tor-config 0.7.0

Low-level configuration for the Arti Tor implementation
//! Miscellaneous types used in configuration
//! This module contains types that need to be shared across various crates
//! and layers, but which don't depend on specific elements of the Tor system.

use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::iter;
use std::net;
use std::num::NonZeroU16;

use educe::Educe;
use either::Either;
use itertools::Itertools;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use strum::{Display, EnumString, IntoStaticStr};

/// Boolean, but with additional `"auto"` option
// This slightly-odd interleaving of derives and attributes stops rustfmt doing a daft thing
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Hash, Debug, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq)]
#[allow(clippy::exhaustive_enums)] // we will add variants very rarely if ever
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(try_from = "BoolOrAutoSerde", into = "BoolOrAutoSerde")]
pub enum BoolOrAuto {
    /// Automatic
    /// Explicitly specified

impl BoolOrAuto {
    /// Returns the explicitly set boolean value, or `None`
    /// ```
    /// use tor_config::BoolOrAuto;
    /// fn calculate_default() -> bool { //...
    /// # false }
    /// let bool_or_auto: BoolOrAuto = // ...
    /// # Default::default();
    /// let _: bool = bool_or_auto.as_bool().unwrap_or_else(|| calculate_default());
    /// ```
    pub fn as_bool(self) -> Option<bool> {
        match self {
            BoolOrAuto::Auto => None,
            BoolOrAuto::Explicit(v) => Some(v),

/// How we (de) serialize a [`BoolOrAuto`]
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
enum BoolOrAutoSerde {
    /// String (in snake case)
    String(Cow<'static, str>),
    /// bool

impl From<BoolOrAuto> for BoolOrAutoSerde {
    fn from(boa: BoolOrAuto) -> BoolOrAutoSerde {
        use BoolOrAutoSerde as BoAS;
            .unwrap_or_else(|| BoAS::String("auto".into()))

/// Boolean or `"auto"` configuration is invalid
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug, Clone)]
#[error(r#"Invalid value, expected boolean or "auto""#)]
pub struct InvalidBoolOrAuto {}

impl TryFrom<BoolOrAutoSerde> for BoolOrAuto {
    type Error = InvalidBoolOrAuto;

    fn try_from(pls: BoolOrAutoSerde) -> Result<BoolOrAuto, Self::Error> {
        use BoolOrAuto as BoA;
        use BoolOrAutoSerde as BoAS;
        Ok(match pls {
            BoAS::Bool(v) => BoA::Explicit(v),
            BoAS::String(s) if s == "false" => BoA::Explicit(false),
            BoAS::String(s) if s == "true" => BoA::Explicit(true),
            BoAS::String(s) if s == "auto" => BoA::Auto,
            _ => return Err(InvalidBoolOrAuto {}),

/// Padding enablement - rough amount of padding requested
/// Padding is cover traffic, used to help mitigate traffic analysis,
/// obscure traffic patterns, and impede router-level data collection.
/// This same enum is used to control padding at various levels of the Tor system.
/// (TODO: actually we don't do circuit padding yet.)
// This slightly-odd interleaving of derives and attributes stops rustfmt doing a daft thing
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Hash, Debug, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq)]
#[allow(clippy::exhaustive_enums)] // we will add variants very rarely if ever
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(try_from = "PaddingLevelSerde", into = "PaddingLevelSerde")]
#[derive(Display, EnumString, IntoStaticStr)]
#[strum(serialize_all = "snake_case")]
pub enum PaddingLevel {
    /// Disable padding completely
    /// Reduced padding (eg for mobile)
    /// Normal padding (the default)

/// How we (de) serialize a [`PaddingLevel`]
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
enum PaddingLevelSerde {
    /// String (in snake case)
    /// We always serialize this way
    String(Cow<'static, str>),
    /// bool

impl From<PaddingLevel> for PaddingLevelSerde {
    fn from(pl: PaddingLevel) -> PaddingLevelSerde {

