tor-dirmgr 0.0.2

Bootstrap and update an accurate Tor network directory
//! `tor-dirmgr`: Code to fetch, store, and update Tor directory information.
//! # Overview
//! This crate is part of
//! [Arti](, a project to
//! implement [Tor]( in Rust.
//! In its current design, Tor requires a set of up-to-date
//! authenticated directory documents in order to build multi-hop
//! anonymized circuits through the network.
//! This directory manager crate is responsible for figuring out which
//! directory information we lack, downloading what we're missing, and
//! keeping a cache of it on disk.
//! # Compile-time features
//! `mmap` (default) -- Use memory mapping to reduce the memory load for
//! reading large directory objects from disk.
//! `static` -- Try to link with a static copy of sqlite3.
//! `routerdesc` -- (Incomplete) support for downloading and storing
//!      router descriptors.


pub mod authority;
mod bootstrap;
mod config;
mod docid;
mod docmeta;
mod err;
mod event;
mod retry;
mod shared_ref;
mod state;
mod storage;

use crate::docid::{CacheUsage, ClientRequest, DocQuery};
use crate::shared_ref::SharedMutArc;
use crate::storage::sqlite::SqliteStore;
pub use retry::DownloadSchedule;
use tor_circmgr::CircMgr;
use tor_netdir::NetDir;
use tor_netdoc::doc::netstatus::ConsensusFlavor;

use futures::{channel::oneshot, task::SpawnExt};
use tor_rtcompat::{Runtime, SleepProviderExt};
use tracing::{info, trace, warn};

use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::{collections::HashMap, sync::Weak};
use std::{fmt::Debug, time::SystemTime};

pub use authority::{Authority, AuthorityBuilder};
pub use config::{
    DirMgrConfig, DirMgrConfigBuilder, DownloadScheduleConfig, DownloadScheduleConfigBuilder,
    NetworkConfig, NetworkConfigBuilder,
pub use docid::DocId;
pub use err::Error;
pub use event::DirEvent;
pub use storage::DocumentText;
pub use tor_netdir::fallback::{FallbackDir, FallbackDirBuilder};

/// A Result as returned by this crate.
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;

/// A directory manager to download, fetch, and cache a Tor directory.
/// A DirMgr can operate in three modes:
///   * In **offline** mode, it only reads from the cache, and can
///     only read once.
///   * In **read-only** mode, it reads from the cache, but checks
///     whether it can acquire an associated lock file.  If it can, then
///     it enters read-write mode.  If not, it checks the cache
///     periodically for new information.
///   * In **read-write** mode, it knows that no other process will be
///     writing to the cache, and it takes responsibility for fetching
///     data from the network and updating the directory with new
///     directory information.
pub struct DirMgr<R: Runtime> {
    /// Configuration information: where to find directories, how to
    /// validate them, and so on.
    config: DirMgrConfig,
    /// Handle to our sqlite cache.
    // XXXX I'd like to use an rwlock, but that's not feasible, since
    // rusqlite::Connection isn't Sync.
    store: Mutex<SqliteStore>,
    /// Our latest sufficiently bootstrapped directory, if we have one.
    /// We use the RwLock so that we can give this out to a bunch of other
    /// users, and replace it once a new directory is bootstrapped.
    netdir: SharedMutArc<NetDir>,

    /// A flag that gets set whenever the _consensus_ part of `netdir` has
    /// changed.
    netdir_consensus_changed: AtomicBool,

    /// A flag that gets set whenever the _descriptors_ part of `netdir` has
    /// changed without adding a new consensus.
    netdir_descriptors_changed: AtomicBool,

    /// A publisher handle, used to inform others about changes in the
    /// status of this directory handle.
    publisher: event::Publisher,

    /// A circuit manager, if this DirMgr supports downloading.
    circmgr: Option<Arc<CircMgr<R>>>,

    /// Our asynchronous runtime.
    runtime: R,

impl<R: Runtime> DirMgr<R> {
    /// Try to load the directory from disk, without launching any
    /// kind of update process.
    /// This function runs in **offline** mode: it will give an error
    /// if the result is not up-to-date, or not fully downloaded.
    /// In general, you shouldn't use this function in a long-running
    /// program; it's only suitable for command-line or batch tools.
    // TODO: I wish this function didn't have to be async or take a runtime.
    pub async fn load_once(runtime: R, config: DirMgrConfig) -> Result<Arc<NetDir>> {
        let dirmgr = Arc::new(Self::from_config(config, runtime, None, true)?);

