid, PathMap},

struct SampleMap {
    width: i32,
    height: i32,
    walkable: Vec<bool>,

impl SampleMap {
    fn new(width: i32, height: i32) -> Self {
        // (…)

impl PathMap for SampleMap {
    fn dimensions(&self) -> (i32, i32) {
        (self.width, self.height)

    fn is_walkable(&self, (x, y): Point) -> bool {
        self.walkable[(x + y * self.width) as usize]

let sample_map = SampleMap::new(16, 10);

// (…) You probably want at this point to add some walls to your map.

if let Some(path) = astar_path_fourwaygrid(&sample_map, (1, 1), (3, 8)) {
    // (…)