tool 0.2.1

A grab-bag of tools for functional programming.

A grab-bag of useful functions for functional programming.

* Docs:
* Build Status: [![Build Status]]
* Crate: [tool]

## Example

### Non-empty strings

extern crate tool;
use tool::prelude::*;
fn main() {
    let strings: Vec<_> = vec!["my string", "", "asdf", ""]
    assert_eq!(strings, vec!["my string", "asdf"]);

### First item in an iterator of tuples.

extern crate tool;
use tool::prelude::*;
fn main() {
    let strings: Vec<_> = vec![("first", 1), ("second", 2), ("third", 3), ("fourth", 4)]

    assert_eq!(strings, vec!["first", "second", "third", "fourth"]);

## Compile-Time Flags (cargo features)

* `use_std` (default: enabled) - Disable this if you're project doesn't depend on libstd.