        // TODO: add some way to return a directory that isn't up-to-date
        let _success = dirmgr.load_directory().await?;


    /// Return a current netdir, either loading it or bootstrapping it
    /// as needed.
    /// Like load_once, but will try to bootstrap (or wait for another
    /// process to bootstrap) if we don't have an up-to-date
    /// bootstrapped directory.
    /// In general, you shouldn't use this function in a long-running
    /// program; it's only suitable for command-line or batch tools.
    pub async fn load_or_bootstrap_once(
        config: DirMgrConfig,
        runtime: R,
        circmgr: Arc<CircMgr<R>>,
    ) -> Result<Arc<NetDir>> {
        let dirmgr = DirMgr::bootstrap_from_config(config, runtime, circmgr).await?;

    /// Return a new directory manager from a given configuration,
    /// bootstrapping from the network as necessary.
    /// This function will to return until the directory is
    /// bootstrapped enough to build circuits.  It will also launch a
    /// background task that fetches any missing information, and that
    /// replaces the directory when a new one is available.
    pub async fn bootstrap_from_config(
        config: DirMgrConfig,
        runtime: R,
        circmgr: Arc<CircMgr<R>>,
    ) -> Result<Arc<Self>> {
        let dirmgr = Arc::new(DirMgr::from_config(

        // Try to load from the cache.
        let have_directory = dirmgr.load_directory().await?;

        let (mut sender, receiver) = if have_directory {
            info!("Loaded a good directory from cache.");
            (None, None)
        } else {
            info!("Didn't get usable directory from cache.");
            let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
            (Some(sender), Some(receiver))

        // Whether we loaded or not, we now start downloading.
        let dirmgr_weak = Arc::downgrade(&dirmgr);
        runtime.spawn(async move {
            // NOTE: This is a daemon task.  It should eventually get
            // treated as one.

            // TODO: don't warn when these are Error::ManagerDropped: that
            // means that the DirMgr has been shut down.
            if let Err(e) = Self::reload_until_owner(&dirmgr_weak, &mut sender).await {
                warn!("Unrecovered error while waiting for bootstrap: {}", e);
            } else if let Err(e) = Self::download_forever(dirmgr_weak, sender).await {
                warn!("Unrecovered error while downloading: {}", e);

        if let Some(receiver) = receiver {
            match receiver.await {
                Ok(()) => {
                    info!("We have enough information to build circuits.");
                Err(_) => {
                    warn!("Bootstrapping task exited before finishing.");
                    return Err(Error::CantAdvanceState);


    /// Try forever to either lock the storage (and thereby become the
    /// owner), or to reload the database.
    /// If we have begin to have a bootstrapped directory, send a
    /// message using `on_complete`.
    /// If we eventually become the owner, return Ok().
    async fn reload_until_owner(
        weak: &Weak<Self>,
        on_complete: &mut Option<oneshot::Sender<()>>,
    ) -> Result<()> {
        let mut logged = false;
        let mut bootstrapped;
        let runtime;
            let dirmgr = upgrade_weak_ref(weak)?;
            runtime = dirmgr.runtime.clone();
            bootstrapped = dirmgr.netdir.get().is_some();

        loop {
                let dirmgr = upgrade_weak_ref(weak)?;
                trace!("Trying to take ownership of the directory cache lock");
                if dirmgr.try_upgrade_to_readwrite()? {
                    // We now own the lock!  (Maybe we owned it before; the
                    // upgrade_to_readwrite() function is idempotent.)  We can
                    // do our own bootstrapping.
                    if logged {
                        info!("The previous owning process has given up the lock. We are now in charge of managing the directory.");
                    return Ok(());

            if !logged {
                logged = true;
                if bootstrapped {
                    info!("Another process is managing the directory. We'll use its cache.");
                } else {
                    info!("Another process is bootstrapping the directory. Waiting till it finishes or exits.");

