Function torchbearer::fov::field_of_view

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pub fn field_of_view<T: VisionMap>(
    map: &T,
    from: Point,
    radius: i32
) -> Vec<(i32, i32)>
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An implementation of the field of view algorithm using basic raycasting. Returns a vector containing all points visible from the starting position, including the starting position.

Adapted the algorithm found on the visibility determination. For a comparison of the different raycasting types, advantages and disavantages, see roguebasin’s comparison

It differs from the original algorithm in the way it decides where to cast rays: It uses a circle around the center instead of a square, which avoids the necessity of error correction.

The result is more homogeneous and faster.


  • map - A struct implementing the VisionMap trait.
  • from - The origin/center of the field of vision.
  • radius - How far the vision should go. Should be higher or equal to 0 (If 0 or less, you only see yourself).


Panics if from is out of the map bounds.


use torchbearer::{
    fov::{field_of_view, VisionMap},

struct SampleMap {
    width: i32,
    height: i32,
    transparent: Vec<bool>,

impl SampleMap {
    fn new(width: i32, height: i32) -> Self {
        // (…)

impl VisionMap for SampleMap {
    fn dimensions(&self) -> (i32, i32) {
        (self.width, self.height)

    fn is_transparent(&self, (x, y): Point) -> bool {
        self.transparent[(x + y * self.width) as usize]

let sample_map = SampleMap::new(16, 10);

// (…) You probably want at this point to add some walls to your map.
let from = (1, 1);
let radius = 5;
let visible_positions = field_of_view(&sample_map, from, radius);

for visible_position in visible_positions {
    // (…)