/// Padding level configuration is invalid
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug, Clone)]
#[error("Invalid padding level")]
struct InvalidPaddingLevel {}

impl TryFrom<PaddingLevelSerde> for PaddingLevel {
    type Error = InvalidPaddingLevel;

    fn try_from(pls: PaddingLevelSerde) -> Result<PaddingLevel, Self::Error> {
        Ok(match pls {
            PaddingLevelSerde::String(s) => {
                s.as_ref().try_into().map_err(|_| InvalidPaddingLevel {})?
            PaddingLevelSerde::Bool(false) => PaddingLevel::None,
            PaddingLevelSerde::Bool(true) => PaddingLevel::Normal,

/// Specification of (possibly) something to listen on (eg, a port, or some addresses/ports)
/// Can represent, at least:
///  * "do not listen"
///  * Listen on the following port on localhost (IPv6 and IPv4)
///  * Listen on precisely the following address and port
///  * Listen on several addresses/ports
/// Currently only IP (v6 and v4) is supported.
#[derive(Clone, Hash, Debug, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(try_from = "ListenSerde", into = "ListenSerde")]
pub struct Listen(Vec<ListenItem>);

impl Listen {
    /// Create a new `Listen` specifying no addresses (no listening)
    pub fn new_none() -> Listen {

    /// Create a new `Listen` specifying listening on a port on localhost
    /// Special case: if `port` is zero, specifies no listening.
    pub fn new_localhost(port: u16) -> Listen {

    /// Create a new `Listen`, possibly specifying listening on a port on localhost
    /// Special case: if `port` is `Some(0)`, also specifies no listening.
    pub fn new_localhost_optional(port: Option<u16>) -> Listen {

    /// List the network socket addresses to listen on
    /// Each returned item is a list of `SocketAddr`,
    /// of which *at least one* must be successfully bound.
    /// It is OK if the others (up to all but one of them)
    /// fail with `EAFNOSUPPORT` ("Address family not supported").
    /// This allows handling of support, or non-support,
    /// for particular address faimilies, eg IPv6 vs IPv4 localhost.
    /// Other errors (eg, `EADDRINUSE`) should always be treated as serious problems.
    /// Fails if the listen spec involves listening on things other than IP addresses.
    /// (Currently that is not possible.)
    pub fn ip_addrs(
    ) -> Result<
        impl Iterator<Item = impl Iterator<Item = net::SocketAddr> + '_> + '_,
    > {
        Ok(self.0.iter().map(|i| i.iter()))

    /// Get the localhost port to listen on
    /// Returns `None` if listening is configured to be disabled.
    /// Fails, giving an unsupported error, if the configuration
    /// isn't just "listen on a single localhost port".
    pub fn localhost_port_legacy(&self) -> Result<Option<u16>, ListenUnsupported> {
        use ListenItem as LI;
        Ok(match &*self.0 {
            [] => None,
            [LI::Localhost(port)] => Some((*port).into()),
            _ => return Err(ListenUnsupported {}),

/// [`Listen`] configuration specified something not supported by application code
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug, Clone)]
#[error("Unsupported listening configuration")]
pub struct ListenUnsupported {}

/// One item in the `Listen`
/// We distinguish `Localhost`,
/// rather than just storing two `net:SocketAddr`,
/// so that we can handle localhost (which means to address families) specially
/// in order to implement `localhost_port_deprecated()`.
#[derive(Clone, Hash, Debug, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
enum ListenItem {
    /// One port, both IPv6 and IPv4

    /// Any other single socket address

impl ListenItem {
    /// Return the `SocketAddr`s implied by this item
    fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = net::SocketAddr> + '_ {
        use net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr};
        use ListenItem as LI;
        match self {
            &LI::Localhost(port) => Either::Left({
                let port = port.into();
                let addrs: [IpAddr; 2] = [Ipv6Addr::LOCALHOST.into(), Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST.into()];
                    .map(move |ip| net::SocketAddr::new(ip, port))
            LI::General(addr) => Either::Right(iter::once(addr).cloned()),

/// How we (de) serialize a [`Listen`]
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
enum ListenSerde {
    /// for `listen = false` (in TOML syntax)

    /// A bare item

    /// An item in a list

/// One item in the list of a list-ish `Listen`, or the plain value
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
enum ListenItemSerde {
    /// An integer.
    /// When appearing "loose" (in ListenSerde::One), `0` is parsed as none.

