tomt_bevycss 0.6.0

Expansion and fixes based on bevy_ecss. Allows for using a slightly wider subset of CSS to interact with Bevy ECS. Now on Bevy 0.11! failed to build tomt_bevycss-0.6.0
Please check the build logs for more information.
See Builds for ideas on how to fix a failed build, or Metadata for how to configure builds.
If you believe this is' fault, open an issue.
Visit the last successful build: tomt_bevycss-0.5.1


MIT/Apache 2.0 Realease Doc Rust Crate Bevy tracking


What is TOMT BevyCSS?

TOMT BevyCSS is a fork project derived from Bevy ECSS, which allows the usage of a subset of CSS to interact with bevy_ecs. It's mainly aimed to apply styling on bevy_ui but it can be used by any component by implementing custom properties.

The primary goals for this project fork are as follows:

  • Provide more frequent updates for downstream crates
  • Improve upon and expand the existing documentation, tests and examples for downstream users
  • Expand on the feature set currently offered by BevyECSS

Package name?

  • TOMT = Tome of Many Things
  • BevyCSS = Bevy + CSS, This library brings CSS features into the Bevy UI

Who is TOMT (Tome of Many Things)?

Tome of Many Things is a small friendship group with various internet projects, primarily focussing on the Tome of Many Things YouTube channel.

This library project is brought to you by TheBeardedQuack (GitHub, YouTube), forked from BevyECSS, and released under the same MIT and Apahe v2.0 licences to allow for continued freedom of use, modification and distribution.

This crate marks the first public release from both Tome of Many Things.

Changes from BevyECSS

Future Goals

  • Update crate dependencies
  • Backport fixes into BevyECSS
  • Higher level language support (LESS / SCSS / SASS)
  • Add CSS color functions

Getting Started (Usage)

To use TOMT_BevyCSS just add a StyleSheet with a loaded css file to any entity and all style sheet rules will be applied to the entity and all its descendants (children of children of children and so on).

use bevy::prelude::*;
use tomt_bevycss::prelude::*;

fn setup_awesome_ui(root: Entity, mut commands: Commands, asset_server: Res<AssetServer>) {

That's it, now your UI will indeed look awesome!

CSS Support

This crate aims to support the most common CSS features first, and add more over time as suggestions are provided. This for now means that only a subset of CSS features are provided.

To view the currently supported CSS features, please see CSS Support (docs/

Custom Component Selector

TOMT_BevyCSS supports custom component selectors so you're not limited to components provided by bevy.

Should you need a core bevy component available as a selector that is not currently supported, this feature can also be used to roll your own support. Should you decide to roll your own selector for any bevy built-in componenets, pull requests will be appreciated.


See Custom Components (docs/ for more information.

Custom Property

TOMT_BevyCSS supports custom property setters.

This with the above custom component select should enable you to use the CSS system for more than just styling if you so desired.

pub(crate) struct MyProperty;

impl Property for MyProperty
    /* For implementation details please see:

fn main()
    let mut app = App::new();

See Custom Properties (docs/ for more information.

Bevy support table

bevy tomt_bevycss
0.8 0.1
0.9 0.2
0.10 0.3
0.10 0.4.x
0.11 0.5.x
0.12 0.6.x


Got some idea, feedback, question or found a bug? Feel free to open an issue at any time!


TOMT_BevyCSS is dual-licensed under either:

This means you can select the license you prefer! This dual-licensing approach is the de-facto standard in the Rust ecosystem and there are very good reasons to include both.

Special Thanks

I'd like to say a quick thank you to those who've contributed with development of this crate.

  • Leinnan - Bevy 0.12 Support
  • cntheat - Beta testing and feedback for each version, with an actual game