tor-llcrypto 0.4.0

Low level cryptography wrappers used by Tor
//! Key manipulation functions for use with public keys.
//! Tor does some interesting and not-standard things with its
//! curve25519 and ed25519 keys, for several reasons.
//! In order to prove ownership of a curve25519 private key, Tor
//! converts it into an ed25519 key, and then uses that ed25519 key to
//! sign its identity key.  We implement this conversion with
//! [`convert_curve25519_to_ed25519_public`] and
//! [`convert_curve25519_to_ed25519_private`].
//! In Tor's v3 onion service design, Tor uses a _key blinding_
//! algorithm to derive a publicly known Ed25519 key from a different
//! Ed25519 key used as the .onion address.  This algorithm allows
//! directories to validate the signatures on onion service
//! descriptors, without knowing which services they represent.  We
//! implement this blinding operation via [`blind_pubkey`].
//! ## TODO
//! Recommend more standardized ways to do these things.

use crate::pk;
use thiserror::Error;

pub use ed25519_dalek::{ExpandedSecretKey, Keypair, PublicKey, SecretKey, Signature};

/// Convert a curve25519 public key (with sign bit) to an ed25519
/// public key, for use in ntor key cross-certification.
/// Note that this formula is not standardized; don't use
/// it for anything besides cross-certification.
pub fn convert_curve25519_to_ed25519_public(
    pubkey: &pk::curve25519::PublicKey,
    signbit: u8,
) -> Option<pk::ed25519::PublicKey> {
    use curve25519_dalek::montgomery::MontgomeryPoint;

    let point = MontgomeryPoint(*pubkey.as_bytes());
    let edpoint = point.to_edwards(signbit)?;

    // TODO: This is inefficient; we shouldn't have to re-compress
    // this point to get the public key we wanted.  But there's no way
    // with the current API that I can to construct an ed25519 public
    // key from a compressed point.
    let compressed_y = edpoint.compress();

/// Convert a curve25519 private key to an ed25519 private key (and
/// give a sign bit) to use with it, for use in ntor key cross-certification.
/// Note that this formula is not standardized; don't use
/// it for anything besides cross-certification.
/// *NEVER* use these keys to sign inputs that may be generated by an
/// attacker.
/// # Panics
/// If the `debug_assertions` feature is enabled, this function will
/// double-check that the key it is about to return is the right
/// private key for the public key returned by
/// `convert_curve25519_to_ed25519_public`.
/// This panic should be impossible unless there are implementation
/// bugs.
/// # Availability
/// This function is only available when the `relay` feature is enabled.
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "relay"))]
pub fn convert_curve25519_to_ed25519_private(
    privkey: &pk::curve25519::StaticSecret,
) -> Option<(pk::ed25519::ExpandedSecretKey, u8)> {
    use crate::d::Sha512;
    use digest::Digest;
    use zeroize::Zeroizing;

    let h = Sha512::new()
        .chain_update(&b"Derive high part of ed25519 key from curve25519 key\0"[..])

    let mut bytes = Zeroizing::new([0_u8; 64]);

    let result = pk::ed25519::ExpandedSecretKey::from_bytes(&bytes[..]).ok()?;
    let pubkey: pk::ed25519::PublicKey = (&result).into();
    let signbit = pubkey.as_bytes()[31] >> 7;

        let curve_pubkey1 = pk::curve25519::PublicKey::from(privkey);
        let ed_pubkey1 = convert_curve25519_to_ed25519_public(&curve_pubkey1, signbit)?;
        assert_eq!(ed_pubkey1, pubkey);

    Some((result, signbit))

/// An error occurred during a key-blinding operation.
#[derive(Error, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum BlindingError {
    /// A bad public key was provided for blinding
    #[error("Public key was invalid")]
    /// Dalek failed the scalar multiplication
    #[error("Key blinding failed")]

// Convert this dalek error to a BlindingError
impl From<ed25519_dalek::SignatureError> for BlindingError {
    fn from(_: ed25519_dalek::SignatureError) -> BlindingError {

/// Blind the ed25519 public key `pk` using the blinding parameter
/// `param`, and return the blinded public key.
/// This algorithm is described in `rend-spec-v3.txt`, section A.2.
/// In the terminology of that section, the value `pk` corresponds to
/// `A`, and the value `param` corresponds to `h`.
/// Note that the approach used to clamp `param` to a scalar means
/// that different possible values for `param` may yield the same
/// output for a given `pk`.  This and other limitations make this
/// function unsuitable for use outside the context of
/// `rend-spec-v3.txt` without careful analysis.
/// # Errors
/// This function can fail if the input is not actually a valid
/// Ed25519 public key.
/// # Availability
/// This function is only available when the `hsv3-client` feature is enabled.
#[cfg(feature = "hsv3-client")]
pub fn blind_pubkey(pk: &PublicKey, mut param: [u8; 32]) -> Result<PublicKey, BlindingError> {
    use curve25519_dalek::edwards::CompressedEdwardsY;
    use curve25519_dalek::scalar::Scalar;

    // Clamp the blinding parameter
    param[0] &= 248;
    param[31] &= 63;
    param[31] |= 64;

    // Transform it into a scalar so that we can do scalar mult
    let blinding_factor = Scalar::from_bytes_mod_order(param);

    // Convert the public key to a point on the curve
    let pubkey_point = CompressedEdwardsY(pk.to_bytes())

    // Do the scalar multiplication and get a point back
    let blinded_pubkey_point = (blinding_factor * pubkey_point).compress();
    // Turn the point back into bytes and return it

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn curve_to_ed_compatible() {
        use crate::pk::{curve25519, ed25519};
        use crate::util::rand_compat::RngCompatExt;
        use signature::Verifier;
        use tor_basic_utils::test_rng::testing_rng;

        let rng = testing_rng().rng_compat();

        let curve_sk = curve25519::StaticSecret::new(rng);
        let curve_pk = curve25519::PublicKey::from(&curve_sk);

        let (ed_sk, signbit) = convert_curve25519_to_ed25519_private(&curve_sk).unwrap();
        let ed_pk1: ed25519::PublicKey = (&ed_sk).into();
        let ed_pk2 = convert_curve25519_to_ed25519_public(&curve_pk, signbit).unwrap();

        let msg = b"tis the gift to be simple";
        let sig1 = ed_sk.sign(&msg[..], &ed_pk1);
        assert!(ed_pk1.verify(&msg[..], &sig1).is_ok());
        assert!(ed_pk2.verify(&msg[..], &sig1).is_ok());

        assert_eq!(ed_pk1, ed_pk2);

    #[cfg(feature = "hsv3-client")]
    fn blinding() {
        // Test the ed25519 blinding function.
        // These test vectors are from our ed25519 implementation and related
        // functions. These were automatically generated by the
        // script in little-t-tor and they are also used by
        // little-t-tor and onionbalance:
        let pubkeys = vec![
        let params = vec![
        let blinded_pubkeys = vec![

        for i in 0..pubkeys.len() {
            let pk = PublicKey::from_bytes(&hex::decode(pubkeys[i]).unwrap()).unwrap();

            let blinded_pk = blind_pubkey(&pk, hex::decode(params[i]).unwrap().try_into().unwrap());