    /// An string which will be parsed as an address and port
    /// When appearing "loose" (in ListenSerde::One), `""` is parsed as none.

// This implementation isn't fallible, but clippy thinks it is because of the unwrap.
// The unwrap is just there because we can't pattern-match on a Vec
impl From<Listen> for ListenSerde {
    fn from(l: Listen) -> ListenSerde {
        let l = l.0;
        match l.len() {
            0 => ListenSerde::Bool(false),
            1 => ListenSerde::One(l.into_iter().next().expect("len=1 but no next").into()),
            _ => ListenSerde::List(l.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect()),
impl From<ListenItem> for ListenItemSerde {
    fn from(i: ListenItem) -> ListenItemSerde {
        use ListenItem as LI;
        use ListenItemSerde as LIS;
        match i {
            LI::Localhost(port) => LIS::Port(port.into()),
            LI::General(addr) => LIS::String(addr.to_string()),

/// Listen configuration is invalid
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug, Clone)]
pub enum InvalidListen {
    /// Bool was `true` but that's not an address.
    #[error("Invalid listen specification: need actual addr/port, or `false`; not `true`")]

    /// Specified listen was a string but couldn't parse to a [`net::SocketAddr`].
    #[error("Invalid listen specification: failed to parse string: {0}")]
    InvalidString(#[from] net::AddrParseError),

    /// Specified listen was a list containing a zero integer
    #[error("Invalid listen specification: zero (for no port) not permitted in list")]
impl TryFrom<ListenSerde> for Listen {
    type Error = InvalidListen;

    fn try_from(l: ListenSerde) -> Result<Listen, Self::Error> {
        use ListenSerde as LS;
        Ok(Listen(match l {
            LS::Bool(false) => vec![],
            LS::Bool(true) => return Err(InvalidListen::InvalidBool),
            LS::One(i) if i.means_none() => vec![],
            LS::One(i) => vec![i.try_into()?],
            LS::List(l) => l.into_iter().map(|i| i.try_into()).try_collect()?,
impl ListenItemSerde {
    /// Is this item actually a sentinel, meaning "don't listen, disable this thing"?
    /// Allowed only bare, not in a list.
    fn means_none(&self) -> bool {
        use ListenItemSerde as LIS;
        match self {
            &LIS::Port(port) => port == 0,
            LIS::String(s) => s.is_empty(),
impl TryFrom<ListenItemSerde> for ListenItem {
    type Error = InvalidListen;

    fn try_from(i: ListenItemSerde) -> Result<ListenItem, Self::Error> {
        use ListenItem as LI;
        use ListenItemSerde as LIS;
        Ok(match i {
            LIS::String(s) => LI::General(s.parse()?),
            LIS::Port(p) => LI::Localhost(p.try_into().map_err(|_| InvalidListen::ZeroPortInList)?),

mod test {
    // @@ begin test lint list maintained by maint/add_warning @@
    //! <!-- @@ end test lint list maintained by maint/add_warning @@ -->
    use super::*;