            // We don't own the lock.  Somebody else owns the cache.  They
            // should be updating it.  Wait a bit, then try again.
            let pause = if bootstrapped {
                std::time::Duration::new(120, 0)
            } else {
                std::time::Duration::new(5, 0)
            // TODO: instead of loading the whole thing we should have a
            // database entry that says when the last update was, or use
            // our state functions.
                let dirmgr = upgrade_weak_ref(weak)?;
                trace!("Trying to load from the directory cache");
                if dirmgr.load_directory().await? {
                    // Successfully loaded a bootstrapped directory.
                    if let Some(send_done) = on_complete.take() {
                        let _ = send_done.send(());
                    if !bootstrapped {
                        info!("The directory is now bootstrapped.");
                    bootstrapped = true;

    /// Try to fetch our directory info and keep it updated, indefinitely.
    /// If we have begin to have a bootstrapped directory, send a
    /// message using `on_complete`.
    async fn download_forever(
        weak: Weak<Self>,
        mut on_complete: Option<oneshot::Sender<()>>,
    ) -> Result<()> {
        let mut state: Box<dyn DirState> = Box::new(state::GetConsensusState::new(

        let (retry_config, runtime) = {
            let dirmgr = upgrade_weak_ref(&weak)?;

        loop {
            let mut usable = false;
            let mut retry_delay = retry_config.schedule();

            'retry_attempt: for _ in retry_config.attempts() {
                let (newstate, recoverable_err) =
                    bootstrap::download(Weak::clone(&weak), state, &mut on_complete).await?;
                state = newstate;

                if let Some(err) = recoverable_err {
                    if state.is_ready(Readiness::Usable) {
                        usable = true;
                        info!("Unable to completely download a directory: {}.  Nevertheless, the directory is usable, so we'll pause for now.", err);
                        break 'retry_attempt;

                    let delay = retry_delay.next_delay(&mut rand::thread_rng());
                        "Unable to download a usable directory: {}.  We will restart in {:?}.",
                        err, delay
                    state = state.reset()?;
                } else {
                    info!("Directory is complete.");
                    usable = true;
                    break 'retry_attempt;

            if !usable {
                // we ran out of attempts.
                    "We failed {} times to bootstrap a directory. We're going to give up.",
                return Err(Error::CantAdvanceState);
            } else {
                // Report success, if appropriate.
                if let Some(send_done) = on_complete.take() {
                    let _ = send_done.send(());

            let reset_at = state.reset_time();
            match reset_at {
                Some(t) => runtime.sleep_until_wallclock(t).await,
                None => return Ok(()),
            state = state.reset()?;

    /// Get a reference to the circuit manager, if we have one.
    fn circmgr(&self) -> Result<Arc<CircMgr<R>>> {

    /// Try to make this a directory manager with read-write access to its
    /// storage.
    /// Return true if we got the lock, or if we already had it.
    /// Return false if another process has the lock
    fn try_upgrade_to_readwrite(&self) -> Result<bool> {
            .expect("Directory storage lock poisoned")

    /// Return a reference to the store, if it is currently read-write.
    fn store_if_rw(&self) -> Option<&Mutex<SqliteStore>> {
        let rw = !self
            .expect("Directory storage lock poisoned")
        // A race-condition is possible here, but I believe it's harmless.
        if rw {
        } else {

    /// Construct a DirMgr from a DirMgrConfig.
    fn from_config(
        config: DirMgrConfig,
        runtime: R,
        circmgr: Option<Arc<CircMgr<R>>>,
        readonly: bool,
    ) -> Result<Self> {
        let store = Mutex::new(config.open_sqlite_store(readonly)?);
        let netdir = SharedMutArc::new();
        let netdir_consensus_changed = AtomicBool::new(false);
        let netdir_descriptors_changed = AtomicBool::new(false);
        let publisher = event::Publisher::new();
        Ok(DirMgr {

    /// Load the latest non-pending non-expired directory from the
    /// cache, if it is newer than the one we have.
    /// Return false if there is no such consensus.
    async fn load_directory(self: &Arc<Self>) -> Result<bool> {
        let state = state::GetConsensusState::new(Arc::downgrade(self), CacheUsage::CacheOnly)?;
        let _ = bootstrap::load(Arc::clone(self), Box::new(state)).await?;


    /// Return an Arc handle to our latest directory, if we have one.
    /// This is a private method, since by the time anybody else has a
    /// handle to a DirMgr, the NetDir should definitely be
    /// bootstrapped.
    fn opt_netdir(&self) -> Option<Arc<NetDir>> {

    /// Return an Arc handle to our latest directory, if we have one.
    // TODO: Add variants of this that make sure that it's up-to-date?
    pub fn netdir(&self) -> Arc<NetDir> {
        self.opt_netdir().expect("DirMgr was not bootstrapped!")

