toml_edit 0.5.0

Yet another format-preserving TOML parser.
# Changelog

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog].

[Keep a Changelog]:

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## [Unreleased] - ReleaseDate

## [0.5.0] - 2021-09-30

#### Performance

| toml_edit | `cargo init` Cargo.toml | Cargo's Cargo.toml |
| HEAD      | 4.0 us                  | 149 us             |

| toml_edit::easy | `cargo init` Cargo.toml | Cargo's Cargo.toml |
| v0.4.0          | 16.9 us                 | 602 us             |
| HEAD            | 5.0 us                  | 179 us             |

| toml    | `cargo init` Cargo.toml | Cargo's Cargo.toml |
| v0.5.8  | 4.7 us                  | 121 us             |

- Removed ambiguity between `String` and `Datetime` when deserializing
- Hand implemented `Deserialize` for `toml_edit::easy::Value` to dispatch on type, rather than trying every variant.

#### Breaking Changes

- `Datetime` is no longer a string in `serde`s data model but a proprietary type.

## [0.4.0] - 2021-09-29

#### Breaking Changes

- Changed some strings callers generally don't interact with (e.g.
  `Into<String>`) to an opaque type, allowing us to change how we allocate most
  strings without requiring breaking changes in the future.
  - This impacts `Key`, `Repr`, and `Decor`
  - This does not impact `Value`, assuming people want a familiar type over performance

#### Fixes

- Support trailing quotes in strings

#### Performance

| toml_edit | `cargo init` Cargo.toml | Cargo's Cargo.toml |
| v0.3.1    | 8.7 us                  | 271 us             |
| HEAD      | 4.1 us                  | 150 us             |

| toml_edit::easy | `cargo init` Cargo.toml | Cargo's Cargo.toml |
| v0.3.1          | 21.2 us                 | 661 us             |
| HEAD            | 18.6 us                 | 630 us             |

| toml    | `cargo init` Cargo.toml | Cargo's Cargo.toml |
| v0.5.8  | 4.8 us                  | 125 us             |

Changes include:
- Batch create strings
- Small-string optimization
- Removed superfluous allocations
- Switched from recursion to looping
- Avoid decoding bytes to `char`
- Optimized grammar selection rules which also reduced allocations further

## [0.3.1] - 2021-09-14

#### Fixes

- Sane default formatting for arrays

## [0.3.0] - 2021-09-13

- Added support for TOML 1.0, with [one functional caveat] and [one format-preserving caveat]
- Added `Item::into_value`
- Changed `Table` and `InlineTable` to be more Map-like
- Expanded support in `TableLike`
- Added [toml-rs] API via the `toml_edit::easy` module for when developers want to ensure consistency between format-preserving and general TOML work, with [one caveat]
- Exposed more control over formatting, with ability to modify any key or value whitespace.
- Fixed it so we preserve formatting on dotted keys in standard table headers
- Dropped `chrono` dependency

This release was sponsored by Futurewei

## [0.2.1] - 2021-06-07
- Added `Table::decor`. [#97]
- Added `IterMut` for `Table`. [#100]
- Added `Table::get_mut`. [#106]
- Updated `combine` to 4.5. [#107]

## 0.2.0 - 2020-06-18
- Added format preserving mutation functions for `Array`. [#88]
### Breaking
- `array.push` now returns a `Result`.

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