    #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
    struct TestConfigFile {
        something_enabled: BoolOrAuto,

        padding: PaddingLevel,

        listen: Option<Listen>,

    fn bool_or_auto() {
        use BoolOrAuto as BoA;

        let chk = |pl, s| {
            let tc: TestConfigFile = toml::from_str(s).expect(s);
            assert_eq!(pl, tc.something_enabled, "{:?}", s);

        chk(BoA::Auto, "");
        chk(BoA::Auto, r#"something_enabled = "auto""#);
        chk(BoA::Explicit(true), r#"something_enabled = true"#);
        chk(BoA::Explicit(true), r#"something_enabled = "true""#);
        chk(BoA::Explicit(false), r#"something_enabled = false"#);
        chk(BoA::Explicit(false), r#"something_enabled = "false""#);

        let chk_e = |s| {
            let tc: Result<TestConfigFile, _> = toml::from_str(s);
            let _ = tc.expect_err(s);

        chk_e(r#"something_enabled = 1"#);
        chk_e(r#"something_enabled = "unknown""#);
        chk_e(r#"something_enabled = "True""#);

    fn padding_level() {
        use PaddingLevel as PL;

        let chk = |pl, s| {
            let tc: TestConfigFile = toml::from_str(s).expect(s);
            assert_eq!(pl, tc.padding, "{:?}", s);

        chk(PL::None, r#"padding = "none""#);
        chk(PL::None, r#"padding = false"#);
        chk(PL::Reduced, r#"padding = "reduced""#);
        chk(PL::Normal, r#"padding = "normal""#);
        chk(PL::Normal, r#"padding = true"#);
        chk(PL::Normal, "");

        let chk_e = |s| {
            let tc: Result<TestConfigFile, _> = toml::from_str(s);
            let _ = tc.expect_err(s);

        chk_e(r#"padding = 1"#);
        chk_e(r#"padding = "unknown""#);
        chk_e(r#"padding = "Normal""#);

    fn listen_parse() {
        use net::{Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr, SocketAddr};
        use ListenItem as LI;

        let localhost6 = |p| SocketAddr::new(Ipv6Addr::LOCALHOST.into(), p);
        let localhost4 = |p| SocketAddr::new(Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST.into(), p);
        let unspec6 = |p| SocketAddr::new(Ipv6Addr::UNSPECIFIED.into(), p);

        #[allow(clippy::needless_pass_by_value)] // we do this for consistency
        fn chk(
            exp_i: Vec<ListenItem>,
            exp_addrs: Result<Vec<Vec<SocketAddr>>, ()>,
            exp_lpd: Result<Option<u16>, ()>,
            s: &str,
        ) {
            let tc: TestConfigFile = toml::from_str(s).expect(s);
            let ll = tc.listen.unwrap();
            eprintln!("s={:?} ll={:?}", &s, &ll);
            assert_eq!(ll, Listen(exp_i));
                    .map(|a||l| l.collect_vec()).collect_vec())
                    .map_err(|_| ()),
            assert_eq!(ll.localhost_port_legacy().map_err(|_| ()), exp_lpd);

        let chk_err = |exp, s: &str| {
            let got: Result<TestConfigFile, _> = toml::from_str(s);
            let got = got.expect_err(s).to_string();
            assert!(got.contains(exp), "s={:?} got={:?} exp={:?}", s, got, exp);

        let chk_none = |s: &str| {
            chk(vec![], Ok(vec![]), Ok(None), &format!("listen = {}", s));
                "", /* any error will do */
                &format!("listen = [ {} ]", s),

        let chk_1 = |v: ListenItem, addrs: Vec<Vec<SocketAddr>>, port, s| {
                &format!("listen = {}", s),
                &format!("listen = [ {} ]", s),
                vec![v, LI::Localhost(23.try_into().unwrap())],
                Ok([addrs, vec![vec![localhost6(23), localhost4(23)]]]
                &format!("listen = [ {}, 23 ]", s),

        chk(vec![], Ok(vec![]), Ok(None), r#"listen = []"#);

            vec![vec![localhost6(42), localhost4(42)]],

        let chk_err_1 = |e, el, s| {
            chk_err(e, &format!("listen = {}", s));
            chk_err(el, &format!("listen = [ {} ]", s));
            chk_err(el, &format!("listen = [ 23, {}, 77 ]", s));

        chk_err_1("need actual addr/port", "did not match any variant", "true");
        chk_err("did not match any variant", r#"listen = [ [] ]"#);