    /// Return a new asynchronous stream about events taking place with
    /// this directory manager.
    /// The caller must regularly process events from this stream to
    /// prevent it from blocking.
    pub fn events(&self) -> impl futures::Stream<Item = DirEvent> {

    /// Try to load the text of a single document described by `doc` from
    /// storage.
    pub fn text(&self, doc: &DocId) -> Result<Option<DocumentText>> {
        use itertools::Itertools;
        let mut result = HashMap::new();
        let query = (*doc).into();
        self.load_documents_into(&query, &mut result)?;
        let item = result.into_iter().at_most_one().map_err(|_| {
            Error::CacheCorruption("Found more than one entry in storage for given docid")
        if let Some((docid, doctext)) = item {
            if &docid != doc {
                return Err(Error::CacheCorruption(
                    "Item from storage had incorrect docid.",
        } else {

    /// Load the text for a collection of documents.
    /// If many of the documents have the same type, this can be more
    /// efficient than calling [`text`](Self::text).
    pub fn texts<T>(&self, docs: T) -> Result<HashMap<DocId, DocumentText>>
        T: IntoIterator<Item = DocId>,
        let partitioned = docid::partition_by_type(docs);
        let mut result = HashMap::new();
        for (_, query) in partitioned.into_iter() {
            self.load_documents_into(&query, &mut result)?;

    /// If the consensus has changed, notify any subscribers.
    // TODO: I don't like all the different places in `bootstrap`
    // where we have to call this function.  Can we simplify it or
    // clean it up somehow?  Maybe we can build some kind of intelligence into
    // shared_ref?
    pub(crate) async fn notify(&self) {
        if self.netdir_consensus_changed.swap(false, Ordering::SeqCst) {
        if self
            .swap(false, Ordering::SeqCst)

    /// Load all the documents for a single DocumentQuery from the store.
    fn load_documents_into(
        query: &DocQuery,
        result: &mut HashMap<DocId, DocumentText>,
    ) -> Result<()> {
        use DocQuery::*;
        let store ="Directory storage lock poisoned");
        match query {
            LatestConsensus {
            } => {
                if *cache_usage == CacheUsage::MustDownload {
                    // Do nothing: we don't want a cached consensus.
                    trace!("MustDownload is set; not checking for cached consensus.");
                } else if let Some(c) =
                    store.latest_consensus(*flavor, cache_usage.pending_requirement())?
                    trace!("Found a reasonable consensus in the cache");
                    let id = DocId::LatestConsensus {
                        flavor: *flavor,
                        cache_usage: *cache_usage,
                    result.insert(id, c.into());
            AuthCert(ids) => result.extend(
                    .map(|(id, c)| (DocId::AuthCert(id), DocumentText::from_string(c))),
            Microdesc(digests) => {
                        .map(|(id, md)| (DocId::Microdesc(id), DocumentText::from_string(md))),
            #[cfg(feature = "routerdesc")]
            RouterDesc(digests) => result.extend(
                    .map(|(id, rd)| (DocId::RouterDesc(id), DocumentText::from_string(rd))),

    /// Convert a DocQuery into a set of ClientRequests, suitable for sending
    /// to a directory cache.
    /// This conversion has to be a function of the dirmgr, since it may
    /// require knowledge about our current state.
    fn query_into_requests(&self, q: DocQuery) -> Result<Vec<ClientRequest>> {
        let mut res = Vec::new();
        for q in q.split_for_download() {
            match q {
                DocQuery::LatestConsensus { flavor, .. } => {
                DocQuery::AuthCert(ids) => {
                DocQuery::Microdesc(ids) => {
                #[cfg(feature = "routerdesc")]
                DocQuery::RouterDesc(ids) => {

    /// Construct an appropriate ClientRequest to download a consensus
    /// of the given flavor.
    fn make_consensus_request(&self, flavor: ConsensusFlavor) -> Result<ClientRequest> {
        let mut request = tor_dirclient::request::ConsensusRequest::new(flavor);

        let r ="Directory storage lock poisoned");
        match r.latest_consensus_meta(flavor) {
            Ok(Some(meta)) => {
            Ok(None) => {}
            Err(e) => {
                warn!("Error loading directory metadata: {}", e);


    /// Given a request we sent and the response we got from a
    /// directory server, see whether we should expand that response
    /// into "something larger".
    /// Currently, this handles expanding consensus diffs, and nothing
    /// else.  We do it at this stage of our downloading operation
    /// because it requires access to the store.
    fn expand_response_text(&self, req: &ClientRequest, text: String) -> Result<String> {
        if let ClientRequest::Consensus(req) = req {
            if tor_consdiff::looks_like_diff(&text) {
                if let Some(old_d) = req.old_consensus_digests().next() {
                    let db_val = {
                        let s ="Directory storage lock poisoned");
                    if let Some((old_consensus, meta)) = db_val {
                        info!("Applying a consensus diff");
                        let new_consensus = tor_consdiff::apply_diff(
                        return Ok(new_consensus.to_string());
                return Err(Error::Unwanted(
                    "Received a consensus diff we did not ask for",

/// A degree of readiness for a given directory state object.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
enum Readiness {
    /// There is no more information to download.
    /// There is more information to download, but we don't need to

/// A "state" object used to represent our progress in downloading a
/// directory.
/// These state objects are not meant to know about the network, or
/// how to fetch documents at all.  Instead, they keep track of what
/// information they are missing, and what to do when they get that
/// information.
/// Every state object has two possible transitions: "resetting", and
/// "advancing".  Advancing happens when a state has no more work to
/// do, and needs to transform into a different kind of object.
/// Resetting happens when this state needs to go back to an initial
/// state in order to start over -- either because of an error or
/// because the information it has downloaded is no longer timely.
trait DirState: Send {
    /// Return a human-readable description of this state.
    fn describe(&self) -> String;
    /// Return a list of the documents we're missing.
    /// If every document on this list were to be loaded or downloaded, then
    /// the state should either become "ready to advance", or "complete."
    /// This list should never _grow_ on a given state; only advancing
    /// or resetting the state should add new DocIds that weren't
    /// there before.
    fn missing_docs(&self) -> Vec<DocId>;
    /// Describe whether this state has reached `ready` status.
    fn is_ready(&self, ready: Readiness) -> bool;
    /// Return true if this state can advance to another state via its
    /// `advance` method.
    fn can_advance(&self) -> bool;
    /// Add one or more documents from our cache; returns 'true' if there
    /// was any change in this state.
    /// If `storage` is provided, then we should write any state changes into
    /// it.  (We don't read from it in this method.)
    fn add_from_cache(
        &mut self,
        docs: HashMap<DocId, DocumentText>,
        storage: Option<&Mutex<SqliteStore>>,
    ) -> Result<bool>;

    /// Add information that we have just downloaded to this state; returns
    /// 'true' if there as any change in this state.
    /// This method receives a copy of the original request, and
    /// should reject any documents that do not pertain to it.
    /// If `storage` is provided, then we should write any accepted documents
    /// into `storage` so they can be saved in a cache.
    // TODO: It might be good to say "there was a change but also an
    // error" in this API if possible.
    // TODO: It would be better to not have this function be async,
    // once the `must_not_suspend` lint is stable.
    // TODO: this should take a "DirSource" too.
    fn add_from_download(
        &mut self,
        text: &str,
        request: &ClientRequest,
        storage: Option<&Mutex<SqliteStore>>,
    ) -> Result<bool>;
    /// Return a configuration for attempting downloads.
    fn dl_config(&self) -> Result<DownloadSchedule>;
    /// If possible, advance to the next state.
    fn advance(self: Box<Self>) -> Result<Box<dyn DirState>>;
    /// Return a time (if any) when downloaders should stop attempting to
    /// advance this state, and should instead reset it and start over.
    fn reset_time(&self) -> Option<SystemTime>;
    /// Reset this state and start over.
    fn reset(self: Box<Self>) -> Result<Box<dyn DirState>>;

/// Try to upgrade a weak reference to a DirMgr, and give an error on
/// failure.
fn upgrade_weak_ref<T>(weak: &Weak<T>) -> Result<Arc<T>> {

mod test {
    use super::*;
    use crate::docmeta::{AuthCertMeta, ConsensusMeta};
    use std::time::Duration;
    use tempfile::TempDir;
    use tor_netdoc::doc::{authcert::AuthCertKeyIds, netstatus::Lifetime};

    pub(crate) fn new_mgr<R: Runtime>(runtime: R) -> (TempDir, DirMgr<R>) {
        let dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
        let config = DirMgrConfig::builder()
        let dirmgr = DirMgr::from_config(config, runtime, None, false).unwrap();

        (dir, dirmgr)

    fn failing_accessors() {
        tor_rtcompat::test_with_one_runtime!(|rt| async {
            let (_tempdir, mgr) = new_mgr(rt);


    fn load_and_store_internals() {
        tor_rtcompat::test_with_one_runtime!(|rt| async {
            let (_tempdir, mgr) = new_mgr(rt);

            let now = SystemTime::now();
            let tomorrow = now + Duration::from_secs(86400);
            let later = tomorrow + Duration::from_secs(86400);

            // Seed the storage with a bunch of junk.
            let d1 = [5_u8; 32];
            let d2 = [7; 32];
            let d3 = [42; 32];
            let d4 = [99; 20];
            let d5 = [12; 20];
            let certid1 = AuthCertKeyIds {
                id_fingerprint: d4.into(),
                sk_fingerprint: d5.into(),
            let certid2 = AuthCertKeyIds {
                id_fingerprint: d5.into(),
                sk_fingerprint: d4.into(),

                let mut store =;

                            ("Fake micro 1", &d1),
                            ("Fake micro 2", &d2),
                            ("Fake micro 3", &d3),

                #[cfg(feature = "routerdesc")]
                    .store_routerdescs(vec![("Fake rd1", now, &d4), ("Fake rd2", now, &d5)])

                            AuthCertMeta::new(certid1, now, tomorrow),
                            "Fake certificate one",
                            AuthCertMeta::new(certid2, now, tomorrow),
                            "Fake certificate two",

                let cmeta = ConsensusMeta::new(
                    Lifetime::new(now, tomorrow, later).unwrap(),
                    [102; 32],
                    [103; 32],
                    .store_consensus(&cmeta, ConsensusFlavor::Microdesc, false, "Fake consensus!")

            // Try to get it with text().
            let t1 = mgr.text(&DocId::Microdesc(d1)).unwrap().unwrap();
            assert_eq!(t1.as_str(), Ok("Fake micro 1"));

            let t2 = mgr
                .text(&DocId::LatestConsensus {
                    flavor: ConsensusFlavor::Microdesc,
                    cache_usage: CacheUsage::CacheOkay,
            assert_eq!(t2.as_str(), Ok("Fake consensus!"));

            let t3 = mgr.text(&DocId::Microdesc([255; 32])).unwrap();

            // Now try texts()
            let d_bogus = DocId::Microdesc([255; 32]);
            let res = mgr
                    #[cfg(feature = "routerdesc")]
                Ok("Fake micro 2")
                Ok("Fake micro 3")
                Ok("Fake certificate two")
            #[cfg(feature = "routerdesc")]
                Ok("Fake rd2")

    fn make_consensus_request() {
        tor_rtcompat::test_with_one_runtime!(|rt| async {
            let (_tempdir, mgr) = new_mgr(rt);

            let now = SystemTime::now();
            let tomorrow = now + Duration::from_secs(86400);
            let later = tomorrow + Duration::from_secs(86400);

            // Try with an empty store.
            let req = mgr
            match req {
                ClientRequest::Consensus(r) => {
                    assert_eq!(r.old_consensus_digests().count(), 0);
                    assert_eq!(r.last_consensus_date(), None);
                _ => panic!("Wrong request type"),

            // Add a fake consensus record.
            let d_prev = [42; 32];
                let mut store =;

                let cmeta = ConsensusMeta::new(
                    Lifetime::new(now, tomorrow, later).unwrap(),
                    [103; 32],
                    .store_consensus(&cmeta, ConsensusFlavor::Microdesc, false, "Fake consensus!")

            // Now try again.
            let req = mgr
            match req {
                ClientRequest::Consensus(r) => {
                    let ds: Vec<_> = r.old_consensus_digests().collect();
                    assert_eq!(ds.len(), 1);
                    assert_eq!(ds[0], &d_prev);
                    assert_eq!(r.last_consensus_date(), Some(now));
                _ => panic!("Wrong request type"),

    fn make_other_requests() {
        tor_rtcompat::test_with_one_runtime!(|rt| async {
            use rand::Rng;
            let (_tempdir, mgr) = new_mgr(rt);

            let certid1 = AuthCertKeyIds {
                id_fingerprint: [99; 20].into(),
                sk_fingerprint: [100; 20].into(),
            let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
            #[cfg(feature = "routerdesc")]
            let rd_ids: Vec<[u8; 20]> = (0..1000).map(|_| rng.gen()).collect();
            let md_ids: Vec<[u8; 32]> = (0..1000).map(|_| rng.gen()).collect();

            // Try an authcert.
            let query = DocQuery::AuthCert(vec![certid1]);
            let reqs = mgr.query_into_requests(query).unwrap();
            assert_eq!(reqs.len(), 1);
            let req = &reqs[0];
            if let ClientRequest::AuthCert(r) = req {
                assert_eq!(r.keys().next(), Some(&certid1));
            } else {

            // Try a bunch of mds.
            let query = DocQuery::Microdesc(md_ids);
            let reqs = mgr.query_into_requests(query).unwrap();
            assert_eq!(reqs.len(), 2);
            assert!(matches!(reqs[0], ClientRequest::Microdescs(_)));

            // Try a bunch of rds.
            #[cfg(feature = "routerdesc")]
                let query = DocQuery::RouterDesc(rd_ids);
                let reqs = mgr.query_into_requests(query).unwrap();
                assert_eq!(reqs.len(), 2);
                assert!(matches!(reqs[0], ClientRequest::RouterDescs(_)));

    fn expand_response() {
        tor_rtcompat::test_with_one_runtime!(|rt| async {
            let (_tempdir, mgr) = new_mgr(rt);

            // Try a simple request: nothing should happen.
            let q = DocId::Microdesc([99; 32]).into();
            let r = &mgr.query_into_requests(q).unwrap()[0];
            let expanded = mgr.expand_response_text(r, "ABC".to_string());
            assert_eq!(&expanded.unwrap(), "ABC");

            // Try a consensus response that doesn't look like a diff in
            // response to a query that doesn't ask for one.
            let latest_id = DocId::LatestConsensus {
                flavor: ConsensusFlavor::Microdesc,
                cache_usage: CacheUsage::CacheOkay,
            let q: DocQuery = latest_id.into();
            let r = &mgr.query_into_requests(q.clone()).unwrap()[0];
            let expanded = mgr.expand_response_text(r, "DEF".to_string());
            assert_eq!(&expanded.unwrap(), "DEF");

            // Now stick some metadata and a string into the storage so that
            // we can ask for a diff.
                let mut store =;
                let now = SystemTime::now();
                let day = Duration::from_secs(86400);
                let d_in = [0x99; 32]; // This one, we can fake.
                let cmeta = ConsensusMeta::new(
                    Lifetime::new(now, now + day, now + 2 * day).unwrap(),
                        "line 1\nline2\nline 3\n",

            // Try expanding something that isn't a consensus, even if we'd like
            // one.
            let r = &mgr.query_into_requests(q).unwrap()[0];
            let expanded = mgr.expand_response_text(r, "hello".to_string());
            assert_eq!(&expanded.unwrap(), "hello");

            // Finally, try "expanding" a diff (by applying it and checking the digest.
            let diff = "network-status-diff-version 1
hash 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 8382374ca766873eb0d2530643191c6eaa2c5e04afa554cbac349b5d0592d300
replacement line
            let expanded = mgr.expand_response_text(r, diff);

            assert_eq!(expanded.unwrap(), "line 1\nreplacement line\nline 3\n");

            // If the digest is wrong, that should get rejected.
            let diff = "network-status-diff-version 1
hash 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
replacement line
            let expanded = mgr.expand_response_text(r, diff);